Home > Enduring Act (Survivor's Duet #2)

Enduring Act (Survivor's Duet #2)
Author: Heather D'Agostino

Chapter 1


I struggled to open my eyes. I could hear beeping, but it was muffled. It’s almost as if I had cotton in my ears. I don’t know how long I’ve been here, days, weeks? Nothing makes sense. Where’s my house, and Ava? Why is Blake a doctor and how did I get back here? Did Warren bring me back?

The room appeared blurry when I blinked against the muted light. My head was throbbing, but when I lifted my arm to touch the bandage, I was restricted. There are so many wires and tubes coming out of me, I can hardly move. I rolled my head slowly to the side. I’m alone. He left, but when? I needed to get out of here. Just as I struggled to sit up, I felt her. The baby’s kicking me, hard. “It’s ok. Mommy’s going to keep you safe,” I whispered as I caressed my swollen belly. How did she survive this? Why did he let her? My head continues to pulse as I close my eyes and fall back into the darkness.




I don’t know how long it’s been, but when I open my eyes it’s easier to see. Daylight streams through the window, and the city seems alive. I glanced to the right; the chair in the corner is still empty. I glanced to the left; there’s a vase of flowers sitting on the small table. I don’t remember anyone bringing me flowers. They’re yellow. Warren used to use yellow flowers for his fake apologies. It makes my stomach roll to think about it.

Just as I’m attempting to call the nurse, there’s a knock on my door. It slowly opens, and the nurse from the other day steps in. At least I think it was another day.

“Good morning, Brooke.” She smiled as she came over to the machines. She pressed a few buttons before smiling at me again. “How are you feeling today?”

“Confused.” I was honest.

“About what?” She clasped her hands in front of her.

“How did I get here?” I figured that was the easiest question to start with.

“Your husband brought you in. You fell down the stairs at home. He’s been very worried. Hasn’t left your side until last night.” She straightened the sheets on the bed and fluffed my pillow.

“Where’s Ava?” I grimaced as I shifted in the bed. It didn’t make sense. Ava was five. She should be here.

“Whose Ava?” The nurse checked my chart.

“My daughter.” I swallowed.

“I wasn’t aware that you had any other children. Mr. Ellis said this was your first.” She pointed to my stomach. I was still confused by how I got pregnant again. I haven’t been with anyone.

“How long have I been here?”

“A little over two weeks.” She put the chart back. “Are you ok?”

“No,” I whispered. “I’m not ok. I’m not ok at all.” I started to panic and the beeping on the machine sped up.

“You need to calm down, Mrs. Ellis. This isn’t good for your head injury or the baby.” She moved closer. “Do you want me to call your husband? Will that help you relax?”

“No.” I attempted to shake my head, but the pain was too much and I started to get sick to my stomach. “Please don’t,” I begged.

“Are you in some kinda trouble?” The nurse leaned closer.

“He did this. He did this to me. He tried to kill me.” I choked the words out as my head pulsed and my eyes closed in pain.

“You need rest, Mrs. Ellis. Let me give you something to help with that. My name’s Donna. You push this button and call me if you need anything else.” She squeezed a syringe of clear liquid into the IV and the blackness came back, swallowing me whole.




‘I don’t understand what’s going on.’ That thought has been on the edge of my mind since I first heard Warren’s voice in the darkness. Have I really been here two weeks? When I woke up once again, the room was empty. The yellow flowers still sat on the table in the corner. Just seeing them there made me want to throw them across the room. I knew they were from him. He did this, and he wanted me to know it. The flowers were a way to make me remember that he was in charge. He wasn’t physically here, but he was still in charge.

“Mrs. Ellis.” Dr. Douglas slowly appeared from behind my door. “Good afternoon.”

“Hi.” I smiled weakly. My head still hurt, but some of the tubes had been removed so I could move a little better.

“How are you feeling today?” He slid the chair from the corner closer as he sat down.

“Ok, I guess.” I sighed. I don’t really know what he was expecting me to say.

“Nurse Donna said something about you being in trouble.” His face turned serious. “Do you need help? If you need help, you can tell me.”

I glanced at the yellow flowers in the corner of the room, mocking me. “I’m fine. It must have been the meds.”

“Are you sure? She said you seemed really upset.” He patted my arm.

“I’m sure.” I pulled away. I knew if Warren happened to come in, he’d accuse me of cheating. I’d been there too many times before. Innocent friendships had cost me broken bones, cuts, and more insults than I care to remember.

“Well, you should be out of here in a few days. I’m sending your OB down to do your monthly exam this afternoon.” He stood and placed my chart back in its holder.

“Thanks.” I shifted, and it hurt. He must have seen me grimace because he stepped closer.

“Do you need something for the pain? Broken ribs can take a while to heal.”

“I’m fine.” I groaned. I’d been down this road before. “Thank you, Doctor.”

“Call me Blake.” He waved as he left.

Broken ribs? A brain injury? What else was I dealing with, and why couldn’t I remember how this happened?




I managed to stay awake for most of the afternoon. It felt like an accomplishment since I’d been sleeping so much lately. When Dr. McGee came walking in, it was the first time I felt like I wasn’t going crazy. She’d been my doctor for years, and I remember her telling me I was pregnant.

“Hi, Brooke. It’s good to see you awake.” She closed the door as she stepped closer to the bed.

“Hi.” I smiled back. “I’m so happy to see you.” I reached for her hand. “I think I’m going crazy,” I whispered. “Where’s Ava?”

“Ava?” Dr. McGee’s brow furrowed as she stared at me. “Who’s Ava?”

“My daughter. She’s five. You told me I was going to have her six years ago. Where is she?”

“Brooke,” Dr. McGee lowered her voice, “this is the first baby that I’ve helped you with.” She placed her hand on my swollen belly. “Are you ok? Did Warren do this?”

“Do what?” I started to panic. It was happening again.

“The last time I saw you, you told me he was hurting you. I gave you the name of a shelter you could go to. I was trying to help you. Did you try to leave?” She held my hand with genuine concern, but all I felt was anger. Was everyone here trying to make me believe that I was crazy?

“I did leave. Five years ago. I left. I went on the run. I had the baby. I was happy. Finally getting my life back, and he showed up.” The words were flying out of my mouth so fast that I wasn’t sure even I believed them anymore.

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