Home > Princess of the Fae (Royal Fae #1)(3)

Princess of the Fae (Royal Fae #1)(3)
Author: Jamie Campbell

“Your educational classes,” Mrs. Shephard says, like I should know what she’s talking about. I feel like I’ve started to read a book halfway through it instead of from the start.

“So this place really is a school?”

She blinks as she stares at me. I do the same. Mercury is doing a really good job of pretending to be a normal cat again. If this is a dream, now would be a good time to wake up. Before my brain explodes.

Mercury is the one to break the awkward silence. “Miss North is not aware of her…situation. I was planning on informing her soon but the events of tonight were unplanned and sudden.”

Mrs. Shephard isn’t even surprised that the cat can talk. She looks from Mercury to me and then back again. “She knows nothing?”

Mercury nods. “Absolutely nothing.”

I think I should be insulted by that comment but that’s really not my main problem right now. “Guys, I’m sitting right here. Can someone please explain what the holy hell is going on?”

Mrs. Shephard stares for a moment more. “This is the Royal Academy of the Fae, Miss North. And you are our kingdom’s princess.”

I need to wake up right now. I pinch myself but nothing happens except a sharp sting of pain. This couldn’t be really happening.

What. The. Hell?



Chapter 2



“A princess,” I repeat. “As in everybody that goes here is a princess kind of deal?”

“No,” Mrs. Shephard replies. “As in you are the one and only heir to the Fae throne. This academy is here to train all royal children and those that will be working for them in the future. It is a very highly coveted academy. Only the elite are admitted each year.”

I laugh because this is absurd.

Nobody else does.

My laughter cuts off abruptly as it starts to sink in that they don’t seem to be joking with me. If this is real and not some wonky trip, then I have a lot of questions that need answering.

The first one is obvious. “I’m a regular old human being. Why do you think I’m Fae? It’s that like a fairy or something? There are no wings here.” I gesture to my back, just in case it’s not clear.

“Your wings will come in over time. They have been suppressed while you’ve been living in the human world,” she replies calmly. “You are a changeling, Miss North. You were given to a set of human parents when you were born. It was for your own protection.”

“Protection from what?”

“There are forces in our world that wish to eliminate the royal Fae population. I’m sure your familiar will be able to fill you in.”

I look at the cat with an arched eyebrow. She nods. “Yes, yes, I will tell you the whole story later. It’s very complicated.”

The principal smiles. “I will get someone to show you to your rooms. I’m sure you would like to change and freshen up so you can settle in.”

“I didn’t bring any clothes with me.”

“Your room will be appropriately stocked with everything you will need here. You can always make requests too if you are missing anything.”

“Is there underwear?” I ask because I’m really fussy when it comes to my underthings. I cannot go commando under any circumstances.

“Yes, there is underwear.” She stands behind the desk and gestures toward the door. “Come, I’m sure you will be happier once you’ve had a chance to process everything.”

Mercury jumps down from the seat and I stand and follow her out. I know a dismissal when I hear one. She points to one of the boys seated outside her office and speaks to him in a hushed voice. I can’t hear what she is saying but he agrees to whatever it is.

The guy approaches with a huge smile. He’s what I would consider a typical jock at my old high school. Blond hair, blues eyes, and a grin full of teeth. The kind I used to fall for very easily.

“I’m Doug,” he says, holding out his hand for me to shake. That seems very formal behavior for a school. I shake it anyway. His hand is very warm, but not sweaty. “I’m very pleased to meet you, Your Majesty.”

“My name is Paige,” I reply. “Paige is fine, please.”

Oh god, he’s got dimples too. How did I not notice them with the first smile? “Welcome, Paige. I’m glad you are finally here. I’ll show you to your suite.”

I walk next to him in a daze while Mercury follows right behind. The second we leave the principal’s area, the corridors get even fancier. Lush wallpaper and wainscoting adorn every wall in jewel tones like emerald green, sapphire blue, and deep amethyst purple.

It’s beautiful on a whole different scale than I’ve seen before. Not even the nicest buildings I’ve seen in my life compare with this place. I pinch myself again to make sure it’s really real.

“I think you’ll like it here,” Doug says, “Everyone is nice and the classes are hard but not impossible. There’s a great sports program too. If you’re into that, of course.”

I’m not that into sports but if all the players look like Doug, I might be a permanent fixture as a spectator. I’m not above ogling some eye candy.

“What sport do you play?” I ask, half to make conversation and half so I can picture him in his uniform.

“I play baseball, mainly. Soccer too when it’s in season.”

Two options for my fantasies, I certainly approve. I can’t decide which uniform I prefer. Maybe baseball, considering I started this whole thing with a bat only a couple of hours earlier.

“You should watch a game sometime,” he continues. “I’m sure we’ll all play better knowing the Fae Princess is watching.”

“You really think I’m a princess?” I still keep waiting for someone to tell me the punchline to this joke. In no way am I a freaking princess.

Doug nods. “Yes, of course. Everyone has been waiting for you to arrive. You look a lot like your mother, to be honest.”

My mother looks nothing like me. But I guess he’s not referring to the same woman I am. I haven’t even begun to process that yet.

I should book a therapist right now.

He’s still waiting for me to say something. “Thank you,” I mumble. I’ll have to track down these ‘parents’ and check them out for myself. I wonder if they have Wi-Fi here.

We continue walking.

My jaw drops open in awe as the rooms only continue to get prettier and prettier. By the time we stop at a door, my mind has all but exploded. Mercury brushes up against my leg, reminding me she is still here with me.

“This is your suite,” Doug says as he opens the door. He waits for me to go in before he follows. Such a gentleman as well as gorgeous—score.

My room isn’t just a room, but a series of them. I guess that’s what he meant by suite. The door leads into a living room with a plush sofa and massive television that takes up one whole wall.

Beyond that is a little kitchen and dining area with all modern appliances and décor. Everything looks brand new with absolutely no wear or marks. Maybe this whole college is only new.

In the back of the suite is a large bedroom with a solid wood four-poster bed. It is made up with a mauve quilt and way too many cushions in all shades of purple to be practical. Who could use that many cushions?

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