Home > Steel : Constant Craving(11)

Steel : Constant Craving(11)
Author: Julie Anne Addicott

“What are you doing?” I ask with my arms still crossed over my chest.

He runs a hand through his hair. “We need to talk.”

I tap my foot on the floor and raise a brow. “Take me home.”

“Not until you talk to me.” He leans against the opposite side of the elevator and crosses his arms.

I check my watch, it’s already 5.30pm and I’m stuck in an elevator with Steel Fallon. The air is thick between us, or maybe it’s just the lack of real, fresh air. There’s something though, something that smells a little like me ignoring the desire I feel for Steel, even though he just beat the hell out of Carter. Why is he so damn sexy right now?

“Talk to me, Em.”

I drop my bag on the floor. “No.”

“You can’t keep saying no.”

“Watch me.”

“Talk to me.”

“No, Steel.”

“Em, come on, can we just act like we’re mature adults?”

“Mature? You just punched Carter in the face. How mature is that?”

He takes a step toward me. “We’re not leaving until you talk to me, properly.”

“Well, you’ll be waiting a while. And I know you can’t go too long without your precious cigarettes.” Oh, Ember, that was harsh.

His head drops and for a moment he looks down at his feet, scuffing his toe against the floor. “I can wait.”

“I’m sorry, that was uncalled for.”

“It’s the truth though, right?” He shrugs.

In his eyes I see the same pain, the same fear and hopelessness I used to see in my own eyes. It hurts to know he’s struggling with addictions he cannot control.

I sigh and relax slightly. “What do you want to talk about?”

“That was a quick turnaround.”

I narrow my eyes and try not to smile. Something about Steel brings me undone. Maybe it’s because I understand how he feels, or purely just the fact he’s insanely gorgeous and has muscles on top of muscles. “Talk or take me home.”

One hand is pressed against the wall beside my head. “You broke the rules.”

Ahh, he smells so good. “He wasn’t supposed to tell you.”

Steel scrubs his hands down his face. “I knew something happened. He’s been acting strange all week.” He lets out a heavy sigh. “I called him just before I came up... that’s when he told me.”

“I didn’t want you to know.”

“Tell me what he did to you?”

I sigh. “It doesn’t matter now.”

“Did he hurt you? Because if he did, I’ll kill him.”

I throw my arms in the air. “It was me, okay. I had a bad dream and couldn’t get back to sleep. When I invited him in, we were talking, and one thing led to another.” I lean my head back against the wall. “I freaked out and realised I didn’t want to... with him. I made a mistake.”

Steel’s brow creases and he rubs his neck. “Did he... force you?”

I shake my head. “I told you, Steel, it was me. When I told him to stop, he did, then he left.” Tears spring to my eyes. I hate this feeling of vulnerability, I hate feeling weak and powerless.

Steel tucks my hair behind my ear. “I’m worried about you.”

I give him a tiny smile, and he wipes a tear from my cheek with his thumb. “I... I wanted—” I can’t finish the sentence.

“You wanted what?” he asks.

“Nothing, it doesn’t matter.”

“Tell me.”

Damn. He won’t let this go.

I catch his gaze; his stare is intense. “I wanted to call you, but I felt stupid, okay.” I exhale and drop my head, ashamed, embarrassed... guilty.

“Ember,” he whispers my name. “You should have called me. You can call me anytime. I like you a lot. We’ve only been on a few dates... well, six dates... but I thought—” He scrubs his hands down his face, then shoves them into his pockets. He’s so close I could wrap my arms around him and never let go. “Well I was hoping we could take the next step in our—”

“Relationship?” I ask.

He nods and my stomach fills with butterflies. I lower my voice. “I’m still mad at you, Whiskey.”

His eyes light up and he closes the gap between us until we’re standing toe to toe, and without a word he inches closer and breathes against my lips. “I can fix that.”

My stomach flips. “I’m not kissing you...” But, oh, I want to.

He raises his brow and licks his lips before he steps back and presses the button to start the elevator. It begins to move down to the next floor. When it opens, a group of men come in, then turn to face the front.

Steel stands beside me and whispers in my ear, “So... I have a chance?”

Lifting my hand, I press my thumb and forefinger together before increasing the gap slightly. “A little chance.”

He links his pinky finger with mine. “I can work with that.”

At the next stop, another four men come in, and I’m squished against the back of the elevator beside Steel and the lingering, heady scent of his cologne.

“Dinner tonight?” he whispers.

My voice is too loud. “Tell me you’re not serious?”

He laughs, and a few of the men start laughing too. “It’s worth a shot.”


When a guy in a business suit turns around, I narrow my eyes and circle my finger in the air. “Turn around, there’s nothing to see here.”

“I don’t know, Em. We could give them a show.”

My cheeks heat, and the entire elevator bursts with laughter. I punch Steel’s shoulder. He rubs it, pouting. “Ah, baby, you didn’t tell me you liked it rough.”

I push through the men and as soon as the doors open, I step out and wave to him. The look on his face is priceless, a cross between utter confusion, and raw, masculine sensuality.

Feeling braver and happier than ever, I smile as I wait for the next elevator. Steel really does like me. A lot. I’m comfortable with him, and everything is always so... simple.

When the next elevator opens, I step in and press the button for the basement parking lot, but when I head toward my car, I realise I don’t have the keys. Carter does. Damn!

Leaning against my car I pull my phone out of my bag and dial Autumn’s number.

Steel appears, laughing and dangling a set of keys in front of him. “Get in. Unless you want to drive.”

I get into the passenger seat and wait for him. “I like having a chauffeur.” A twinge of guilt passes as I wonder if Carter will still be my guard, or if he’ll lose his job. I decide not to ask Steel about it and instead focus on getting home and having a nice long bubble bath.

He glances at me. “So, you’ll really give me a chance to prove I’m not a total asshole?”

I can’t help smiling. “I know you’re not. And yes, I’ll give you a chance to prove yourself. But can we take it slow?”

He nods. “Of course. I’m a master at taking it slow.”

I roll my eyes. Somehow, I doubt that.

When we reach the Jade Apartments, he walks me to my door and I see a guard waiting. Steel introduces me to Harris, who is standing in for Carter for the next two nights.

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