Home > The End of Us (Love in Isolation #3)(13)

The End of Us (Love in Isolation #3)(13)
Author: Kennedy Fox

“Ha! Consider yourself officially invited to come build a fifty-thousand-piece puzzle with me. Even you, Tristan.”

I scoff. “Thanks.”

Piper takes a few more bites as if she hasn’t eaten all day and releases a throaty moan that echoes through the room. “This is so delicious.”

“Glad you approve this time,” I say, trying to ignore how my body reacts to her.

After we’ve finished our dinner, Easton offers to clean the kitchen. Piper tells us she’s going to take a shower, and I sit at the breakfast bar.

“Thanks for staying for dinner. It was good to see you for more than a few minutes,” I say.

“No problem. Glad I could. Don’t get to see you nearly enough.”

“I know. Might need to change that as soon as things settle down,” I admit.

“I’d like that. Maybe go and catch some waves.”

A small smile hits my lips. “You know, I haven’t done that in over a decade.”

I think back to the last time I was on a board. It was before I left for basic training. Things were much different back then, though. I was more carefree and less jaded.

“You just tell me when, and I’ll clear my schedule,” he tells me, wiping the plates dry before placing them in the cabinet. “Piper isn’t as snobby as I imagined she’d be.”

I smile. “She’s humble and down to earth. Only snarky when she’s miserable.”

“Bet this is actually pretty hard for her.”

“Yeah, but I think she’s finally adjusting. It’s only temporary, and soon, she’ll be back in her New York penthouse.” I shrug.

“Do you know how much longer you guys have to stay here?”

I shake my head. “No idea. Playing it all by ear right now.”

He dries his hands and faces me. “Well, I’ll bring you shit for as long as you need. Don’t hesitate to call or text me, okay?”

“Sure. Thanks again for helping out.”

“Yeah, anytime. Guess I should probably go before the traffic gets too crazy.”

I stand and give him a hug. “We should do this again.”

He pulls away and smirks. “We absolutely should. Tell Piper I said thanks for a good time.”

“Yeah, yeah.”

Easton heads toward the door, and I follow him, then wave as he backs out of the driveway.

After I lock up, I sit on the couch and turn on the TV. Twenty minutes later, Piper comes back downstairs with her hair wrapped in a towel. She plops down next to me.

“Your brother is nice.”

“He can be.”

“He seems to bring out the good side in you.”

I glance over at her. “He does. He’s my baby brother and knows how to make me smile, even while getting on my nerves.”

She reaches for the remote. “Makes me miss my sister.”

My face softens. “I know, Piper. This will all be over soon.”

“I hope so because right now, it’s pure torture. I mean, not because of you. You’re…well, you’re the way you always are. I just miss my life and freedom.”

“I’ll try not to take that personally.”

She chuckles. “Good. So, Housewives of New Jersey or LA?”

I snort at my choices. “Surprise me.”












I’ve never watched so much TV in my life.

And I’m pretty sure I’ll go blind if I stare at the screen a minute longer.

Though it’s been nice to just binge-watch some reality TV, I also feel like my brain cells are slowly dying. Between the Housewives of New Jersey and looking up recipes in the books Easton brought, the weekend flew by without any news from the police. My stalker is still on the loose, and they don’t know where he is.

To make matters worse, I’m going stir-crazy not being able to see what people are saying online. I’ve never gone this long without uploading a video. Even though some of my sponsored Instagram posts are pre-scheduled, the fact I’m not responding to comments or updating my Instagram stories is undoubtedly being noticed. It’s unlike me not to be very active, so I can only imagine the rumors that are spreading.

Since Tristan allows me to use the patio, I go outside and call Kendall. Though she’s on her honeymoon, she always picks up when I call. I know they’re having a great time, so I try not to interrupt her too much or keep her for long.

“Can you do me a favor and post something on my Instagram? I don’t know what’s being said so I’d like to at least explain where I am, well not where I really am, but that I’m taking a mental health break and won’t be uploading anything for a bit. Something along those lines. Use one of my pics I’ve sent you.”

“Are you sure that’s a good idea?”

“It’s gotta be better than radio silence. I’m sure people think I went into rehab or something.”

Kendall chuckles. “Alright, I’m sure I can whip up something vague and perky. Should I say you’re taking a social media break in the Cayman’s?”

“No!” I laugh. “Nowhere specific. I don’t need the locals looking for me, then saying I was lying.”

“Okay, good point. Anything else? How’s operation Get Tristan to fall in love with you going?”

“Pretty sure he thinks of me as an annoying younger sister he’s not being paid enough to babysit.”

Ryan barks out a laugh but is smart enough to keep his snarky comments to himself.

“From what Mom has told me, they haven’t tracked the guy down yet, so it sounds like you might be there for a bit longer. Time to step up your game,” Kendall says with a flirtatious tone. “Took two weeks for me to make Ryan fall in love with me.”

“Don’t start planning my wedding, geez,” I say with an eye roll. “You and Ryan had a history. Tristan and I barely know each other.”

“Alright, so maybe it’ll take him three instead. That still gives you plenty of time.”

“Don’t hold your breath. At this point, I’d settle for his friendship. I’m bored and lonely. All I get from him is his judgy eyes and silent criticisms.”

“He’s probably trying to hold back inappropriate comments about how hot you are,” Kendall says. “I like to think that’s why Ryan was so quiet in the beginning.”

“Don’t feed her that bullshit,” Ryan interjects, and I chuckle at his blunt honesty.

“Well, I think I’ve had enough of this pep talk. I’m gonna call Mom and then try to figure out what to do with the other twelve hours of the day.”

“You’ll be alright, sis. I love you, stay safe, and listen to Tristan,” Kendall tells me.

“Yeah, yeah. Love you too. Bye!”

I chat with my mother, letting her know that Easton’s been bringing us things. She reassures me all of this is temporary, and while I know that, it feels like this will last forever.

Once we say goodbye, I head in and set my phone down on the coffee table. Tristan isn’t on the couch anymore, and I don’t see him in the kitchen, so I assume he’s in his room. I walk to the bathroom, needing to wash my face, though I’ve been washing it nonstop because my entire body is one big sweat ball.

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