Home > Mason : A Ride Series Crossover(3)

Mason : A Ride Series Crossover(3)
Author: Megan O'Brien

“Well, I guess since you were in here hiding, you’d understand.” I smirked. “And there are plenty of places to hide in this house,” I added dryly.

He cocked his head to the side, assessing me. “You don’t like it?”

“The house?” I wrinkled my nose. “Just not my taste. It’s so ostentatious. I mean, what’s he trying to prove? Sorry, I know he must be your friend,” I hastened to add.

He chuckled, finding something about that more comical than I’d expect. “No, you’re right. So what would your dream home be like?”

I sat back to ponder that question. “I haven’t really thought about the house itself, more the setting. I’d love to have some land. I have a loft right now that I really like, but it’s not ideal for my dog.”

“What kind of dog do you have?”

“A German shepherd. I’ve had him since he was about a year and a half.” I refrained from mentioning why I’d gotten Kodi in the first place.

“Okay, so some land for your dog…”

I nodded. “Land, a place to paint, but I think it’s the feel of a place and the people inside it that matter.”

“I agree,” he murmured. “Another beer?” he offered.

I shook my head. “I’m driving Lily home.”

“Wingwoman and designated driver. Damn you are a good friend.”

“Guess so,” I agreed with a smile. “So, how do you know the guy who lives here?” I asked, marveling again at the expansive property.

“We’re old friends.” He shrugged.

“You’re very evasive,” I accused lightly.

“Am I?” he replied. “I don’t mean to be. What do you want to know?”

I thought carefully about that, biting my lip in thought.

His hand snaked out, carefully pulling my lower lip out from my teeth’s clutches. “Careful,” he murmured, his eyes growing darker as they locked on my mouth.

I blushed crimson, looking away from his heated stare.

“You don’t get just one question, you know,” he said, his mood lightening as I continued to ponder.

“Favorite movie?” I asked, starting with something relatively simple.

“Weekend at Bernie’s,” he answered without hesitation.

I wrinkled my nose. “Ew, really? I think I just lost a little respect for you.”

“What?” he demanded. ‘That’s a fucking great movie.”

“Whatever,” I muttered, enjoying our banter. I felt so comfortable with him, and I was bone-crushingly, devastatingly attracted to him. That was certainly new.

“Fine, what’s your favorite?” he asked.

“I thought it was my turn to ask the questions?” I countered.

“I bet it’s some romantic comedy,” he guessed, though it seemed like he was just trying to goad me. How he already knew how to do that surprised me.

I rolled my eyes and heaved out a sigh. “I like really cheesy horror movies,” I admitted.

“Are we talking like Sharknado?” he asked with a smirk.

“A classic,” I confirmed resolutely. I liked other genres, but the camp horror movies were the ones I found myself watching again and again.

“And you’re giving me shit about Weekend at Bernie’s?” he demanded in mock outrage.

“Alright, fine, to each their own and all that,” I admitted begrudgingly.

He leaned back and laughed, hard. If it wasn’t such a gorgeous sight, it would be seriously annoying,

My phone pinged then with a text from Lily wondering where I was and if I was ready to go.

I texted her back saying I’d met a friend and would be right down.

“Lily’s ready to go,” I murmured, feeling incredibly disappointed to cut my time short with Mason. I’d never had so much fun with a man before. I felt like we’d known each other for years rather than an hour.

“Damn,” he replied with obvious disappointment.

“I guess you need to rejoin the living,” I replied, looking down at the party that was in full swing below.

“Maybe.” He shrugged without interest. “I’ve had way more fun hanging out with you.”

I rose to stand, moving back into the bedroom as he followed. I swore I could feel his heat at my back as my heart began to hammer in my chest.

I wanted to see him again. The immediate revelation both terrified and electrified me.

“Listen, Ellie, I’d like to see you—”

His words were cut off by a sudden pounding at the bedroom door. “Jackson, things are going haywire downstairs. You better come handle it. I don’t want your shit getting broken,” the muffled voice hollered through the door.

My eyes opened wide in shock. What the hell?

He turned to me, his expression wary. “Be right out,” he hollered back without losing eye contact with me.

“This is your house?” I asked quietly. “You’re the famous football player?”

“Guilty,” he admitted, looking sheepish.

My face flamed with humiliation. “Wow, I must seem like a big joke to you,” I muttered, completely embarrassed and really disappointed since I liked him so much. I’d really thought we’d hit it off.

“What? No! Not at all,” he argued as I walked purposefully toward the door.

“Just thought it’d be fun to see how long you could have me going, huh?” I demanded, throwing the door open.

God, I was such a sucker.

I raced down the large hallway and down the stairs into the living room, his footsteps close behind me.

“Goddammit, Ellie, wait!” he demanded as I stalked toward Lily, who was staring at me with a baffled expression on her face.

“Mason Jackson, quarterback for the Denver Broncos, is your new friend?” she asked incredulously.

Of course he was the freaking quarterback.

“It’s a long story,” I muttered. “We’re outta here.”

She knew me well enough not to press and simply nodded, ready to follow me out to my car.

“Ellie,” his deep voice demanded. “Wait a minute.”

I turned to face him, my arms crossed expectantly.

He scrubbed a hand over his head in agitation. “I’m sorry, honestly, I wasn’t trying to be dishonest. I just… I liked that you didn’t know who I am,” he admitted.

“Ellie, seriously?” Lily demanded of me in her exasperated tone. “How do you not know who he is?”

I sighed and looked heavenward.

“Not helping me here, little lady,” Mason informed my friend before he continued, “I like that you’re not impressed by all this.” He gestured to the house. “I just like you, Ellie.”

I groaned at the realization that I’d completely insulted his house, not realizing it was his.

He stooped down to look at me. “I want to see you again,” he said simply.

“I don’t think so.” I forced myself to meet his gaze. “Look, I get it, you like your anonymity. But I’m not okay with half-truths,” I told him firmly.

“No, you shouldn’t be,” he agreed quietly, his eyes searching mine.

“No hard feelings. It was nice to meet you, Mason,” I added with a forced smile. “Lily?” I turned to her expectantly.

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