Home > Wreck (Gentry Generations)(9)

Wreck (Gentry Generations)(9)
Author: Cora Brent

“Because you were delighted to see us or because our arrival gave you a reason to blow off your other friends?”

“They’re not my friends. I just met them tonight. They made me an offer I had a tough time refusing.”

Brecken howled with laughter. “Aw, poor Thomas. Requires assistance to escape from the two pretty girls who are dying to ride his dick.”

If this guy wasn’t my best friend I’d feel inclined to give him a hard shove. “Cut the shit, would you? I’m doing my best to behave. Where’s your car?”

“We’ve got David’s Yaris. I’m claiming boyfriend privileges so you’ll be squeezing into the backseat.”

“I don’t mind.”

Breck was serious about scoring some nachos. We drove back to Tempe and sought out a popular cantina a few blocks from the university. The front patio was buzzing with live music and a hard drinking crowd so we requested an interior booth before ordering a loaded nacho platter.

Breck and David were as unalike as any couple I knew, yet they’d been together for more than two years and somehow they fit. David was on a PhD track in some kind of psychology discipline while Breck had abandoned college to apprentice with an electrician. David was serious and thoughtful while Breck had been known to fly by the seat of his pants and always had a joke handy. They even dressed like opposites. Tonight Brecken wore a thrift shop Metallica tee with faded black jeans while David was buttoned into a crisp short sleeve blue shirt and khaki slacks that would suit any business casual office. In the beginning David had been a little wary of me but he’d gotten over that a long time ago and now I counted him as a friend.

They held hands on the other side of the booth while we bullshitted over multiple servings of nachos and once Breck pulled his boyfriend close to plant a kiss on his lips. One time he’d confessed that even in this day and age people sometimes had nasty garbage to say when the two of them were out together, but Breck would never let that get in his way. He was one of my favorite people in the world and our families were linked so closely that we were as good as family to each other. His two brothers were married to two of my cousins and he was a fixture at every Gentry family holiday and special occasion.

“You guys are going to be there tomorrow, right?” I asked, figuring they’d understand that I was referring to my parents’ anniversary party.

“Hell yeah.” Brecken seized the last nacho on the tray and popped it into his mouth. “We wouldn’t miss a family event.”

“Good. I’ll stick by you in order to avoid questions about why I didn’t invite a date.”

David offered a suggestion. “Perhaps your two admirers would be happy for the chance to stand in.”

“I think my mom’s hoping I’ll get attached to something more permanent.”

“You’ve never kept a girlfriend for longer than three weeks,” Brecken pointed out. “Why does anyone believe you’ll start now?”

“Wishful thinking I guess.”

“How so?”

“That some nice wholesome girl will solve all of my troubles.”

I’d been flexing my hand, my pitching hand, a physical therapy move that had become a habit. David noticed and I could practically hear the clinical psychology gears turning in his brain. He shot a look to Breck that I couldn’t quite read and then stood up.

“You guys will have to excuse me. I need to go visit the boys’ room.”

Another meaningful look was exchanged between the two of them.

“All right, man. We’ll be here.” Breck winked at his boyfriend and fondly watched his departure before becoming serious.

I balled up a napkin and threw it at him. “What’s going on?”

We’d been friends for too many years for me to not recognize when he had something on his mind.

He rapped his knuckles on the table surface. “You tell me, buddy.”

“Is this about the racing? It’s no big deal. It’s just for fun, Breck.”

“That must be why I was sworn to secrecy.”

My shoulders lifted in a juvenile shrug. “You know the family would worry.”

“They’d be right to worry.”

This was something new. Brecken had his share of wild moments and he wasn’t one to hand out lectures. My friend rubbed a hand over his unshaven jaw and examined me before speaking again.

“Thomas, I was watching you out on that race track. I mean I was really watching you.”


“So it’s like you don’t give two shits if you walk away in one piece.”

“Come on. That’s a load of crap.”

“I don’t think so.” He blew out a breath and wilted. “You’re not like this.”

“Like what?”

“Irresponsible. I don’t need to tell you why it’s a big deal for you to risk your neck over bullshit like an amateur car race. You already know.”

He was talking about Derek’s accident. A man was killed. The other driver had blown a red light while speeding, which was why Derek’s prison sentence was short even though he’d been legally drunk. It was a bad time and the whole family was devastated. My parents must have thought that the worst life could throw at them was over once Derek was out of prison, sober and engaged to an amazing girl. But then some maniac with a gun and a taste for torture tried to take their youngest son apart. Brecken was pointing out that my family had already suffered enough.

Another sigh from across the table. “It’s occurred to me once or twice to wonder if you’re using.”

I bristled. “I’m not.”

“I know. Drugs have never been your thing. But it worries me when I see how much you get out of this. I know life has been tough for you ever since…”

“Since nearly getting killed in a home invasion. I don’t think we need to rehash the details.”

A faint twinge announced itself in my right hand. I flattened the palm on the table and recalled the day I’d learned that there were twenty-seven bones in each hand. The scars of four separate surgeries were fading and a casual observer might not even guess that two of the fingers remained slightly misshapen.

The men had come for Taylor. All because her family had decided she knew something about the missing fortune of her dead father. Their plan was to extract the information by any means necessary. When they broke into the apartment and lured her home they assumed I was her boyfriend. I refused to correct them. Doing so would have risked Kellan’s safety. If they’d known about Kellan they might have left me alone but they would have gone after my brother. I would never have allowed that, no matter what it cost me.

And it had cost me a lot.

I balled the hand up into a fist. There was not really any pain now, just a vague stiffness and an occasional dull ache. I had never and would never regret the sacrifice.

I met the concerned gaze of my best friend. “I have everything under control, Breck.” I gave him a grin to make light of the situation. “I got too used to being idolized. I suppose I’m still adjusting to my ordinary status.”

He didn’t return the grin. “You’re not ordinary, Thomas. You’re one of the best people I’ve ever known.”

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