Home > Princess of the Fae (Royal Fae #1)(7)

Princess of the Fae (Royal Fae #1)(7)
Author: Jamie Campbell

“It was busy,” I reply honestly. There isn’t really any other word that better describes my day. “And now I have a ton of homework to do. If I can find my way back to my room.”

He laughs and even the sound is beautiful. “They do like homework here. Would you like me to help you? I’m sure there is a lot here that might be new and confusing.”

“I don’t want to bother you,” I say. I’m sure he’s got plenty of his own to do. I don’t remember seeing him in my classes so he wouldn’t have the same homework as I do tonight.

“It would be my pleasure.” He takes my books from me. “Let’s get started right away. Then I can show you the best path to get back to your suite.”

“Thank you.”

I follow him along gratefully as I try not to notice how good he looks from behind too.

This is going to be a fun study session.



Chapter 4



As it turns out, Reuben knows a lot. Not just about one subject, but every single freaking one I had homework for. He didn’t even need to look things up in the textbooks.

“How are you so insanely smart?” I ask as he helps me with the very last question. I’ve flown through the homework with his help. He has easily saved me hours upon hours of studying.

He grins, making his eyes sparkle. We are sitting outside in the gardens. Gazebos are dotted all around the inner circle, woven into the tapestry between lush green lawns and bright, vibrant flowers.

It’s impossibly beautiful here. I can’t even take it all in yet. The smell of honeysuckle lingers in the air and brightly colored birds chirp in the trees.

Everything is pristine. Like Disneyland-pristine. I have yet to see a gardener or janitor so I have no clue how it’s maintained so well. My best guess is magic.

And lots of it.

“Considering it’s only your first day,” Reuben begins, “you’ve picked up a great deal of your subjects already. You’re going to do fine here.”

“When did you start?” I ask. I’m done with all the book work, now I want to know more about this guy. He’s definitely someone I would like to get to know. His patience with me over the last couple of hours was remarkable. Many would have crumbled trying to teach me the intricacies of physics.

“I have been here since the beginning of the school year. I got my letter late last year and couldn’t wait to get here,” he replies with enthusiasm.

“Was that an acceptance letter? Like you were applying for different colleges?” I’m trying to understand how things work here and I only have the human world to relate it back to. I suspect there have to be many differences.

“You can’t apply to attend the Royal Academy of the Fae. You have to be invited.”

“How do you get invited?”

He stares at me for a moment, as if he might be surprised it’s something I don’t already know. Considering how much he just had to show me, he really shouldn’t be shocked at my lack of knowledge.

“The palace select their staff using personal recommendations and educational qualifications. They only request that the best attend the academy,” he explains.

“Right,” I reply. I think Mrs. Shephard mentioned the academy was only for royals and their staff. I guess there’s probably a whole process they use to find people they want hanging around the palace.

“It’s a great honor to be picked,” he adds.

“I’m sure the royal family is lucky to have such good people working for them.” I pause, still unsure how it all works. “Do you get to choose your job, or do they just give them to you?”

“We are offered a position which we can accept. If it’s not something we are interested in, we can request something else. They are generally very good at matching us with our roles, though. Not many people have to request a change.”

“Sorry if these are stupid questions.”

His smile is reassuring. “They are not. It must be really hard being dropped into the middle of all this.”

I laugh. “That is an understatement. A part of me still doesn’t believe any of this is real.”

“I can assure you, it is.”

If all the people are as kind as Reuben, I think I’m really going to enjoy being here. Plus, the eye candy is awesome. It’s nice knowing his beauty is more than skin deep.

He gives me all the feels.

“So what is going to be your role in the palace?” I ask, happier to focus on him rather than me.

“I will be an advisor to the princess,” he replies with proud confidence.

It takes me a minute to think that through. “My advisor?”

His face splits in two with a smile. “Exactly. We’re going to be working together in the very near future.”

The grin I make is genuine. “I think having you around to help me out will be awesome. Especially if you’re as helpful as you have been this afternoon. Thank you for everything.”

He waves away my comment. “You are most welcome. I am always here to assist you with anything.”

I could easily stay here in the garden all day but the light is waning and I don’t want to occupy any more of Reuben’s time. He’s already been so gracious.

I start to pack up my books. “We should be going. I’m sure you’ve got plenty of more interesting things to do this evening.”

“It’s my pl—”

I cut him off. “It’s not your pleasure. Homework is never a pleasure. Just accept my thanks. If you ever need anything, feel free to knock on my door and I’ll see what I can do.”

He bows and helps me with my books. I refuse to bother him to walk me all the way back to my room so I ask to be pointed in the right direction. Reuben fills me with directions that I promptly forget.

It’s a circle, how lost can I get, right? Famous last words.

I’m sure it takes me twice the amount of time it should to get back to my room. I’m barely in the door when someone knocks on it. I dump my books and swing it open.

“Hello, Princess,” Doug says happily. “May I request your company for dinner tonight?”

I lean against the doorframe and catch my breath. Talk about a whirlwind of a day. It feels like breakfast this morning was a week ago.

I’m exhausted but I do have to eat. The thought of eating alone doesn’t fill me with delight. I accept his invitation and promise to be ready in two minutes’ time. He waits outside.

Mercury gives me a passing glance I hurry past her into the bathroom. I quickly wash my face and throw on some basic makeup.

“Are you okay to get your own dinner?” I ask the cat.

She yawns lazily. “Yes. Don’t worry about me. I’m going to nap first. Did you have a good first day?”

“It was…chaotic.”

“Welcome to royal life.”

She tucks her head in close to her body until she’s just a fluffy circle and closes her eyes. I wish I had her job, it seems like it’s going to be a lot easier than mine.

I leave her to it.

As Doug walks me to the dining hall, I start to recognize things. There are small signs at regular intervals that give directions—I hadn’t noticed them this morning. The signs, as well as knowing the building is circular, helps me immensely to navigate around.

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