Home > The Intended Victim (The Agency #4)(2)

The Intended Victim (The Agency #4)(2)
Author: Alexandra Ivy

“How long has it been since you last spent time with her?” he challenged his brother.

Jax shrugged. “Five years ago.”

“Exactly. How could you possibly recognize her after so long?”

“Ash.” Jax shoved his fingers through his hair, his shoulders stooped. He looked like he was weary to the bone. “Denying the truth doesn’t change it.”

Anger blasted through Ash. He wanted to vault across the desk and slam his fist into his brother’s face for insisting on the lie. It wouldn’t be the first time he’d given Jax a black eye. Of course, his brother had pounded him back, chipping a tooth and covering him in bruises, but it’d been totally worth it.

Instead, he forced himself to leash his raw emotions.

“It’s official?” he demanded.

Jax gave a slow shake of his head. “Not yet. The medical examiner is overwhelmed, as usual. It will be hours before they can run fingerprints, even with me putting pressure on them.”

The anger remained, but it was suddenly threaded with hope. Nothing was official.

The words beat through him, echoing his heavy pulse.

At the same time, he continued to glare at his brother. “Why come here before you’re sure it’s Remi?”

Jax coughed, as if clearing his throat. “I wanted you to be prepared.”

Ash narrowed his gaze. The shock of Jax’s announcement had sent his brain reeling. Which was the only explanation for why he hadn’t noticed his brother’s hands clenching and unclenching. It wasn’t just sympathy that was causing his brother’s unease.

“No. There’s something you’re not telling me,” he said.

Jax glanced toward the window, then down at the scuff marks on his leather shoes. Was he playing for time? Or searching for the right words? “Let’s go for a drink,” he finally suggested.

“Dammit, Jax. This isn’t the time for games,” Ash snapped. “Just tell me.”

Jax’s lips twisted before he forced himself to speak the words he’d clearly hoped to avoid. “She was found with her throat slit.”

Ash surged to his feet, knocking over the chair. It smashed against the wooden floor with a loud bang, but Ash barely noticed.

“Was there a mark?” he rasped.

It’d been only a few weeks after he’d started dating Remi that Gage had put together the connection that a rash of dead women was the work of a serial killer. They’d tagged him the Chicago Butcher because it was suspected he used a butcher’s knife to slice the throats of his victims. Only the cops knew that there had been a hidden calling card left behind by the killer: a small crescent carved onto the women’s right breast. No one knew if it was supposed to be a “c” or a moon, or perhaps some unknown symbol. But it was always there.


“Like the others?” he pressed.

Jax nodded. Ash reached into his pocket to pull out his keys. He’d gone from white-hot emotion erupting through him like lava to an ice-cold determination.

The Chicago Butcher had destroyed his life five years ago. If the bastard was back, Ash was going to track him and kill him. He didn’t care if he had a badge or not.

He tossed his keys to his brother. “Go to my house and pack a bag.”

Jax caught the keys, his brows tugging together. “Ash, there’s nothing you can do.”

“I have to see her,” Ash muttered, not adding his secondary reason for returning to Chicago. His brother was smart. He knew Ash would be hungry for revenge. “She was my fiancée.”

Jax grimaced. “It was all a long time ago.”

Ash snorted. It had been five years, not an eternity. And most of the time it felt like it had all happened yesterday. “We both know it doesn’t matter how long ago it was or you would never have come down here to tell me.”

The older man hunched his shoulders. “I didn’t want you to hear it on the news.”

Ash didn’t believe the excuse for a second. “Pack a bag,” he commanded, reaching down to right his chair. “I’ll be ready by the time you get back.”

“What about your classes?” Jax tried a last-ditch effort to keep Ash away from Chicago.

“Finals are next week.” Ash sat down and reached for the cell phone he’d left on his desk. He might be under thirty, but he held the old-fashioned belief that there was no need for phones in his classroom. Including his own. “I’ll call the dean and warn him there’s been a family emergency. If I’m not back by Monday, my teaching assistant can proctor the exams.”


“I can go back with you or I’ll drive myself,” Ash interrupted.

“Hell, I don’t want you behind the wheel.” Jax pointed a finger toward Ash. “Don’t move until I get back.”

Ash ignored his brother as he turned and left his office. He not only needed to contact the dean, he wanted to make sure that his assistant knew he would be expected to take over his classes if necessary, as well as making his excuses to the dozens of holiday invitations that were waiting in his in-box.

He was just finishing his tasks when his phone pinged with a text, telling him that Jax was waiting for him in the parking lot.

Grabbing his laptop and the coat that hung in the corner, he left the office and closed the door behind him. Then, using the back stairs, he managed to avoid any acquaintances. Right now, he would be incapable of casual chitchat.

Pushing open the door, he stepped out of the building and headed for the nearby parking lot. The sun was shining, but there was a sharp breeze that made him shiver. Like all his brothers, he enjoyed being out in the fresh air, either jogging or spending the weekend camping near the river. But with each passing year, he found he was less willing to brave icy temperatures.

Soon he’d be spending the long winters sitting in front of a warm fire with a comfy sweater and his favorite slippers.

Shaking away his idiotic thoughts, he stopped next to his brother’s car. Opening the door, he slid into the passenger seat and wrapped the seat belt across his body.

“Have you heard anything from the medical examiner?” he demanded as his brother put the car in gear and pulled out of the lot.

“Not yet.” There was silence as Jax concentrated on negotiating the traffic out of town. It wasn’t until they reached the interstate that Jax glanced toward Ash. “Mom will be happy to have you home for a few days. She complains you never bother to come to see her anymore.”

Ash pressed his lips together. It was that or snapping at his brother that this wasn’t a damned social visit. Eventually, however, he forced his tense muscles to relax. He wasn’t so far gone that he didn’t realize that Jax was trying to distract him. And that there was no point in brooding on what he was going to discover once they reached Chicago.

“Mom’s too busy planning Nate’s wedding to notice whether I’m around or not,” he managed to say.

Nate was the youngest Marcel brother, who’d moved to Oklahoma after leaving the FBI. He had proposed to his neighbor, Ellie Guthrie, a few months ago, and she didn’t have a relationship with her own parents, so June Marcel had eagerly stepped in to act as her surrogate mother.

Jax released a short laugh. “She’s been in heaven running around the city to find the perfect flower arrangements and sewing the bridesmaids’ dresses,” he agreed. “The poor woman assumed with four sons she would never have the opportunity to be so involved in all the froufrou nonsense that comes with a wedding.” Jax set the cruise control and settled back in his seat. “Still, you must have been gone too long if you’ve forgotten Mom’s ability to concentrate on more than one thing at a time. I remember her baking cupcakes for Ty’s Boy Scout club while helping Nate with his math homework and at the same time making sure I raked every damned leaf in the backyard because I missed curfew.”

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