Home > Forbidden (Fantasy Romance)(5)

Forbidden (Fantasy Romance)(5)
Author: Katrina Snow

“No, but what should and shouldn’t be is irrelevant, isn’t it?” Kate said. “We both must deal with what is.”

The princess nodded and padded toward the wardrobe. “You’ll need some gowns and things.”

Kate dunked her head under the water, silently thanking the gods for finally intervening on her behalf.


* * *


Kingdom of Florian - Three harried days later

The gods obviously had a wicked sense of humor. Kate should have waited for the next merchant ship—or pirate. She should have found a dinghy and faced the sea herself. She should have bribed the gypsies to take her. Again.

She should not have attached herself to a royal caravan replete with not one, but two spoiled princesses. Runaways needed to hide. To blend in. Kate had never met a princess who could blend. They attracted attention and trouble in equal measure and at frequent intervals.

Case in point, had Kate not been in a traveling carriage with Princesses Victoria and Rachel, she’d not be facing bandits…if they were bandits. Admittedly, if they weren’t what they claimed, but Zafarians on the hunt for her, the princesses would be the least of her worries.

“How could they be bandits? Aren’t we a stone’s throw from the castle?” Victoria asked, mirroring Kate’s thoughts.

“Oh, I’m certain they’re harmless,” Princess Rachel said as if they were discussing a litter of puppies. Perhaps Florian’s princess hadn’t met the other kind yet. The non-harmless ones. Although it wouldn’t have surprised Kate to hear that ruffians of any caste turned docile in Rachel’s presence. Even with disobedient locks that refused to stay braided, the petite princess had the sort of blonde, ethereal beauty that men fell on their swords for.

A seasoned guardsman rode up to the window, his horse dancing in circles. “Pardon me, your highnesses,” he said, looking to Rachel for a reply.

“What is it, Stiles?” Rachel said.

“We are unable to conquer the bandits, and their leader demands a favor for safe passage.”

Victoria, unaccustomed to playing second princess, even if neither coach nor guard were her own, asked, “What sort of favor?”

“His price is a kiss,” Stiles said.

Kate felt certain she had heard the man incorrectly. Outraged gasps from both princesses testified otherwise.

Bandits overtake a convoy laden with finery, jewels and two princesses, and all they ask for is a kiss? The ludicrous request had her once again fearing that they weren’t bandits, but her uncle Morten’s men or the sorcerer himself. But Lord Morten could not have tracked her. Thanks to the spell, she hadn’t used her Gifts once.

“Your highness?” Stiles prodded.

Rachel’s fair complexion paled further.

“Offer another bounty,” Victoria said, shooting a stern glance at the man.

“Perhaps the silks?” Kate suggested. “Those should appease true bandits.”

“You don’t think they’re bandits?” Rachel said as Victoria caught Kate’s eye.

“Offer the silks,” Victoria ordered.

As Stiles raced to deliver the message, Kate stretched out the window to catch sight of their captors. Unfortunately, the men were beyond the bend in the road and the forest was too thick to see through.

“It isn’t him,” Victoria said.

Kate darted back inside accidentally landing atop her cousin and dislodging a book from Rachel’s lap.

“Take care before you crack your skull,” Victoria said, pushing Kate back onto the seat across from the two maidens.

“Who do you think it is?” Rachel asked, retrieving the book. “Or isn’t?”

“Kate’s guardian.” Victoria spread an embroidered handkerchief over her lap and set two rings—one ruby and one pearl—in the center.

“Kate? I thought her name was Hildegard,” Rachel said.

The problem with an alias is that people had to use it. And despite insisting upon and inventing the thing, Victoria couldn’t seem to grasp that part.

“It’s my nickname for her,” Victoria said with a grimace in Kate’s direction.

Rachel nodded and said, “And why would Kate be concerned it’s her guardian?”

“She left Cragmont without his blessing.”

“Would he pretend to be a bandit?” Rachel asked.

“Of course not,” Victoria said, adding earrings to her stash. “Which is why it isn’t him. But that doesn’t mean I think they’re bandits either.”

Kate’s stomach pitched as if being tossed about by unruly waves. Could they be Lord Sylvan and his men?

Stiles returned. “Your highnesses and milady, I have presented your counter offer, but their leader insists upon the kiss.”

“Is he a drunkard?” Victoria asked.

“Or missing a few spokes?” Rachel said.

“No, your graces, he has his wits about him,” Stiles said.

“Why don’t we offer him ale instead,” Kate suggested.

“Do so, Stiles,” Rachel said with a dismissive wave.

Once again, the man charged off to deliver the message.

“Now, back to your theory,” Rachel said. “If they’re not bandits, who do you think they are?”

“I think it’s subterfuge,” Victoria said, struggling to undo the clasp of a woven gold bracelet.

“Subterfuge by whom?” Kate asked, welcoming any ideas that would counter her own.

Victoria looked at Kate as if she had to explain why ships needed sails.

“From my competition, of course,” Victoria said, holding out her arm and gesturing for Kate to remove the bracelet dangling from it. “Have you forgotten that six other royals have entered the festival to win Prince Edmund’s hand?”

“Ten,” Rachel said. “Papa is overjoyed that my brother has drawn such interest. Our older brother Stephen is the heir, and he had only five at his marriage festival.”

“Ten,” Victoria said gravely. “Even more reason. If this bandit tactic manages to send one competitor home, the strategy is a success. It’s brilliant.”

Brilliant, but there was a slight hole in her cousin’s argument. Handing over the bracelet, Kate said, “If thwarting you is their aim, why would they demand a kiss?”

Rachel and Victoria studied Kate for an awkward moment before Rachel said, “A diversion?”

“Exactly,” Victoria said, removing the last of her jewelry—a golden broach—and adding it to the rest. “A diversion. While we are kissing bandits, they will steal my jewels and gowns, which will put me at a disadvantage in the competition.”

“As interesting as your theory is, I find it impossible to believe anyone would resort to something so sinister,” Rachel said. “Don’t you?”

Victoria must have thought it best not to illuminate Rachel about the true dealings among royal maidens with the same aim, and Kate was not about to school her on how sinister people could be.

“In case they are bandits, you should try to look less appealing,” Victoria said, tucking the loaded handkerchief inside her bodice. “Rachel, you should hide your jewels and muss up your…” Victoria trailed off, eyes locked on Rachel’s hair, which was already in wild disarray.

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