Home > The Hunt (By Kiss and Claw #2)(7)

The Hunt (By Kiss and Claw #2)(7)
Author: Melissa Haag

I struggled to remember that conversation. Since I couldn’t remember my exact wording, I huffed a sigh. He wiggled his eyebrows as I walked into his embrace.

“I’m not a chipmunk,” I grumbled.

“You’re not small and quick to run away? Come on, spaghetti, wrap those noodles you call arms around me.”

His taunt about running away got to me. Without second-guessing myself, I jumped up, wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. His eyes widened. It was the first time I’d ever witnessed a shocked Fenris.

“Not a chipmunk,” I said with a grin before hugging him close.

“That’s my girl.”

Those three murmured words stole my humor, and a hunger rose that had nothing to do with my succubus appetite. I craved being someone’s girl with a depth I’d never realized, and hearing it from Fenris hurt. He would have a girl someday. They’d look at each other with a singular focus that would blind them to anyone else. I’d never have that. At least, not the natural way a werewolf pair would. Any person who looked at me with longing would do so as a result of my allure and his growing obsession.

“Do you know why humans own dogs?” Fenris asked randomly. “They claim that petting their canine friends makes them happy. Want to test that theory?”

I pulled back from his hug and rolled my eyes at him.

“I’m not going to pet you, Fenris. Ever.”

“I don’t know. I told you that you’d come running for my hugs one day, and I think we’re getting close. Petting may be in my future.”

Shaking my head at him, I tapped out of his hold.

“You’re incorrigible.”

“And you’ve had a rough twenty-four hours that I’m trying to help you forget. Is it working?”

“A little.”

He sat on his pillow, and I sat with him again.

“You know you can trust me, right?” he asked softly.

I nodded.

“Will you tell me why you’re desperate to find those druids?”

My heart lurched a beat as he watched me expectantly.

“A location spell, remember?”

He nodded slowly, rubbing a finger over his bottom lip. My stomach dipped. I wasn’t sure if it was due to feeling like I was two seconds from being lectured by the most lighthearted person I’d ever known or because he was unintentionally stirring my hunger.

“And you have a more experienced druid offering to help you, but you didn’t take him up on it.”

“And you said he only wanted my number to hook up with me.”

He sighed.

“Fine,” he said softly. “Trust has to be earned. When you’re ready to tell me about it, I’ll be here to help. Until then, let’s see if we can figure out what to do with your lingering sparkle problem.”

For the rest of the class period, I listened to some ridiculous ideas. They ranged from rubbing troll saliva on any sparkle spots, including my mouth, to soaking in the hot springs with Fenris.

The bell rang, and I stood smoothly.

“I already soaked, and it didn’t help the first spot.”

“It might not have helped with the smell, but it helped you relax.”

People made way for us as we walked to General Living. A few cast accusing glances my way, and it wasn’t until the third one that the reason clicked. Immediately, I scanned the faces for Miranda. Instead, I spotted Eras heading my way.

I reached out and clasped Fenris’s hand without thinking. His fingers curled warmly around mine, lending the comfort I desperately needed.

“Sucu-bitch, you are—”

Fenris’s fist crashed into Eras’s face. My mouth fell open. The incubus stumbled back a step, his eyes going dark as his gaze locked on Fenris, who was grinning.

“Want to try that again, Eras? Her name is Eliana.”

Eras wiped the back of his hand across his mouth. He glared at Fenris for an extra moment before looking at me again.

“It’s about time you find your own food. Maybe I should steal your meal from you.”

That dark thing inside of me, the one I was trying so hard not to acknowledge, roared to life.

“Touch Fenris and you will be my next meal, Eras.”



Chapter Three



“Is there a problem?” Adira said, appearing suddenly.

The students who’d gathered to watch the spectacle quickly cleared the halls as the second bell rang. I looked at the woman who’d been making my life hell for far too long. Piepen’s rancid taste, Eras’s anger, and Adira’s meddling were pushing me closer and closer to a dangerous ledge I didn’t dare fall from. Only Fenris’s firm grip on my hand kept me anchored. His thumb stroked over my skin, and I took a calming breath before speaking.

“Eras believes I hired druids to wipe his memory.”

“Did you?” she asked.

“Would it matter if I did? Wouldn’t that be the kind of cutthroat behavior expected of our kind?”

“See! She’s admitting it,” Eras said.

“She admitted nothing, Eras,” Adira said calmly. “But she is correct. Druids need practice with memory wipes, and there’s no harm in encouraging their practice. And you know those types of low-level spells don’t work well on your kind. I’m also quite confident that Eliana didn’t hire a mystic druid. The Council would have known if one had entered Uttira.”

Eras flushed an angry red but remained quiet. Likely, we were both thinking the same thing. If a druid spell didn’t wipe his memory, then what did?

“She stole my meal,” he said through clenched teeth.

“You desire the werewolf too?” Adira said, glancing at Fenris.

Eras’s expression shifted. With a sly smile at me, he focused on Adira.

“I think I do.”

Fenris snorted. I found Eras far less amusing and struggled not to step in front of Fenris.

“If there’s nothing else, I think I’ll take my meal to go,” I said, tugging Fenris with me.

“Enjoy him while you can,” Eras said.

My steps slowed, and Fenris took the lead, pulling me away from Eras and his knowing smirk. Behind him, Adira watched us all closely.

As soon as we turned a corner, I jerked my hand from Fenris’s. He paused to look down at me.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“No. I’m angry.”

He studied me for a moment, his smile slowly growing.

“I don’t see what’s funny.”

“You said you took your meal to go; I’m trying to be your Happy Meal.”

I snorted an involuntary laugh then swatted his arm.

“I don’t have time for your humor, Fenris. Why does it feel like everything is happening to me? Why can’t everyone just leave me alone?”

“Even me?”

“Maybe. I don’t know. I know you’re trying to help, but what you did last night was the opposite of helpful. I told you there’d be more pressure on us, and look at what happened in Self-Discovery. You saw that room. That’s only the start. I just know it.”

“Breathe, love sponge. Remember, you’re the one in control.”

I arched a brow at him.

“Love sponge? Really?”

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