Home > Vanishing Act (Survivor's Duet #1)

Vanishing Act (Survivor's Duet #1)
Author: Heather D'Agostino

Chapter 1

6 years ago…


“Are you sure?” I swallowed hard against the knot in my throat. I’d woken up this morning sick to my stomach. I’d been feeling under the weather for the last few days. Warren pretty much ordered me to ‘go fix whatever was wrong.’ I assumed it was stress, or maybe another concussion. I’d had them before and felt nauseous.

“I’m sure.” Dr. McGee stood in front of me making notes on my chart. “I’ll need to see you back here in four weeks for a check-up.” I took a few deep breaths and kept my eyes trained on the tile floor. This was not going to be good news. “Brooke,” Dr. McGee paused in her writing, “is everything ok?”

I nodded my head without looking up, “Yeah.” The truth was, nothing was fine at the moment. My shoulder still ached from the fall down the stairs last week. The bruise on my cheek was finally healed enough that I didn’t have to cake on the makeup anymore, but this… this was sure to put him over the edge. How was I supposed to protect a baby if I couldn’t even protect myself? “I’ll be fine. Just a little nervous, I guess.” I swallowed again, hoping that the bile that was churning in my gut stayed down.

“Is this your first?” Dr. McGee smiled softly.

“Un huh.” I glanced at my hands in my lap. My heart was thundering so loud in my ears, I could barely hear her.

“Make sure you stop by the desk out front to make your next appointment, and relax. Everyone gets nervous with the first one.”

As the door clicked shut, leaving me in there alone, I could feel the walls closing in on me. What was I going to do? Warren was going to flip when he found out. If one of my accidents didn’t get rid of this baby, I wasn’t sure what he’d do. It was simple, I was going to have to hide it from him.


It didn’t take me long to get home. I slowly climbed the steps to the front door, and listened. Warren’s car wasn’t in the driveway, but sometimes he parked around the corner. He was constantly surprising me, and not in a good way. I carefully turned the lock, and pushed the door open. The house was quiet, and the lights were out. I sighed in relief.

I hung my jacket neatly on the hook by the door, and headed for the kitchen. I’d left dishes in the sink this morning, and needed to clean them up before Warren got home. Just as I rounded the corner, I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. It was a text stating that dinner needed to be ready by six, and we were having company over. I never knew if this was a good thing or not. Having people over meant Warren would be on his best behavior, but it also meant an unpredictable night.

I rushed to the freezer, pulled out a roast, and then went to work cleaning the kitchen. The house needed to be spotless, or I’d be the one paying the price.


“Honey?” I cringed when he called me that. It always meant he was unhappy. To the outsider, he was being sweet, but I knew it was a warning.

“Coming,” I called as I wiped my hands on a towel, took a deep breath, and stepped out of the kitchen and into the dining room.

“There she is.” Warren held up a glass containing some amber liquid which I assume was Scotch. It was his drink of choice. “I thought I told you dinner was at six.” He tipped his head to the side, he eyes full of malice as the couple standing opposite him both held looks of confusion.

“I have it ready. I was just wanting to keep it warm.” I smiled, but really all I felt was fear. “Have a seat. I’ll be right back.”

I turned to go back in the kitchen, but I felt him behind me. “Do you think you can talk to me like that in front of guests?” he sneered next to my ear. “You’re lucky this is a business dinner, or you’d be eating in the kitchen tonight.”

“I’m sorry,” I whispered. “I… I didn’t know.”

“Well, now you do,” he snapped before turning on his heel and leaving me there.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, willing my heart to slow. I didn’t want to drop anything, or burn myself in the process. I removed the roast from the oven, and carried it to the dining room.

“Ah, here we go. It looks delicious, honey.” Warren gave me a look that said I was on thin ice.

“Thank you,” I murmured. I knew I needed to show him that I could be what he wanted me to be, plus I was hungry and wanted to eat.

As soon as I started to sit down, he stopped me. “Could you pour us all a glass of wine, first? One of the new ones I ordered from Italy? They’re in the cellar.”

I smiled and nodded before turning to head down the hallway to the cellar stairs. After grabbing a bottle, pouring glasses for everyone but myself, I slowly sat. “Why aren’t you having any?” the woman I’d yet to be introduced to spoke up.

“Brooke hasn’t been feeling well,” Warren answered for me. “What did the doctor say?”

“Just a bug,” I lied. “Rest and fluids.” I smiled a tight smile before taking a bite of my dinner.

“I don’t know how you could rest any more than you already do.” Warren rolled his eyes and laughed like I was some kind of joke.

“I know,” I joined in. “It’s silly, isn’t it?”

I nibbled my dinner, and kept to myself as the conversation buzzed around me. I was tired, and trying with all my might not to yawn. I was unsuccessful though, and Warren caught me. “Are we boring you, Brooke?”

“I’m sorry. I’m just really tired today. I’ll be fine.” I smiled as I pushed the remnants of my dinner around on my plate. I’d been hungry when we sat down, but my nerves had the better of me, and I hadn’t eaten much. I’d forced a few bites down because I knew the baby needed nourishment, but my fear of where the night was heading got the better of me.

“Oh goodness me. It is getting kinda late.” Sarah, our guest whose husband had introduced me to her, dabbed a napkin to her mouth. “We should get going, Kyle. You can finish this up in the office tomorrow, right?” She laughed lightly as she pushed her chair back.

“Certainly.” He chuckled as he checked his watch. His eyes bulged when he saw the time. “I didn’t realize it had gotten so late. Thanks for having us.” Kyle held his hand out to Warren to shake.

“It was a pleasure.” Warren slowly stood and motioned to the door. “I’ll walk you out. Brooke…” he glared at me. “How about you start working on this mess. I’ll meet you in the kitchen in a few minutes.”

“Sure.” I stood so quickly I almost sent my chair flying backwards. As Warren disappeared around the corner with Kyle and Sarah, I rushed as fast as I could to the kitchen. I’d learned a few months ago that I needed to put the knives in the dishwasher before he got in there. I had a significant scar on my arm to prove it.


“I hope you’re happy.” Warren leaned against the counter, sipping the last of his wine. “They were one of my most important clients. They’re the kinda clients that pay for this house. You like the way you live, right Brooke?” He pushed off the counter, and pressed against my back hard enough to pin me to the sink by the hips.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know,” I squeaked out. I knew the fewer words I used the better.

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