Home > Chains' Trust (Inferno's Clutch MC Book 1)(6)

Chains' Trust (Inferno's Clutch MC Book 1)(6)
Author: E.C. Land

“Fuck, Prez,” Breaker mutters.

On the floor laying on top of the comforter is my Bitsy.

“Looks like she’s been sleeping on the floor. Bed doesn’t even look slept in, there’s no wrinkles in the sheets, Prez.” I don’t bother glancing at the bed in confirmation. Handing Breaker my gun, I silently move toward Tiny.

I’m not about to leave her in here lying on the floor like a damn dog. Crouching down I scoop Tiny up in my arms. She’s so deep in her nightmare she doesn’t even fight me.

“Where you takin’ her?” Breaker whispers as he follows me out of Tiny’s room.

“My room,” I say without hesitation. It’s where she belongs.

Fuck me. My uncle was right. Tiny’s mine and I need to stop fighting it.



Chapter Six






Jolting awake I find myself pinned to a warm body. Panic hits me and I begin to fight my way free of the hold.

“Bitsy, calm down it’s me,” Chains’ voice is alert as if he were fully awake and his arm tightens around me. At the realization it’s Chains holding me I stop fighting him, but the panic doesn’t let up. I find it hard to breathe. Like the air was sucked out of the room.

“Breathe, Bitsy. Take a deep breath,” Chains says calmly, cupping my cheek.

Doing as he suggested I take a couple of breaths before tilting my head to meet Chains’ gaze. As I hold his gaze it dawns on me, I’m in bed with Chains.

“Umm, why are you laying with me?” I ask in confusion.

“Bitsy, it’s more like why are you laying with me? Better yet I want to know why the hell you were sleeping on the floor when you had a comfortable bed to sleep in.” Oh god. Chains saw me sleeping on the floor and I’m lying in bed with him. His bed. Closing my eyes, I shake my head.

Just kill me now.

“Why would I want to kill you?” Chains asks in amusement.

Shit did I say that out loud.

“Tiny, stop talking to yourself and talk to me instead,” he says, running a finger along my cheek.

“Why am I in your bed?” Opening my eyes, I’m not prepared for the intense gleam in his gaze.

“Because, baby, I didn’t like bursting into your room when you were screaming bloody murder in a nightmare while sleeping on the floor,” he states, the tone in his voice harsh yet gentle enough not to scare me.

“I’m sorry,” I whisper, diverting my gaze embarrassed that I’d done that. This is why I don’t sleep.

“Look at me,” He commands, and I instantly have my eyes back on him. “You have nothing to be sorry for, Tiny. I mean nothing. Now tell me why you were sleeping on the floor.”

I take a deep breath before answering. “I’ve never slept in a bed.”

“What do you mean you’ve never slept in a bed?” he demands.

“I’ve never slept in a bed.” Please don’t think I’m stupid.

“Didn’t you have somewhere to sleep at the DRMC clubhouse?” his brow furrows and the intensity only grows in his gaze.

“Yeah, I had a nice room. I guess I just never slept in the bed because it’s the only thing I’ve known.” I say honestly.

“Wanna explain that?”

“Not really. I don’t like talking about my past,” I mutter.

“You might not like to, Bitsy, but I wanna know why the hell you’ve never slept in a bed.” The firmness in his tone is almost scary.

“Because women aren’t to sleep on a bed. They’re only to be in bed for one thing and that’s breeding,” I mutter.

Silence fills the room at my confession and Chains’ gaze turns furious as he jumps off the bed like it was on fire.

“So, you sleep on the floor like a dog because you believe the only time you should be in bed is when you’re being fucked.” I try to hide my wince at the way he snarls angrily, but he sees it and moves next to me. When he goes to cup my cheek, I flinch away. “Don’t do that, Bitsy. I’d never hurt you. It just pisses me the fuck off that someone would treat a woman that way. I despise those types of people, baby, and I’d kill anyone who dared try to hurt you again.”

Holy smokes that was the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. But wait a minute.

“Why do you keep calling me Bitsy and baby?” I blurt before I can stop myself.

Smiling, Chains climbs all the way back up on the bed and lies next to me. When I say next to me, I mean his chest is directly against my side as he holds himself up with his arm.

“I like having my own name for you, something no one else is allowed to call you,” he murmurs.

“I don’t understand.” I’m so confused. I don’t know what’s going on here.

“Don’t worry, baby, I’ll lead the way. Just know that from here on out, you’re staying in here with me. I want you to be mine.” My eyes feel as if they’ll pop out of their sockets at any minute with his announcement.

“Umm, what do you mean?” He’ll probably think I’m dumb as hell, but I need him to clarify this for me.

“What I mean, Bitsy, is that as of the moment I scooped you into my arms and laid you down in my bed, you became mine. My woman, my ol’ lady and I’m not about to let you go.” The determination in his tone tells me the same thing his gaze does. He’s totally serious right now.

Oh my god.

“What if I don’t want the same thing?” I stupidly suggest.

“Is that what you want? Not to be mine?” he asks.

“I do want to be yours,” I say without hesitation.

“Good, now that we have that settled I’m gonna kiss that sexy as fuck mouth of yours that I’ve been dreaming about for a month now,” he declares right before leaning in and capturing my lips in a searing kiss like no other. I’ve never kissed a guy before, so I hope I’m doing it right.

I can’t even count Jackal having his tongue in my mouth as a kiss. That was nothing but him forcing himself on me.

This is completely different. Earth shattering different. As Chains’ tongue slips between my lips, I open my mouth to him. The way our tongues dance with each other seems to ignite something within my body.

Before I know it, Chains is breaking the kiss leaving me panting breathlessly.

“Fuck, Bitsy. That was even better than I imagined it would be,” he rasps.

“You were my first,” I blurted out quietly.

“First what?” Chains asks, leaning back as he stares at me with what I’d assume bewilderment.

“Kiss,” I whisper.

“I’m your first kiss,” he says grinning rather than asking for confirmation. “Well prepare yourself for being kissed several times a day, baby, because I think I could become addicted to you.”

I don’t get to respond as he leans forward again and captures my lips in yet another kiss that makes my toes curl.

Holy shit. I might be scared to death of going any further than this and I’m gonna have to say right now, I’m going to enjoy the fact Chains is kissing me.

Me the one who’s covered in filth.



Chapter Seven

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