Home > Noble (Night of the Dark Fae #3)(5)

Noble (Night of the Dark Fae #3)(5)
Author: Angela J. Ford

“More come.” Ingram’s deep voice broke Imer’s thoughts.

His brother leaned over the battlements, taking sips of ale as he watched those down below go in and out of the wizard’s tower. The eye patch across his bad eye flapped in the breeze and he frowned as he took a small sip from his pouch. Imer noticed that while his brother still drank, he never let himself go beyond getting slightly tipsy, which was a good thing. A drunk fire mage would not do well in battle. Imer knew his brother was just as antsy as him, if not more so. He’d left his priestess in Isdrine. But would it be safe if the orcs marched forth and took down city after city? Were the people strong enough to fight back?

Imer followed Ingram’s gaze. Down in the cobblestone city, people moved in groups, making way for a battalion that crossed the streets, sweeping toward the gates of the tower. “Are those. . .” Imer trailed off as he studied the battalion. They wore shiny helmets and they all carried bows and arrows, much like the people of the grove. Except, they weren’t a tribe of the grove. From the distance, Imer could not see any more details, but a rush of excitement filled him.

“I think they are elves,” Ingram confirmed.

Imer took another tug on his pipe and crossed one arm around his chest. “Elves haven’t been seen in these parts in an age. If so, they’ve come up from the south because they, too, sense the change in the wind.”

“And they’ve come to fight with us,” Ingram agreed. “But we need news, this waiting, this not knowing is. . .”

“Difficult,” Imer said. “It’s only been three days but it feels much longer. Perhaps you should ask Willow.” He grinned at his brother.

Ingram snorted. “She took up with the wizard while we were gone.”

“But she has a soft spot for you,” Imer protested. “You might find out more from her.”

Ingram frowned, then lowered his voice. “Word is, there was a curse upon this tower, and now it is broken. The wizard was bound to this place, but now he can leave. I don’t think it will be long before he has a plan. I don’t know how many years he was bound here, but he must wish to see the world for himself.”

“Interesting.” Imer had heard the same rumor.

“Aye, just like Maeve of Carn.” Ingram took another sip. “What is it about her that you’re drawn to?”

Imer stiffened, surprised and irritated at his brother’s question. “Since when were you interested in my love life?”

Ingram shrugged. “Since it affects me.”

Imer gave his brother a rueful grin. “How? We did what we set out to do, did we not?” He held up his fingers, ticking them off. “We found Sandrine and protected her through the mountains. We tested our ship against the eels, evaded the Hunter, and found the celestial blade in the ruins of Carn. My affections for Maeve hadn’t held up our plans at all.”

Ingram pressed his lips together and took another sip. “And now? If she returns and war wrecks this land, how will you make clear judgements? You’ll side with her and only her every time. And what if her decisions aren’t what’s best for us, what’s best for Imperia?”

Imer shrugged. “You know I would never willingly put us in harm’s way, nor go against the wizard. I know what he did for you and me. He has my loyalty, I won’t forget it. But Maeve is different, she has strength, resilience, and a willingness to change. She’s not a victim. . . ” he trailed off. “Remember when we went to Isdrine and you met Priestess Selene?”

Ingram frowned. “Don’t bring her into this, she serves the Divine. She’s not a warrior with a dark past, searching for a way out of a situation she got herself into. She is true and pure and honest.”

“Righteous,” Imer grunted. “Don’t make me angry. You believe Selene is too good for this world, yet you’ve corrupted her and leave her time and time again.”

“She is safe in the temple. As we were,” Ingram protested. “I’m just asking you to watch yourself, because of the Prophecy of Erinyes. If the last defender returns, all eyes will be on her. She will have choices to make, and what if those don’t include you? I’m just asking you to prepare yourself. Don’t go rushing in as though you could have a normal life. We are brothers of fire, nothing is normal. We weren’t meant to settle down, or marry. We were meant for battle, to protect and defend, not to enjoy.”

Imer crossed his arms over his chest to keep his anger from burning into his fingers and exploding into fire in his hands. He faced Ingram, his words cold. “Do you think so little of me, brother?”

“As your older brother, it is my duty to have your back in all things. It was different when we were on the road, harmless, but if you’re serious about Maeve, you need to prepare for what is to come.”

Imer frowned and opened his mouth to respond, when a flash of light caught his vision. He turned his face toward the dark skies, eyes darting back and forth as he searched. It came again, a brief flare in the sky, but not of lightning. Throat dry, he watched the pulse grow nearer. Flames leaked out of the sky and flashes of orange as a creature far larger than he’d ever imagined, crossed the sky. It wasn’t a dragon, that he was sure of, but something else. It wheeled closer, and he clearly saw a tail with red, orange, and yellow feathers, bold and bright, starkly visible against the bleak sky.

With each turn it came closer to the tower and a cry burst out of its mouth, a warning. It circled once more, then turned on its side, showing him the impressive span of its wings and a being, encased in golden armor that rode on its back.

“By the Divine,” Ingram whispered beside him. “Is that what I think it is?”

“A celestial bird,” Imer responded. “A firebird. Is it, possible?”

He didn’t see his brother’s shrug but heard it in his tone. “All curses have been broken, all things are possible now.”

“What do you think it wants?” Imer went on, attempting to translate its cries.

Below in the streets he heard people gasp and cry out, pointing at the magnificent creature that wheeled above them. An aura of surprise and hope filled the air, as though the magic of the firebird could chase away the dark clouds and stop the storm from coming.

Instead, with one last swoop it wheeled about and turned, so violently the armored being on its back fell with a scream. It was only perhaps ten feet, maybe more, but the scream echoed in Imer’s mind. A strong suspicion hit him. He had to know. The body landed with a thunk on the lone tower above him. The wizard’s tower.

“Come on.” He threw the words over his shoulder to Ingram as he dashed toward the door.






Warm Awakening



Maeve opened her eyes as she regained consciousness and immediately wished she hadn’t. Every muscle in her body ached, her throat parched for water and beads of sweat covered her skin. The armor was tight on her body and more than anything, she wanted to strip it off. During the long flight on the back of the firebird, she’d sweated endlessly and with each sip of water, her thirst increased. The guardian, Yael, had been generous in giving her six water pouches. And while Maeve had tried to ration them, her thirst got the better of her.

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