Home > Mason : A Ride Series Crossover(9)

Mason : A Ride Series Crossover(9)
Author: Megan O'Brien

“As early as I can remember,” his deep voice returned. “My pop and siblings didn’t play, but they never missed a single game.”

“You’re close with your family,” I surmised.

“Very,” he confirmed. “Though we’re not your traditional family in more ways than one. My pop adopted me when he and my mom fell in love. He had an older son, Cole, and then they took in Emmie and Max, who are technically my cousins, but we were raised as siblings. They joined the family when I was so young—I never thought of them as anything but.

“My pop taught me what it means to be a good man, something my birth father knew nothing about. And my mom is just the best. She’s loving and warm but strong as hell. Even when I took my own path—the family business just wasn’t for me—no one batted an eye. They supported what I wanted to do. Became my biggest fans.”

“What’s the family business?” I asked curiously.

“My brother Cole runs the Knights Motorcycle Club in Hawthorne, and in our small town, they’re pretty much the law. He took over from my pop. My brother Max is a member, and so is pretty much everyone I’m close to back home.”

I’d never heard anything good about motorcycle clubs, and as though reading my mind, he explained, “They’re good men, babe. They stand by their women, run a clean ship. They fight for what they believe in and to keep their families safe, but for the most part they stay on the right side of the law. You’d like them.”

I hadn’t known Mason long, but I hadn’t seen him act like anything other than a gentleman, someone who’d been raised as such. It was with that conviction that I nodded. “I’m sure I would. They must be really proud of you,” I added.

“They are,” he agreed. “But not because of football.”

“Because you’re a good man,” I presumed, reaching up, unable to help myself from stroking my hand briefly over his cheek. He caught it, kissing my palm briefly before bringing it down to his chest and holding it.

I had to wait a second for my heart to restart after one of the most affectionate gestures I’d ever experienced.

“I turned out okay, but I was a little shit growing up.” He noted dryly. “The stories of my five-year-old self’s depravity will follow me to my grave.”

I laughed. “I bet you were adorable,” I put in before I could stop myself.

“Oh yeah?” he asked, tipping my chin up to look at him. “Why would you think that?” He grinned.

I laughed, slapping his hand lightly. “You are slightly handsome,” I allowed dryly.

“Slightly?” he demanded in mock outrage.

I rolled my eyes. “I’m sure people tell you you’re good-looking like a thousand times a day,” I replied dryly.

“Not quite a thousand.” He smiled before his expression grew serious. “But I only care what you think.”

I swallowed. “I think you’re handsome,” I told him, shocked at my audacity and more than a little proud of myself too.

His eyes warmed as he squeezed my hand. “That’s good, because I think you’re the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever seen.”

I blushed. “Thanks,” I murmured, not knowing what else to say.

“Come here, baby,” he coaxed gently, gesturing for me to move closer.

I allowed him to pull me to him, my head across his chest and arm thrown over his taut abs. His arm came around me, caressing my back in rhythmic strokes.

“You’re not going to sleep in your clothes, are you?” I yawned.

“I think I’d better keep my clothes on.” His voice rumbled against my cheek as I lay against his chest.


“Let’s just say that what you’re wearing is enough of a test to my self-control.” He muttered.

I propped my head up and looked at him, our faces mere inches apart. I wanted him to kiss me so badly, but he didn’t. He just stroked my hair back from my face and gave me a warm smile. I never thought I’d be disappointed that he was such a gentleman, but in that moment, I was.

“Tell me more about your family,” he asked, and I sensed he needed a distraction as much as I did.

“My parents are loving, a bit overbearing at times, and so tenacious,” I marveled. “They started the farm with almost nothing and have grown it into something beautiful and profitable,” I told him. “They work so hard, I don’t know how they do it. But it’s what they love. My older brother, Dylan, still lives close to them. He’s a police officer, which in our small town doesn’t amount to much crime fighting, luckily.”

“Are you two close?”

I shrugged. “He’s five years older, so I was always the annoying little sister that wanted to tag along with him and his friends. But he was always good to me, always protected me.”

Except the time he didn’t—the time he couldn’t—and I knew it still killed him.

“He married his high school sweetheart. They’re about to have a baby,” I shared.

“That’s great,” he murmured. “Do you visit often?”

I shrugged. “It’s expensive. But I get back when I can. I’ll definitely go back when the baby’s born.”

“When will that be?”

“She’s due in just about a month. Hopefully the weather will be warmer. I can’t wait for summer.” I sighed wistfully. “Do you play all year?” I thought to ask.

He fought a grin.

“What?” I demanded.

“You really don’t know anything about football.” He laughed.

I threw him a glare that had him laughing harder.

“Training camp starts in the summer,” he explained. “Then the season starts in September, and we play through January.”

“Oh,” I replied lamely. “So you’re off until the summer?”

“Yep.” He grinned. “I continue to train throughout the year to keep in shape, though.”


“Why? Do you happen to want to spend some time with me?” he teased.

I loved how playful he could be.

“Perhaps,” I allowed. “Though us regular folks have to work all the time,” I put in.

“Poor baby.” He squeezed me harder.

“At least I don’t have to get tackled,” I muttered.

“I would hope not,” he noted dryly. “Otherwise I’d have some serious questions.”

I smiled before a huge yawn took me by surprise.

“You should get some sleep,” he murmured, and I was sure I felt him kiss my hair.

“Yeah, it’s late.” At this rate, I’d only be getting a few hours of sleep, but it had been worth it.

He reached over and hit the light, sending us into darkness.

“Night, Mason.”

“Night, baby.”



Chapter 4



I woke up to my alarm the next morning, groaning as I reached over to turn it off. It took me a moment to place what the warm heat behind me was before I grinned from ear to ear. Mason was spooning me.

His arms squeezed me, and I turned to face him, hoping I didn’t look too rumpled from sleep or have terrible morning breath.

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