Home > Unwritten(18)

Author: Alex Rosa



I suck in a breath knowing that my mom’s favorite part of the fair was the dancing. I scan the dance floor and see faces I’ve grown up with, and some new ones, too. I gather little glances here and there, but being here a week now, I’ve gotten used to it. I never know why they might be staring, though. Is it my mom, or is it because of my book? I guess it doesn’t matter.



“Finally you decided to join us!”



I turn to see CeeCee coming toward me. She loops her arm around mine and tugs me toward the table.



“Brace yourself, all right?”



My feet shuffle a few steps before getting a grip again. “This sounds bad.”



“Kristen’s here.”



There is a finality to her voice that implies I should know who Kristen is, but I don’t.



Before I can go through a process of elimination, my eyes collide with not an emerald stare, but an arm slung around a brunette who is everything I’m not.



Got it. That’s Kristen.



I dart my stare away quickly, and when my gaze lands on Brandon sitting on the opposite side of the picnic table, he’s already mouthing sorry.



I shrug, molding my face into indifference. When he seems convinced, he winks. I want to go back to my car.



Caiden, who was in the middle of laughing at something Cameron said, suddenly stops, and that’s when the stares from my friends are more unnerving than the townsfolk.



“Hi.” I wave.



Mostly everyone waves, even Kristen, except Caiden. Instead, he’s just staring. Trailing his vision, starting at my toes, then up my legs to my eyes, like he seems to do often. I tightly smile, but he doesn’t relax his shoulders from up at his ears.



Cam comes around, wraps an arm around my waist, tugging me close, and it’s so abrupt I squeal, slightly embarrassed, before he nudges me in my temple with his nose adoringly as he whispers, “We gotchu,” and then turns to face the crowd to say, “Come sit next to me, you cute little thang.” I roll my eyes, but am relieved nonetheless as I fall into the rhythm of his friendly touch, trying to find comfort there. I do find it as we slip onto the bench, both of us squeezing between Brandon and Tyler. Tyler swings a heavy arm around my shoulder. With all this support—I can do this. I pull in a deep breath as I feel the dopiest smile spread across my face, even as I skim over the view of Caiden and his girlfriend, then to CeeCee who is watching me in awe as she perches herself on Brandon’s lap. For not being together, they sure are chummy. So ridiculous.



“You must be Hailey!”



My head whips around, and I’m shell shocked by Kristen’s bold approach, more because that’s totally something I would do. Her hand is outstretched over the table, and I can’t get my head around her wide, honest smile.



“I’ve heard so much about you. It’s nice to put a face to the name.”



Cameron’s boot comes colliding into my shin under the table because I must be staring too long. I reach out for her hand and shake it. It’s a soft but firm shake. “Hi, hope they were all good things because I’ve been known to get into trouble with this group. And you are?”



Wow, okay. That wasn’t so hard. That actually sounded sane and cordial. One point: Hailey, Zero: insanity.



“Kristen Palmer,” she nudges her elbow into Caiden’s ribs playfully before adding, “the girlfriend.”



It sounds like a label rather than a place within this group. But she’s still smiling this bright-as-the-sun smile, and I hate that it’s hard for me not to like its genuine gleam.



“Good luck with that,” I blurt out, and everyone on my side of the table starts laughing.



Okay, maybe I could have kept my mouth shut with that one.



Kristin’s grin shrinks to a smile, and Caiden’s eyes are on me with a heavy, searing weight. I don’t feel bad, and I won’t. So I look away.



“It’s nice meeting you, Kristen.”



“Same. Your mom was always sweet to me. I’m sorry to hear about her passing.”



She’s still smiling, sticking her hand out again, and actually dares to touch me on my forearm in condolence. I pull my arm away. “Thank you.”



I swallow down the hurt that my mom knew Kristen and the fact she knew she was dating Caiden yet never said a damn thing. Why does everyone in this town seem to think they’re saving me from something by withholding the truth?



A glutton for punishment, I ask, “How long have you two been dating? We didn’t grow up together, did we?” I don’t know her face, but the name seems vaguely familiar.



She smiles, revealing cherub-like cheeks. Another annoyingly likable quality. “Um, we’ve been dating a bit over a year now, right babe?” She turns to Caiden, who actually smiles when his eyes meet hers, and I hate that they might even twinkle the way they used to for me. He nods, confirming it before she continues. I want to vomit everywhere.



“I’ve only been here about two years overall. My parents were looking to transition to more low-key living. My dad is a property developer and bought some businesses. We moved from Denver. It’s been nice.”



I nod, smiling back. “PineCrest has its perks.”



She looks back at Caiden, grinning in admiration, then back at me. “It does.”



Did I mention I want to vomit?



I have to swallow the rising bile in my throat, and scratch my forearms to tame the sizzling nerves that rise to the surface of my skin. This moment has turned to agony, and none of this should matter. I didn’t come back to town for Caiden. The whole plan was to come for my mom, to conquer her business, and then to leave. Caiden was supposed to be nothing but an acknowledgment I knew I’d have to endure, but since seeing him, he’s been consuming me more than I’d like. But witnessing his bliss has me feeling foolish for all the emotions that have flooded me, and has me wanting to flee.



“Let me get you a beer, Baby Bird.”



Kristen chirps, “That’s such a cute name,” before turning to Brandon, “I want one too, plus some popcorn. Mind if I join?”



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