Home > Noble (Night of the Dark Fae #3)(8)

Noble (Night of the Dark Fae #3)(8)
Author: Angela J. Ford

Maeve didn’t miss the curious glint in his eyes, although he tried to bury it. She sensed his need for power. Her brows furrowed. “How do you know about the quest?”

Willow moved to stand beside the wizard, so they both looked down at Maeve. Uncertainty rose in her, and she took a step back.

“Ingram and Imer told us of their adventures when they returned,” Willow said. “Of meeting you and the scholar in the Village of the Lawless, traveling to the Draconbane Mountains, hiding in orc territory and being chased by the Hunter. They shared how the last dragon came to be with them, and the sword that was found in Carn.” Willow glanced at the sword at Maeve’s waist. “And finally, they brought the people of the grove here, to form an alliance with us.”

Maeve studied the ground, wondering why she felt so hesitant. Ingram and Imer trusted the wizard of the tower and called Imperia home. She should do the same, for it was only her past that made her instinctively wary of others. She took a deep breath, and her tale flowed out of her. “Hunting the seven shards wasn’t my choice. But after spending thirty days in the Dungeon of the Damned, I saw no other way to gain my freedom.” Her fingers went to her neck, remembering. “I used to be a sellsword because of my strength, but the dark fae collared me so that I would do their bidding.”

Anger churned within and her fingers tightened into fists. She told Jacq and Willow about finding the final shards, watching the ceremony where Sandrine voluntarily gave herself over to death, and the chaos that broke out in fae Underground. She shared about the rise of the Dragon Queen and running through a portal, only to find herself on the Island of Hades where the guardians lent her a firebird to ride back to the city of mages. When she drew breath, they stared wordlessly at her, waiting. “I have to fix my mistake. When the Crown of Erinyes was reformed, my instructions were to take it, for it holds powerful magic. Instead, the King of the Dark Fae escaped with it. I have to find them, find him and bring them to justice.”

Jacq and Willow turned to each other as though they could reach each other’s minds. Maeve watched their silent communication. A slight twinge of regret pinched her as she thought of Imer. Where was he and what was he doing? Would they become close once again?

Jacq nodded. “Then you shall go. I have called for a meeting of the alliances, but I believe it will be best to meet over a meal and discuss our plans this evening. Rest from your journey, and well done, Maeve of Carn. We are honored to welcome you into our midst.”

Maeve bowed her head, for it appeared the wizard and the mage were powerful rulers and deserved her loyalty.






Gray Battlements



Maeve left the audience chamber with more questions than she’d had when she first arrived. It perplexed her that they treated her like a hero for finding the seven shards. The Crown of Erinyes was dangerous, for it doomed the world. And yet, she couldn’t help the irritation that went through her. It seemed the mages agreed with Sandrine’s point of view. They wanted all curses to be broken, they wanted war and death and devastation, and she did not understand why. Personally, she wanted to see the downfall of the fae, to take revenge on them for what they had done to her. But why did the mages want the crown? Was there another piece to the puzzle she’d missed?


She jumped and spun. At the foot of the staircase stood a boy, bouncing up and down on the soles of his feet. Curly black hair covered his head and he was lanky for a youth. He grinned at her. “I’m Jordan. Are you. . .?” he trailed off, waiting for her to answer.

“Maeve of Carn.” She wondered what he wanted.

“They said you’re the one who found the shards.” His eyes went wide with admiration.

She frowned. “I was forced.”

Some light went out of his eyes, but he shrugged. “Still, it was brave of you. Anyway, I’m to take you to the battlements.”

“Why?” she asked, aware she was being unfriendly, but she didn’t care.

“Imer’s there. . .” he said hopefully.

Imer. Her shoulders relaxed. “Okay, I’m following.”

Jordan led her down the staircase, back to the main level and through a series of halls to another flight of stairs. They wound their way to the top and he held the door open as she ducked out into harsh light. Maeve’s eyes were drawn upward, to the dark clouds that hovered over the tower before sweeping across the gray battlements. She was halfway up the fortress, and above her she could see the domed top of the tower and perhaps the audience chamber she’d just been in. The smell of pipe smoke drew her attention back to the battlements. Soldiers in full armor stood at the edge, looking down and watching, as though they expected a battle to erupt at any moment. Dread made her shoulders tighten, and she forgot to thank Jordan as she strode around the curving circle toward the smoke.

“Imer?” she called as a halo of smoke drifted up into the cloudy sky. Through the gloom she could see the sparks from his pipe, the light glowing as Imer took another drag. He turned in her direction and a cocky grin lit up his face.

He opened his arms. “Finally, you decided to join us.”

Imer’s light-hearted greeting brought a smile to Maeve’s lips. She walked into his open arms and took a whiff of his scent as she hugged him. His heart pounded slow and steady, and Maeve relaxed as she rubbed his back. This was a much better greeting than the awkward one earlier. She pulled back and tucked her hair behind one ear, wrinkling her nose at him. “Imer.” She lowered her voice, although no one was close to them. “What’s going on here? Everyone acts like I’m a hero for finding the shards, for being there when the. . .” Maeve bit her lip and glanced around to ensure no one was listening. “The crown was reformed. But I don’t understand why. My actions doomed the world. Why are they celebrating?”

Rubbing the back of his neck, Imer sighed and took another drag on his pipe before responding. “They aren’t celebrating. We aren’t celebrating, just admitting that a change has come. A long-awaited change. Besides, rumor has it the wizard of the tower was cursed, and now he is free. You see, even though the world is doomed, there are others who have benefited from this.”

Maeve crossed her arms and backed away, shaking her head. “I don’t like it.”

“Do you want some advice?” His eyes laughed at her. “This is the wizard’s tower, full of powerful mages. You have thoughts, but keep them to yourself, for now.”

Maeve frowned at him.

“Trust me, Maeve.” He squeezed her arm. “If you have opinions, tell me. This is a place where you are free to come and go, as long as you obey the wizard. He is powerful and has the best interest of the mages who dwell here in mind. I know little else. I came here because I needed a haven, and this is home. Don’t destroy it.”

He kept his expression light and that cocky smile on his face. A warning whispered around Maeve and she pressed her lips together to keep her initial response from bursting out of her lips. Instead of responding immediately, she took a moment, her eyes darting out across the landscape.

To the south a cloud of mist hung over a shimmering lake, like a mother bird guarding her nest. To the north rose a mountain. As the clouds moved, she made out the pointed shape, and then a beast whirled, scaly wings flashing out of the gloom. For a moment, her heart thumped in her chest and bile rose to her throat. But it wasn’t the Dragon Queen, but a smaller replica with orange wings. Her dragon. She drew in a sharp breath as she watched it circle and disappear again, and an idea came to her mind.

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