Home > The Taste of an Enemy (The Boys of Clermont Bay #3)(10)

The Taste of an Enemy (The Boys of Clermont Bay #3)(10)
Author: Holly Renee

“I don’t think this is a very good idea.” Allie took a step back from the fence and looked over her shoulder to where I knew her friends were waiting for her. Frankie waved when she saw me looking, and I nodded.

“It’s a great idea.” I put my arm around Eli’s shoulders. He tensed, his whole body going rigid beneath my arm. “Me, you, your new man. I’ll make sure to bring a date that you’ll like. We’ll have the best time. Right, Eli?”

He looked up at me, and he wasn’t nearly as cocky without Lucas by his side. “If that’s what Allie wants.”

“It’s not.” She laughed and looked up to the sky with her hands on her hips. “But I know you’re not going to leave this alone unless I agree.”

“Exactly.” I clapped Eli on the shoulder then started walking into the dugout. “So, I’ll see the two of you at six?”

Because there was no way in hell I was letting her go out with him on her own. Even if I had to sit there and watch Eli try to flirt with her. Even if she smiled at him like she had been when I walked up.

I would suffer through it all, and when she realized that Eli was nothing but an asshole, we would go back to exactly what we were before.



Chapter Six






If I wasn’t already nervous when I agreed to go on a date with Eli, I definitely was now. I had no idea what the hell Carson was doing or thinking, but I knew that whatever it was, it wasn’t something that would be good for me.

Because Carson didn’t care about me.

I didn’t know if Eli had stirred some competitive instinct in him or if he simply didn’t want to see me happy with someone he knew, but I knew that tonight would be a disaster before I even started getting ready.

Every little decision I made was meticulously thought over: the way I wore my hair, my makeup, the length of my jean shorts. I didn’t want to give Carson anything to use against me, and I knew he would if he got the chance. He always did.

I walked into Wings and Things and spotted Eli as soon as I made it through the door. He smiled before standing and coming to meet me. I couldn’t tell if anyone else was already at the table, and I tried to remind myself that I shouldn’t care. Tonight was about having fun and getting to know Eli.

Carson didn’t matter for either of those things. I would just drown him out and pretend he wasn’t there. That was what I was used to doing. That was what the two of us had been doing for years.

Even though I was already a little but irritated that Eli hadn’t offered to pick me up. My dad was irritated by that fact too.

“You look beautiful.” Eli grinned before pulling me into a hug.

“Thank you.” I breathed in the scent of his warm cologne, the smell familiar and calming. “You look nice as well.”

I looked up at him as he let me go. He was much taller than me, although shorter than Carson, and he had a smile that made me feel comfortable.

He grabbed my hand in his and led the way back to the table. I fixed my hair while I was still blocked from view, and I planted the best smile I could manage on my face as he pulled out the chair for me that was directly across from Carson.

“Thank you.” I settled into my seat and tried to avoid making eye contact with Carson.

“Allie, this is Kimberly. Kimberly, Allie. I think you all might know each other.”

I looked across the table at Kimberly, and of course I knew her. We had gone to school together since grade school, and I had hated her almost as long. She was popular, conceited, and a perfect fit for Carson.

“Of course.” I nodded and pulled out my menu. “How are you, Kim?”

“I’m perfect.” She giggled and looked over at Carson. His hand disappeared under the table, and even though I couldn’t see it, I knew that his hand probably rested on her thigh.

I wanted to rip it off.

“Awesome,” I mumbled and tried to focus on the menu.

Carson laughed under his breath, but I ignored him.

“What are you getting?” I looked to my right where Eli sat. “Do you want to share some wings?”

“Oh.” He looked up from his menu. “I was thinking about getting the burger.”

“A burger at a wing place.” Carson scoffed and tossed his menu down on the table. “I’ll share an order with you, Allie. Kim’s getting a salad.”

He didn’t give me time to answer. As soon as the waitress came to our table, Carson opened his mouth. “My girl Allie and I are going to share a large order of wings, extra ranch for both of us. No carrots. She hates those.”

I looked at him like he had lost his mind because I was pretty sure that he had.

“What can I get you to drink?” The waitress was now looking at me.

“Um, just a Coke, please.”

Everyone else ordered their food, and I fidgeted with my hands under the table.

“So, Allie, how is school going for you?” I looked up at Eli. I had almost forgotten he was there.

“It’s all right. I’m so ready for fall break, though.”

“Me too.” He nodded. “Are you going anywhere? My family is taking a trip to Europe.”

“No.” I almost choked on the word. Sometimes I forgot just how far apart my family was from those who went to Prep. They were made of money, old money to be exact, and guys like Eli had never had to think about working or how he’d pay for college. “We typically stay home and do a Thanksgiving meal at our house. It’s real low-key.”

And my dad would still be working every day except for Thanksgiving, and my small house would be busting with people. My grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins. We were always together on holidays, and I loved it.

It may not have been Europe, but it was ours.

“That’s cool.” He nodded and turned his chair to where he faced me better. “We’ve been going to Europe for years now. My parents love it, and they take us about every other year. Have you ever been?”

“To Europe?” I shook my head, and suddenly I felt ridiculous. “No. The farthest I’ve been is Disney World.” I didn’t mention that had been almost ten years ago.

I could hear Carson and Kimberly talking across from us, and I hoped he was too enthralled with her and her perfect face to even consider listening to our conversation.

Eli laughed like I had just told a joke, but I hadn’t. “That’s too bad. I bet you would really like Europe.”

“What makes you think that, Eli?” Carson was leaned back in his chair with his arm resting on the back of Kimberly’s.

Eli laughed nervously and looked between me and Carson. “It’s Europe.” He shrugged his shoulders.

“But you don’t know anything about Allie specifically that would make her love Europe, correct?”

Eli opened his mouth, but Carson continued.

“Like you have no clue that she’s been dreaming of going to Paris forever, and she has this little Eiffel Tower key chain that she’s had on her set of keys since she’s had them. Or that she thinks she’s part Irish because she has a little bit of green in her eyes.”

“I didn’t realize you knew so much about her.” Eli was no longer aloof. He was sizing Carson up, and I wasn’t here for a pissing contest.

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