Home > Watching Over You (McKenzies of Ridge Trail #3)(12)

Watching Over You (McKenzies of Ridge Trail #3)(12)
Author: Lori Foster

   Uncomfortable with the information, Crosby rubbed the back of his neck. Most of that discomfort came from knowing he would do the same for someone he loved. “You got her back, so your methods worked.”

   For the longest time, Parrish didn’t reply. “One year to the day that I found her and brought her home, she killed herself. The pain of her ordeal was too much for her to bear.”

   Silence stretched out, the tension tightening. Memories bombarded Crosby, along with thoughts of what might have happened if he hadn’t been in the right place at the right time. No one should have to suffer as Marian had. As Parrish did still.

   There was really only one thing he could say. “I understand.”

   “I thought you might.” Parrish propped a hip on the corner of the desk. “Marian left a note saying that she loved us, and that she was sorry.” He locked his gaze to Crosby’s. “She also insisted that I should do everything in my power to ensure that other women didn’t go through the same ordeal that she had.” Oddly enough, Parrish gave a small smile. “She knew me so well. Motivating me to do something about the atrocities gave me a purpose, a way to cope with my grief. I’d already experienced what was possible, what I could accomplish when I used my fortune and resources combined.”

   “It’s admirable.” Crosby meant that. One hundred percent.

   “I wanted the same for my children.” Parrish paused, shook his head. “I needed to know that they could defend themselves, and others, if they needed to. It happened to Marian, so I knew it could happen to anyone. There was no safe social status, no invisible financial barrier that protected her. No amount of love that kept her from being vulnerable.”

   Crosby found it hard to breathe. He couldn’t fathom the torment Parrish must have suffered while searching for Marian. Not knowing if she was dead or alive. How badly she’d been hurt.

   He curled his hands into fists. To find her and then lose her anyway...

   Yes, he understood. He’d move heaven and hell to protect the people he loved.

   “I trained with the best,” Parrish said, “and the kids trained with me. Everything I learned, I wanted them to know, as well.”

   Why did that suddenly seem like the right answer? Until this moment, Crosby had resented Madison’s upbringing, seeing it as too disciplined, focused only on retribution instead of living. He’d worried that she’d missed out on being a little girl, but now?

   Now he knew she was capable of protecting herself in ways most people couldn’t. Maybe he should rethink things with Silver...and Hallie, too. “You created an elite team, made up of you and your kids, and now you do what you can to protect others.”

   “A nice summary that leaves out all the grisly aspects. And, Crosby? I want you to know, things do get grisly on occasion.”

   They do, not that they did, meaning he engaged in those same practices still. “The summary left out the years of hard training, too, but I’m starting to get the big picture.” Nothing came without a cost. This family had lost a lot, and in return, they’d given back. How amazing was that?

   Parrish straightened. “Thank you for understanding. Now, how about I show you around?”

   “Around your home?”

   “It’s not just a home, you know. I was a well-respected surgeon before I changed my focus. Or had it changed by circumstances.” He led Crosby from the room. “I have a fully functioning medical space here, but we also have a gym, an indoor shooting range, two pools, an armory—”

   “Armory?” Crosby barely noticed the luxury of the gazillion rooms they went through because the conversation was so enlightening.

   “Since Reyes and Madison are sparring, we’ll save the gym for last.”

   Well hell. That statement all but guaranteed he’d be distracted throughout the entire, fascinating tour.

   Worse, he had a feeling Parrish had planned it that way. Why would he do that? Surely he didn’t want Crosby to get involved with Madison.

   But if he did? That would eliminate his main reason for resisting her.

   The house seemed to go on and on forever. He’d gotten only a cursory peek into the suites set up for Cade, Reyes and Madison, mostly so that he’d understand the layout of the house, but Parrish had explained that each of them had given input on their unique designs.

   Madison’s suite was classy, but also pretty without a lot of fuss. Like her.

   Truthfully, he’d barely noticed Cade’s or Reyes’s rooms except to note the obvious upscale features.

   Now the armory... That astounded him. He couldn’t recall ever seeing such a wide array of weaponry, from street ready to military grade and everything in between. It left him in awe.

   He and Parrish were strolling a hall, chatting amicably, when he heard a grunt coming from an open room ahead.

   “The gym,” Parrish explained. “Sounds like Madison and Reyes are still training.”

   Intrigued, Crosby detoured toward the noise. The air was thicker here, warmer, scented by clean sweat and sanitizer. He was only vaguely aware of Parrish silently keeping stride with him.

   “Don’t take your frustrations out on me,” Reyes complained.

   “I’m not frustrated,” Madison said, the statement followed by what sounded like a kick against leather.

   “Baloney. You want the pretty boy cop and he’s not having it so you’re trying to demolish me.”

   Crosby froze. Parrish did not, so he had to take two steps to catch up. Pretty boy cop?

   There was a distinctly feral and feminine growl, along with a series of loud thwacks.

   Then Reyes’s laugh. “Way to prove my point.”

   “Crosby isn’t pretty,” Madison huffed. “He’s gorgeous.”

   They were discussing him. Crosby felt his ears go hot. Damn it, Madison. A quick glance at Parrish showed her father’s barely checked amusement.

   See, this was why he shouldn’t get involved with her. The woman had no filter, at least not that he’d ever seen. On more than one occasion, she’d taken him by surprise with something unexpected.

   With many things unexpected.

   Parrish said nothing, but he also didn’t halt their course to the gym’s entrance. In fact, he might have prodded Crosby along.

   What did that mean? Encouragement? Or a test?

   “I’m betting he’s also interested,” Reyes said around a few huffs, as if dodging blows.

   “You’d lose that bet.”

   No, he wouldn’t, Crosby thought with a scowl. Interested wasn’t the same as willing, though.

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