Home > Daring The Doctor (The Billionaire's Consort #5)(15)

Daring The Doctor (The Billionaire's Consort #5)(15)
Author: Peter Styles

“Are you sure, Alex?” he asked me, his hand on my face. His eyes were burning with hunger, but I could see kindness in them. That was enough for me to surrender to him, and I breathed in deeply as I gave him a nod.

“Good,” he grinned. Tangling his fingers in my hair, he yanked on it and made me look straight into his eyes. “I think it’s time I start handling whatever you can dish out.”

“Yes, it is,” I breathed out, and we only made a short pause so that we could both establish our safe words and limits. It felt exciting, to fall back into this dynamic with someone like Neil.

“You didn’t rule out that medical kink of yours,” he whispered, pushing my blazer down my shoulders. I hesitated while he unbuttoned my shirt, his fingertips brushing against the skin on my chest, but then just smiled.

“Why should I?” I teased him, weaving my fingers into his hair.

“Good boy.”

Closing the distance between us, he kissed me once more. This time, though, his right hand darted straight toward my crotch, and I groaned as I felt his fingers curling around my hardness. He stroked me gently over the fabric of my pants, and I felt my eyes rolling in their orbits as my mind was flooded with desire.

“Neil…” I whispered against his lips, becoming even harder as I felt him pull my belt out from its loops. Sliding his hand inside my pants, he gripped my cock over my boxer briefs, his grip tight.

“I’m right here,” he said, his hand slowly moving back and forth over my length. I leaned back against the wall as he pressed his body on mine, his hand never stopping, and closed my eyes.

“Make me yours,” I pleaded, eager to submit to him. He didn’t say a word to that: instead, he just pulled both my pants and boxers down, freeing my erection. I kicked off my shoes then, aching to have my naked body on display, and Neil actually took a step back to appreciate my figure.

“Oh, I’ll be more than happy to make you mine,” he said, the fire in his eyes sending a shiver up my spine. Keeping the distance between us, he methodically removed all of his clothes too, and my heart sped up as I saw his hard member springing free from his underwear. Long and thick, it seemed like it was the perfect size for me to wrap my fingers around. “Like what you see?”

“I do.”

“Then get down on your knees,” he whispered, his words both a command and a tease. I did exactly as I was told, lowering my body until my knees touched the floor. His hard member was just a few inches away from me, and I felt my whole body tense up with anticipation. “Do it, Alex,” he continued, laying one hand on my head.

My eyelids drooped then, and I leaned forward as I reached for his cock. Slowly wrapping my fingers around it, I then parted my lips and placed them on his tip, the warmth of his flesh against my tongue making my head spin.

“Good,” he groaned. “You’re a talented one, Alex.”

Eager to please, I rolled my lips down his whole length, relishing the way his thickness weighed down on my tongue. I bobbed my head back and forth, my lips and tongue working on his hard cock, and I grabbed it by the root and started stroking him at the same time.

I would’ve kept going until the very end, wanting to feel the taste of his seed on my mouth, when he suddenly yanked on my hair. Taking a step back, he slid his cock from inside my mouth and looked down at me. “You’ve done well,” he smiled, placing two fingers under my chin. “But I think now’s the time to satisfy that kink of yours.”

Allowing him to pull me up to my feet, I felt an anxious feeling take over me. My so-called medical kink was nothing but a joke, something I was using to tease him, but now that he was actually going forward with it…I didn’t know if I should feel anxious or excited.

In the end, though, I kept my safe word locked behind sealed lips. Neil led me across the room and then laid me down on a stretcher bed, the smile on his lips never wavering. Walking around his desk, he opened a drawer on one of the cabinets and started placing a few utensils on a small tray. From my position I couldn’t see what they were, but that only made my excitement grow.

“Now, Alex,” he whispered, pulling a chair so that he could sit beside me. “I want you to relax.” Brushing his fingertips from my knee to my inner thigh, he then caressed the length of my hard member gently, right before he grasped it below the tip. Using his other hand, he cleansed the tip with soaked cotton balls, and then grabbed something that resembled a small rod.

“I hope I’m in good hands…Doctor.”

“You’re in the best hands,” he said, never looking away from me as he lubricated the tip of the rod. Suddenly realizing what he was about to do, I gripped the edge of the stretcher tightly. I almost told him to pause, but then…then I decided I want to go down the rabbit’s hole.

Trying to calm myself, I focused on the way his fingers grabbed my cock, and then held my breath as he inserted the rod’s lubricated tip into my urethra. My body heated up with discomfort at first, but to know I was surrendering myself to Neil in a way I had never done before…that in itself made it enjoyable.

“How are you feeling?” he asked me, his voice clinical…even though there was a mischievous undertone to his words.

“Good,” I nodded, dragging my teeth across my bottom lip as the rod advanced down my canal.

“You’re going to feel even better soon enough,” he promised, and that was when I felt the rod go deep, applying just the right amount of pressure on that sweet spot hidden inside me.

I was breathing harder now, every single thought inside me coalescing around the idea that I had never been so vulnerable before. And yet, I thrived on that vulnerability. It made want more, so much more, and in an almost desperate way.

“What’s the diagnosis, Doctor?” I forced myself to ask him, trying to control my breathing as I looked at him. He returned my gaze, smiled, and moved the rod slightly so that the pressure intensified, a groan erupting from between my lips before I could stop it.

“My diagnosis is that Mr. Hughes is in dire need of something only I can provide.”

“And what would that be?”

“It’s better that I show you,” he whispered, slowly removing the rod from inside me. I exhaled sharply the moment it left my body, but I barely had the time to gather my thoughts. Grabbing my right wrist, Neil made me sit up and then pulled me down from the bed. Turning me around, my hands grabbing the rails of the bed for support, he pressed his whole body against me.

“Are you sure this is the best treatment available?” I asked him, enjoying the way I felt his hard cock throb between my ass cheeks.

“The very best,” he replied, reaching for the tray to apply some lubricant on his fingers. Allowing some distance between our bodies, he carefully moved two fingers between my ass cheeks and started massaging my entrance, my body already burning from the inside out.

“As your patient, I’ll trust your judgment,” I groaned as he replaced his fingers with the tip of his hard cock.

“Oh, you better,” he whispered into my ear, slowly pushing his hardness inside me. I gasped as I felt him stretch my inner walls, my lungs working overtime to keep the air flowing in and out, and a tidal wave of pleasure crashed against me.

His rhythm started slow, but it didn’t take long before his movements became more frenzied and overpowering, each of his thrusts unleashing hell on every single nerve ending I had.

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