Home > Double Dog Dare You(3)

Double Dog Dare You(3)
Author: Lacey Black

Me: Later

I toss my phone onto the table and lean back in the chair, gazing up at the stars. There’s nothing better than Tennessee nights in the mountains. They sure beat the hell out of southern Illinois where I grew up.

My phone pings with a text, and I wonder if it’s my mystery woman. I should definitely tell her she has the wrong number, but I’m having a little innocent fun. If she texts me tomorrow, I’ll let her know I’m not Sabrina. When I glance at my phone, I see a work-related message from one of my employees.

Damn, not her.

In the meantime, I guess I’ll just sit here and think about the woman down the mountain with striking blue eyes and blonde hair that looks soft enough to tangle my fingers in it.



Chapter Two


It’s a gorgeous night.

And that was one gorgeous man.

His features were shadowed by the light, but I could still see enough to make my heart flutter in my chest. Dark hair, firm, stubbled jaw, and a smile that did a number on my trusty cotton panties in a shockingly short amount of time. I don’t even know who he was, but he did more to my libido than the last three dates I’ve had…combined.

I slip back inside my house and set my empty glass on the counter. I can’t believe I actually spilled the only alcohol I have in my possession. I’m not a drinker really, and am surprised I even found it in the back of the cabinet, covered in a thin layer of dust. Sabrina brought it over a few years ago after I broke up with Malcolm. Ice cream and margaritas do a broken heart good.

My mind goes right back to the mystery man out for a run. I saw him coming down the street. That’s actually when I dropped my glass and spilled it. That moment he crossed through the light of the streetlamp. Thank God it was a heavy tumbler or I’m sure the glass would have shattered like…well, a glass. Probably a cheap one, but you understand my analogy. Anyway, I saw a man running my way, his long, muscular legs carrying him so effortlessly up the slight incline of my street, and my heart actually skipped a beat. If I were in the medical field, I may have been concerned by the palpitation, but since it started back up again and warmth flooded between my legs, I figured I was fine.

Damn, I wish I had more tequila.

Instead, I grab my bag and return to the porch, drinkless. There are a few reports I need to review before Thursday’s board of education meeting, as well as pick a winner for our monthly Student Inspiration Award. As the principal of Grace Private School, I’ve implemented many programs for our students to participate in throughout the school year. They vary from volunteer work outside of school to different options while in school, in addition to the standard sports and clubs.

This particular award is presented to one student nominated by a teacher who has shown leadership and personal growth throughout the previous month, and the reward is of their choosing within the community, within reason, of course. Last month’s winner wanted to ride go-carts at a local outdoor facility, which I granted. The month before was a special pizza luncheon to share with her entire class. I happily purchased those pies, and even threw in cookies. That leaves me to pick this month’s winner.

I start reading the nominations, focusing on the reasoning for the nomination, instead of the name and their reward request. Already, one stands out above the rest. An individual who has volunteered in another class during his study hall and spent time reading to younger students, who has worked hard and brought a struggling math grade up to a B plus. A young man who works part time after school at a local hotdog stand because he befriended the owner, who’s older and in poor health. I’m smiling as I award Logan Hendershot the Student Inspiration Award for this month.

That’s when I look at his reward request.

Ziplining down the Smoky Mountains.

Say what?

I’ve never taken a student ziplining, never thought it’d be even a possibility. How am I going to submit this request to the superintendent? There’s no way he’d allow it, right? I mean…it’s ziplining for goodness sakes.

I toss the paper on top of the pile and massage my throbbing temple.



Who wants to suspend themselves from a rope and dash down the mountain at rapid speeds? Not a sane person, that’s for sure.

Sighing, I really regret not having that drink now. Maybe I’ll take the gorgeous stranger’s advice and drive over to the liquor store. I mean, I barely had two sips before I dumped the rest of it on the porch. Well, at least I don’t have to go with him. I mean, I’ve always paid for the reward, but never actually participated. And his parents might not even sign off on the request, so maybe I’m getting myself all worked up over nothing.

I close my eyes and take a deep cleansing breath. I’m definitely in need of a yoga class right about now. Between the long day at school, my ancient cell phone breaking and losing all of my contacts, and then my crappy first date with Gill, a security guard at Dollywood, I’m feeling a little tense. And not in the good way as a result of seeing Gill’s flaccid penis in live Technicolor on his cell phone screen.

I shiver.

Who whips out a picture of their soft dick and just shows it to a woman they’ve just met?

Apparently, Gill the security guard does.

I snort a laugh.

It wasn’t even a nice soft penis. It was small and wrinkly and sat sadly between his hairy thighs like a baby mole.

Deciding to pack it up before I give myself nightmares, I slip back into my house and secure the front door. I should definitely try to figure out my new phone, but I just don’t have the patience to deal with a new smartphone, especially when the Blackberry I’ve had for nearly seven years worked just fine. Until it didn’t. And because my device was so old, it wouldn’t upload anything into my Cloud account, including photos and contacts.

Good thing I had Sabrina’s number memorized.

Instead of dealing with my phone and the reports due on Thursday, I decide a long hot bath is in order before bed. It’ll give me an opportunity to try out that new jasmine bubble bath I found at a little shop at the edge of town. Then, and only then, might I be able to put this horrid day behind me.

Tomorrow will surely be better, right?


Me: I think I’m going to need some sort of class to figure this new phone out.

I set the device on my counter and fill my coffee cup. I still don’t know how anything works really, but at least I can send a text. A text I’m sure will go unanswered for at least another hour. Sabrina isn’t exactly a morning person like me. In fact, she doesn’t understand why any rational person would even want to get up at five in the morning, let alone comprehend it’s the most perfect time of the day. The sky is still dark and calm, while the city sleeps beneath it. Wildlife is starting to rise and scrounge for breakfast. Other morning people like me are turning on coffee pots, inhaling the sweet aroma of brewing the first cup of Joe. It’s the most glorious time of day.

My favorite.

I’m surprised when the phone chimes a response. Setting my cup down, I smile at her reply.

Sabrina: I may have to agree with you there.

Me: What are you doing up?

Sabrina: It’s the best time of the day.

Me: Seriously? Don’t make fun of me.

Sabrina: I would never. If you’re not up and running by six, you’ve already missed the best part. *insert shocked face emoji*

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