Home > Princess of the Fae (Royal Fae #1)(9)

Princess of the Fae (Royal Fae #1)(9)
Author: Jamie Campbell

I pad through to the kitchen and check the fridge and cupboards. They are all bare. I guess they didn’t magically fill like I’d hoped they would. I will have to ask someone if there is a supermarket nearby. I’m always up for a bit of shopping.

My only option is to have a drink of water but that will only make me want to pee. I need something more comforting.

I wonder if the dining room is open at all hours. I can picture Doug saying that I can do whatever I want to. It might be worth the walk to get some milk. Chocolate would be a huge bonus.

“I’m going to get some milk,” I whisper to Mercury. Her left ear flicks in reply. Her concern for me is admirable.

I take my tablet with me in case I get lost. Doug showed me some more map functions after he walked me home from dinner a few hours ago. It’s definitely going to help me get around easier.

The map allows me to choose a destination and then gives me directions—just like Google. It’s very advanced for a Fae nation. I never would have thought they would be tech-savvy. I guess the fairytales were wrong in that respect.

Warm orange lanterns light the way along the corridors. Even though the place is deserted, it doesn’t feel creepy. Everything here feels strangely homely. Like they thought of our comfort first and then planned the academy around that.

In no time, I’m in the dining room. The doors are open and a refreshment stand is the only thing illuminated. As I step through the door, the nearest lantern detaches from the wall and hovers above me, lighting the way. It floats along with me.

I hit paydirt at the refreshment stand—hot cocoa on tap. I fill a mug and take a sip. It’s perfect. Marshmallows float to the surface and bob there in gooey yumminess.

“Cocoa’s my favorite too.” The female voice behind me makes me jump. My cocoa sloshes against the side of the mug. Why does everyone keep sneaking up on me?

“Sorry, I didn’t hear you there,” I reply, trying to calm my racing heart.

She pours herself a mug and takes a sip. “It’s my ritual to have one of these every night. I can’t sleep without it, no matter how late it is.”

“I’m glad I discovered it. I think it might become my nightly ritual too.”

“I’m Hayley.”

“Paige. It’s nice to meet you.”

“You too.”

She holds the mug between both hands as she deeply inhales the sweet scent. Her blond hair falls down around her shoulders in deep curls. Her pajamas have little honey bees on them.

“You’ve just started here, right?” she asks. Her brown eyes are bright, even in the dull lighting. They have just as much warmth to them as the cocoa.

“Yeah, I have. Have you been here long?”

“Since the beginning of the year.” So she would be in my grade too. I haven’t seen her around before so I don’t think we’ve shared any classes yet. “Are you liking it so far?”

“Everyone is really nice.” I pause, suddenly feeling a little melancholy. “I do miss my old friends and family, though.”

“It must have been a shock. All this.” She waves her hand around.

“You could say that.” I don’t want to think about it right now, I think that’s what is keeping me from sleep tonight. I push down all those thoughts to the dark recesses of my mind.

“Your cat is here too, isn’t she? She’s your familiar, right?”

Mercury is a much safer topic. “Yeah, she is. I never realized she could talk, though. That was a big surprise just before she brought me here.”

Hayley giggles. “At least your familiar isn’t a crocodile. It could be a lot weirder.”

“Can crocodiles be familiars?” I ask, horrified. Although, she is right—it could have been a lot more bizarre.

“Any animal can be. My mother’s familiar is a squirrel. A friend I used to go to school with had a ladybug. Any creature, great or small, and all that.”

“Do you have one?”

“Not yet,” she replies. “Maybe one day I’ll find one. I hear they are very special to have. Like having a best friend always there for you. It must be really lovely.”

“Yeah, it is just like that.” Thinking of Mercury, I smile. She is definitely my best friend, whether she will admit that or not. I know I’m lucky to have her. Despite all the attitude she gives me on a daily basis.

I’m at risk of getting all sentimental and it’s too late in the night for that. I take a deep breath and change the subject instead. “Are there any other indulgent rituals I should know about?”

“Plenty. I start the day with a yoga session. Have you heard about those?” I shake my head. “You have to come! It’s at six in the morning, every morning. It really puts me in the right frame of mind for the day.”

“I will.” I used to go to yoga classes twice a week at my campus. I loved them but I never imagined they would offer something like that here. Our worlds are so similar but yet so different.

We chat for a bit longer before we say goodnight and head in different directions. Besides Brad, everyone is so nice here. I wonder if that is just how they are, or they are to me because I’m the princess.

God, that still feels so weird to say.

By the time I crawl into bed, I’m sleepy and ready to nod off. Mercury doesn’t even raise her head at my return. We curl up together before blissful sleep finally whisks me away.

My alarm blares at an ungodly hour in the morning. It takes me a moment to remember why. Yoga. I was so much more enthusiastic about it last night. Now, everything just feels fatigued.

I get out of bed anyway. I said I would see Hayley at the yoga class and I don’t go back on my promises. I haul myself into some very fashionable gym gear from the magical closet and tap in the location on my tablet.

It only takes me five minutes to get there. The health and recreation rooms are not very far from the dining hall. I find the right room and step in—only six minutes late.

Hayley gives me a wave and I grab a mat to take the position next to her. How can she be so chipper when we were up so late last night? I’ve never been good at backing up a late night.

The yoga class is exactly what I need. As we go through the positions and follow the breathing patterns, I can feel any negativity draining away. My limbs turn to jelly and shake out every bit of tension they hold.

Hayley is a master. Every time I lose my balance or get a leg cramp, she’s still holding her pose with absolute calmness.

The hour goes so quickly I can barely believe it when the instructor finishes up. I duck back to my room and quickly shower and change before hurrying to breakfast. I don’t have time to dance around with the waiter so I grab a breakfast burrito and keep going.

People stare. I don’t care.

My first class of the day is all the way across campus and I’m running later than I would like. I don’t have time to stop and use my electronic map so I’m hoping the room will be obvious.

The doors fly past as I hurry to make up time. How does Hayley do this so easily every day? The numbering system here is crazy, I can’t keep up with the doors when they’re all over the place.

I stop.

I’m officially lost.

The bell rang several minutes ago and everyone else is now inside their classrooms. It’s just me now. I pull out my tablet and tap through to try and make sense of where I am at the moment.

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