Home > Color Me Lucky (The Monroes Book 4)(3)

Color Me Lucky (The Monroes Book 4)(3)
Author: Jen Talty






“Well, look at what the cat finally dragged in. Baby Bobby.”

Robert Monroe, or Bobby as everyone called him but his father, strolled onto the patio of the country club where his sister’s big birthday bash was being held. And that was putting it mildly. Her new boyfriend had gone all out with this so-called small gathering of only family and close friends. While the guest list had been contained, the food presentation had to have cost a small fortune, not to mention the alcohol was all top of the line labels.

“Hey, Dad.” He gave his father a good manly squeeze. “You do know I’m not a baby anymore and it’s weird that you call me that.” It might have been odd, but it also didn’t bother Bobby. He found it endearing in an off-color way.

“I’ve called you that your entire life.” His father stood at about six one, but as of late, it appeared he might have shrunk about half an inch. He’d also developed a bit of a limp, which according to his oldest sister, Kennedy, he was in desperate need of a hip replacement but was being stubborn and wouldn’t schedule an appointment with the surgeon.

“It wouldn’t be so odd if Mom used the endearing term.” Bobby took the glass of wine his father offered and clanked his glass against his father’s. “Here’s to Ethel and her new boyfriend.”

His father arched a brow. “Never thought I’d see that one fall in love and want to settle down, and it’s happening so fast. Did she tell you she’s moving in with him?”

“Her lease is up in a month. It makes sense.”

“She just met the man and she’s working for him. What if it doesn’t work out?” his father said, shaking his head. “And he’s so much older.”

“Does the age really bother you? Because you’re fifteen years older than Mom.”

“I certainly understand why her father hated me so much when we first started dating.”

“Dad, you don’t hate Casper. You admire him and all that he’s accomplished.” Bobby laughed. Everyone in his family adored Casper. He was kind, generous, and it was obvious he’d walk through fire for Ethel.

Then again, three of his four sisters had found their knights in shining armor.

“Just because I think he’s a good man doesn’t mean I want my youngest daughter shacking up with him after they have only really been together for what? A week? It’s crazy.”

“I think it’s been more like a month and didn’t you knock Mom up in less than that?”

“Oh, who asked you,” his father said, taking a long swig of his wine.

Bobby spotted Ethel across the patio. She sported a bright smile as she hung on the arm of her handsome new boyfriend, who Bobby knew to be the perfect match for his amazing sister. Standing next to Casper was a tall, bronzed, dreamy-looking fellow with dark hair and broad shoulders, wearing a salmon-colored button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled three quarters. He’d neatly tucked it into his dark slacks.

Bobby lifted his shades, shoving them on top of his head. He shouldn’t stare, but he couldn’t help it.

“So, how’s your love life? Are you dating anyone?”

“I wish. But unfortunately, my newfound fame has brought out all the whack jobs, and not just gay ones.”

“Excuse me?” His father lowered his chin and raised a brow. “What does that mean?”

“Simply put, I’ve got women trying to convert me.”

“Well, that’s nothing new,” his father said.

“I’ve had two straight men hit on me saying they want to experiment, thinking they might be bisexual.”

His father’s face crinkled. “I hate that term.”


“I find being attracted to the same sex natural and normal. There’s nothing wrong with it, unlike what the rest of the world seems to think, but I’ll never understand someone who is into both.”

Bobby bit back his laugh. He shouldn’t push his father’s buttons. His parents were always supportive and knew he was gay long before he ever admitted it to himself and to the world. They helped him navigate his journey and stood by his side whenever things got tough. Growing up was hard enough, being a sensitive bookworm who wasn’t into sports, and while no one could describe him as feminine, it was pretty obvious he was into boys.

“What about swingers, Dad? I heard you and Mom were propositioned a couple of weeks ago?” He let his gaze shift back and forth between his dad and the insanely attractive older gentleman hanging on his sister’s every word.

His father waved at the waiter, holding up his glass. “Your poor mother. She’s so clueless sometimes when it comes to this sort of thing. I picked up on it the second we sat down to dinner, but Mom? She just kept being as friendly and sweet as always, and next thing you know, this woman is trying to kiss Mom and, oh, well, honestly, it was kind of funny.”

“I can only imagine,” Bobby said. “And it’s going in my next novel, unless you forbid it.” If he ever got the damn thing off the ground. Fucking publisher wanted the same characters. Granted, he’d moved slightly from straight-up romance to mystery, so he could do it, but it wouldn’t be easy.

“I’ll send you the nasty details in an email. I’m sure it will make for a funny scene.”

“Please do. You’re a better writer than you give yourself credit for.”

“I just love that you enjoy my ideas and strange stories.” His father slapped him on his back. “By the way, that’s Navy. He wants your autograph.”


“The man you keep eyeing. He’s Casper’s personal pilot. But he’s way too old for you. He’s about Casper’s age.”

“I’m about Ethel’s age, so it sounds about perfect, and I wouldn’t want to keep a fan waiting.” Bobby stuffed his free hand in his trousers and waltzed across the patio. His sister had mentioned the sexy pilot who had been reading his book and wanted a signed copy.

She also mentioned his sexual orientation with a little too much excitement. At first, he wasn’t interested. He never went on dates with anyone his family tried to set him up with because it always ended badly. And he also never, ever dated fans. That was the kiss of death. He’d made that mistake once and talk about bad endings that belonged in paper shredders.

He got the chills just thinking about that short and toxic relationship.

But this was his sister’s birthday party, thrown by her new boyfriend. And boss. And Navy was now technically her employee.

It would be rude if he didn’t stop over and introduce himself. Bobby could keep it strictly professional.

He made eye contact with Ethel who smiled brightly. “Well, hello there, stranger.” She pried herself from Casper’s embrace and closed the gap between them, nearly spilling his wine all over his shirt. “You made it.”

“What made you think I wouldn’t?” He pulled his sister in for a bear hug. He was close to all of his siblings, but he and Ethel shared a special bond. They were only fifteen months apart, and when it became clear his older brother Fitz was on his way to becoming a jock and ladies’ man, it was Ethel who became Bobby’s best friend. They were only one grade apart and for a long time, they were inseparable, until Bobby found his people and didn’t need his big sister to protect him from the insanity of his brother’s world.

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