Home > Scammed(3)

Author: Kristen Simmons

I balk.

“Hold on.” Caleb’s brain must be working faster than mine. He steps in front of Grayson, ink-stained fingers hovering inches away from my assignment’s chest. “What’s going on?”

“Is that you, Caleb?” Dr. O’s voice comes from inside the office. “I need to see you in my office, please.”

Caleb twitches, but doesn’t move.

“All of you.” Belk tilts his head toward the open door.

Grayson’s stare is burning a hole through me. His hands, down at his sides, open the slightest bit as if to ask, what do I do?

I have no idea.

“Go.” Belk tilts his head toward the open door.

Henry squeezes my wrist and then heads into the office. I follow on numb feet, uncertain what awaits me inside. The last time I was here, Dr. O informed me that our classmate, Geri, had planted drugs on me on his orders, knowing that I would later use them to get my mom’s good-for-nothing boyfriend and members of the Wolves of Hellsgate motorcycle club arrested.

I’ve avoided this room since then.

My pulse quickens as Dr. O comes into view. He’s seated behind his antique desk, framed by the oil paintings and his degrees on the wall behind him. With one hand he motions us forward, not taking his eyes off the laptop as he finishes typing.

The tap of the keys scratch at my nerves until I feel like I might scream. What is Grayson doing here? What did he tell you? What are you going to do with me?

I can’t lose this.

And neither can Caleb or Henry. It occurs to me only then that they’re here because they’re going to be punished with me, which cannot happen.

It is one thing to expel me, but another entirely to cut off the care Caleb’s father depends on to live.

Caleb stands close on my right side. His pinky finger hooks around mine and squeezes, and soon I’m squeezing back hard enough to bruise. He edges closer, hiding our clasped hands from the director, and when his shoulder rises with a steadying breath, I follow suit.

But I don’t chance looking at him, not here before Dr. O. This man controls our fates, and I will not forget the power he wields over us.

“Is this real life?” Henry blurts out. “Because I had a dream just like this once, only I’m pretty sure I was a lot taller—”

“All done,” says Dr. O, rising from his chair like a king greeting his subjects. His red sweater is offset by a crisp, white collar and black slacks, all tailored to fit him perfectly. The smudges beneath his eyes, present ever since I told him about his sister, are more prominent today. If I had to guess, I’d say that was probably because of Grayson’s presence.

“How were the SATs?” Dr. O asks, as if he didn’t just face the boy responsible for his sister’s death. As if he can’t send me packing, can’t make me disappear, with little more than the snap of his fingers.

“Okay?” Henry looks over to Caleb and me for help.

“What is Grayson Sterling doing here?” I have to force the words out of the straw that has become my throat. Caleb’s grip on my hand is unfaltering, and I hold it like a lifeline.

Dr. O’s chin lifts slightly.

“We’re going to have a visitor for a few weeks while some things get sorted out. The other students have been informed, but as we didn’t have much time to prepare for his arrival, I wasn’t able to give you fair warning before your tests.”

“He’s going to stay here?” My voice doesn’t sound like my own. It’s too low, too unsteady. If Grayson’s staying here, that can only mean that I’m out.

“He is.” Dr. O’s focus reduces me to the size of a mouse. “And while he’s here, it’s imperative that we make him feel welcome and safe. His life has been a bit chaotic recently.”

Because of me. Because I told him to run.

“I don’t understand,” says Caleb. “We’ve never had a mark come to Vale Hall before.”

“Does he know what we do?” asks Henry. “Is he a new student?”

“No.” Dr. O raises a hand. “Nor is he to be part of any conversation regarding your work here. We are an elite boarding school, nothing more. As of today, Vocational Development is on hold, and any discussion regarding your assignments is strictly off-limits. With the exception of Brynn.”

The pressure in my lungs increases. “What do you mean?”

“You’re to resume your work with him,” Dr. O says. “He knows you. Make him comfortable. Make him understand that we’re on his side while I deal with his father.”

What is this, a resort? What does that even mean, deal with his father? I can’t believe what I’m hearing. Dr. O just invited Grayson Sterling to live under his roof, and we’re supposed to pretend like everything’s fine?

I squeeze Caleb’s fingers harder. “How is that supposed to work?”

Grayson was a mark. He knows I conned him. I can’t fool him twice—not now that he knows the game.

Lines tighten around Dr. O’s eyes, then relax. “Gentlemen, you’re excused. I need to speak to Brynn alone, please.”

Caleb releases my hand, stepping forward. “Sir, I don’t think it’s safe for him to be here given how things went the last time they were together.”

Caleb may have tried to pull that smooth conning voice with Moore when we were caught in the car, but he doesn’t now. He is one hundred percent Caleb, and fully vigilant.

“Let me and my staff worry about safety concerns,” says Dr. O.

“He could’ve killed her,” argues Caleb.

Sweat dews on my hairline as I remember those final moments coming around the turn on Route 17 when I thought Grayson meant to crash us, the way he had Susan.

Dr. O circles his desk, passing Caleb to stand before me. “Do you think Grayson means to harm you?”

Caleb opens his mouth to interrupt, but is stopped by Dr. O’s flat hand. Henry is watching me, but I can’t break from Dr. O’s pointed gaze. How can he ask me this? I doubt Susan Griffin thought he meant to harm her before that day, either.

“No,” I manage. “I don’t think so.”

“That’s not very reassuring,” says Henry.

“Grayson will be watched.” Dr. O inhales. Exhales through his teeth. It’s the first hint of discomfort he’s shown since we came into this office, and I find it mildly reassuring. “Until he’s gone, I expect you to treat this like any other assignment. Protect our secrets.”

A tense silence fills the room.

“Yes, sir,” says Henry finally.

Dr. O motions toward the door. When Caleb doesn’t move, Henry reaches around me to grab Caleb’s sleeve.

“Yes, sir,” Caleb concedes in a hard voice.

He passes me a look that says find me later, then I’m alone in the office with Dr. O.

A change falls over me, a fusing of my muscles, the crystallization of my nerves. With my friends close, danger is able to seep into my pores, reminding me that however competent I may be, there is much to lose.

But without them, when it’s only Dr. O and the job, I am reduced to my old self. I am Brynn Hilder of Devon Park, and my skin is my shield.

“He knows who you are,” says Dr. O as soon as the door closes. “He thinks you’re a con artist.”

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