Home > Closer to Nowhere(14)

Closer to Nowhere(14)
Author: Ellen Hopkins

   I land with a thud,

   stumble backward,

   just barely keep my feet.

   The audience groans.

   Coach hustles over. Hannah

   Lincoln, I want you to dig down

   deep and take control. You’ve

   worked too hard to give up

   like this. Do you understand?

   I nod. “Yes, Coach.”

   Let’s see a perfect second vault.

   It isn’t perfect, but it’s really

   good. Problem is, averaged

   with my first score, it still

   leaves me near the bottom

   of the vault leaderboard.

   The girls all finish their rotations

   and the judges make their final

   tallies. It wasn’t my best day,

   but neither was it my worst.

   I earn a silver medal

   in balance beam,

   and another in bars.

   The two scores together

   don’t level me up, but

   they do help the Comets

   finish second overall

   and take the runner-up trophy.

   Too bad only one of my parents

   is here to see me accept my awards.



Definition of Incorrigible:

   Not Fixable

   The Lincoln family tradition

   is to go for pizza after every meet.

   Usually, Misty comes along,

   and sometimes the whole team

   celebrates at Bruno’s Pies.

   But after that runner-up

   performance, not to mention

   the commotion with Cal,

   everyone begs off, including Misty.

   But I’ll see you at Brylee’s party

   tomorrow, right?

   “Guess so.”

   Gee, don’t sound so jazzed.

   “Sorry. Yeah, I’ll be there.”

   Brylee’s birthday blast is at

   the skating rink, and all the kids

   are excited because it’s boy-girl.

   Not that anyone in our class

   is going together, and the only

   reason both girls and boys

   are coming is because

   Brylee’s mom said

   everyone had to be invited.


   Which is why I’m not exactly

   thrilled, because that includes Cal.

   Wonder what kind of stunt he’ll pull.

   The possibilities are endless.

   Dad meets me at the locker room

   door. He lifts me high, smooshes

   me in a bear hug, and his bushy

   blond mustache tickles my cheek.

   Great meet, Bug. You were awesome!

   The nickname makes me smile.

   When I was, like, three or four,

   my very first dance troupe

   was the Ladybugs. Dad’s into

   abbreviations. “I could’ve done better.”

   Hey, you killed the beam and

   rocked the bars, and if it wasn’t for . . .

   well, you know. He changes the subject.

   Hope you’re hungry. I called Bruno’s

   and ordered an extra-large Super Combo.

   Way to erase my smile.

   “Cal’s coming, too?” Super Combos

   are his favorite. I like them

   okay, but Hawaiian is better.

   Why is he getting the reward?

   The plan is for Mom and Cal

   to meet us there. Oh, and I

   also ordered a small Hawaiian.

   “All for me?”

   Who else? Let’s go. I skipped

   breakfast to make my plane

   and I’m starving.

   We’re quiet for the first

   part of the ride, but finally

   I say, “I’m glad you made it today.”

   I give it my best try every time.

   By the way, if I haven’t told you

   lately, I’m so proud of what

   you’ve accomplished, I could burst!

   “Don’t do that. Then you’ll be

   gone forever.” I meant it as a joke,

   but it didn’t come out funny.

   “I wish you could be home more.”

   I know. I miss you, too. He thinks

   for a minute. You should probably

   know I have some big contracts

   coming up and might be gone

   even more for a while.


   I’m sorry, but we need the income.

   Money. Right. Or maybe

   he’d rather be on the road.

   Alone. Away from the problems

   at home. Especially one very

   big problem named Cal.

   “Hey, Dad? Are you and Mom

   okay?” They have to be. I’d die

   if they got divorced, like Brylee’s

   parents. She hardly ever sees

   her father. I need mine.

   Before Dad can answer, his phone

   buzzes and the car’s hands-free

   system picks up for him. It’s Mom.

   Um . . . We’ve had a little trouble.

   Can you bring the pizza home?

   Dad scowls. What happened now?

   The screen on my phone is totaled.

   I told Cal he’ll have to help pay for

   the repair. He insisted it was your

   fault, that you have to cover it, then

   jumped out of the car and took off.

   Not again! Dad complains.

   Cal says it’s how he cools off.

   But he wants to make us worry.

   Last time he was gone for hours.

   Dad was about to call the police

   when Cal wandered in. He won’t say

   where he goes, only that it’s safe.

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