Home > The Soldati General (Soldati Hearts #3)(15)

The Soldati General (Soldati Hearts #3)(15)
Author: Charlie Cochet

“The Soldati are passionate creatures. They tend to select mates based on emotional connections.”

Lazzari huffed. “Sounds exhausting.”

“I admit he’s intriguing,” Fausti said. “The Soldati Eye flows through him, gifting him with unimaginable power, and yet he chooses only to use his gifts for healing.”

Which was why Segreti assumed the Eye had chosen Ezra. In the wrong hands, who knew what destruction the Eye could cause?

Fausti took a big gulp of his drink. “I hear he’s always lost in some book or in his herb garden. Odd for a Soldati warrior.”

“But he’s very pleasing on the eyes,” Gori offered.

Lazzari nodded. “Agreed.”

“What did I say?”

“Come, General. If you feel affection toward him, you should make it known.”

Fausti’s concern was touching. Segreti shook his head. “His soul is filled with warmth and virtue. I dare not sully it.”

Fausti cleared his throat. “Um, General…”

“I’m a beastly weathered Orso general covered in battle scars, with no army to command and a soul too battered to fight. He is beautiful and sweet, the light in him shining brighter than any sun. I have nothing of worth to offer him.”

“I would have to disagree, General.”

Segreti’s eye widened, and he slowly sat up straighter. He turned to find Ezra standing there, a book hugged to his chest and a timid smile on his handsome face, but there was something else in his eyes. Ezra had sought him out for… some reason. And where was the Eye? Its absence meant this encounter was more than it seemed, and Segreti would be wise to play along. Ezra lifted his gaze to meet Segreti’s, an intensity those who didn’t know him well enough would miss.

“I would say a noble and loyal heart capable of great sacrifice and love is worth its weight in gold. Whomever you give your heart to will be a lucky fellow indeed. I pray he’ll be worthy of such a gift.”

Segreti opened his mouth to reply, but no words came. Fausti elbowed him sharply, and Segreti asked, “Do you think it possible this fellow might feel some affection for this noble and loyal heart?”

Ezra’s cheeks went pink, his eyes darting to the others before returning to Segreti. “I do.”

Segreti stood slowly. “And why has this fellow not made his sentiments known?”

“Perhaps matters of the heart have always been somewhat of a puzzle for him.” Ezra’s gaze lowered to his book. “Perhaps he fears he has nothing to offer such a great and noble warrior.” Ezra leaned in to whisper loudly, “They say he’s a bit of an odd one.”

Everyone chuckled quietly behind Segreti.

Segreti laughed softly. He placed his fingers to Ezra’s chin and lifted his face. “Perhaps odd is just what this Orso general needs.”

Ezra’s smile filled Segreti with warmth. “Would you care to accompany me to the gardens?” He held up the book he cradled to himself. “I found this wonderful story of an Orso prince. It’s very possibly fiction, but the prose is exquisite.”

Segreti didn’t question the request. “I would love nothing more than to accompany you and hear of this tale that seems to have enchanted you.” He excused himself from his brethren, promising to catch up with them at a later time. He also ignored Fausti waggling his eyebrows at him.

As they walked side by side, Segreti waited until they were far enough away not to be overheard. “What is it?”

“The Eye urged me to seek you out.”


Ezra shook his head. “I don’t know, but the moment I neared your table, it took off. It’s close by but remains hidden.”

“Do you think it suspects any of the Orso I sat with?”

“It’s very likely. We’ll wait in the garden. Perhaps when it returns, we’ll know a little more.”

The gardens were stunning, but then that was no surprise, considering the rest of the castle grounds. He’d heard the gardens were particularly favored by the prince, which would explain why they were immaculate, filled with colorful flowers of every variety, lush shrubs, and trees. Birds chirped happily; squirrels and tiny woodland creatures frolicked. It was like something out of a fairy tale.

Ezra’s expression softened. “Forgive my boldness, but I must admit the Eye having insisted I seek you out doesn’t change how happy it made me to do so, or the words spoken between us.”

Joy washed over Segreti, and he brought Ezra into his arms for a sweet, tender kiss. “You don’t know the exhilaration your words bring me.”

“I think I might,” Ezra replied shyly. He took hold of Segreti’s hand and led him toward a huge tree with many branches, its sparkling green leaves providing wonderful shade. “Sit with me.” Ezra took position at the base of the tree and crossed his legs at the ankles, the buckles of his boots clinking together at the movement.

Segreti made himself comfortable beside Ezra, his larger frame eclipsing a great portion of the tree’s trunk. “You said the Eye insisted that you seek me out. Are you saying it speaks to you?”

“Yes, but it’s a rare occurrence.”

“Is it usually so cryptic?”

Ezra chuckled. “For the Eye, yes. All will be revealed in time. I’m simply its voice. As I searched for you, I received a vision of this garden. You and I sat in this very spot in front of this tree, and I had this very book in my hand.” He held the book out to Segreti, but Segreti placed his hands over Ezra’s.

“Would you read it to me?” Segreti was certain his gruff baritone would not do the prose justice. Ezra’s voice, on the other hand, was lyrical.

Ezra’s face lit up, his smile wide as he nodded. “I would love to.” He opened the book while Segreti attempted to get comfortable—attempted being the key word. Perhaps if he closed his eye, he might settle.



“You needn’t keep your discomfort to yourself.”

Segreti opened his eye and frowned down at Ezra. “How did you know?”

“I’m a healer,” Ezra reminded him. He patted the grass beside him. “Lie down. Put your head on my lap.”

Segreti cleared his throat and averted his gaze, afraid his face might be as red as it felt. Goddess above, shyness! At his advanced years. “Where will you put your book?”

Ezra chuckled. “I have already moved it.”

Segreti turned his face, his brows shooting up at the sight of the floating book. Well now, wasn’t that something? With a nod, Segreti lay on the grass, his head against the softness of Ezra’s lap. The relief was instant. Ezra smiled down at him, and Segreti returned the gesture.

“Close your eye.”

“I fear your voice and your lap may put me to sleep.” He realized what it sounded like, and his eye flew open. “Not that you put me to sleep,” he quickly corrected. “I would never be wearied by you, ever. I was referring to how comfortable I am in your presence, and I, um…”

Ezra laughed softly. “General, I know what you meant, and it pleases me to hear it.”

“It does?”

“Yes. The fact you would feel such comfort in my presence that you’d allow yourself to fall into a state of vulnerability speaks volumes of your trust in me.”

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