Home > Ruthless Romeo(14)

Ruthless Romeo(14)
Author: Emma Vikes

And now, I had to face Romeo.

I pivoted in place to see the thundercloud his expression had become and swallowed past the boulder that had lodged itself in my throat. “Just wanted to see over the side,” I told him, demurring as if this had all been one giant joke, but unlike earlier, he wasn’t laughing. He snatched me by the hair.

“Do you think me an idiot, Lucia?” Shoving my body in front of his, he frog marched me back inside. The dumb stilettos caught on one of the marble steps, but Romeo didn’t pause when I stumbled. Instead, he yanked me over his shoulder and carried me down to the second floor. Unlike the first trip, when I’d caught sight of the odd servant here and there, this time there were none. It was as if Romeo’s temper had broadcasted a warning shot, sending them off.

Once at my door, he pushed through and tossed me onto my bed like a sack of potatoes. A large man appeared like an apparition behind us, and as Romeo situated himself on the mattress, I saw the man staring at me for a second before calmly shutting us inside. Maneuvering my limbs like some oversized marionette, Romeo positioned me across his lap, my head and feet hanging off either side of him. Although I knew I couldn’t overpower him or fight him off, my muscles remained tense as he ripped my gown upwards along the slit, leaving behind a sizable tear along the seam. After shoving the dress out of his way, he lifted one side of my panties and smacked me hard on the bare skin.

After that initial strike, he hit me again. Then again. He smacked me so much harder than he had that first time, and though I’d been biting my lip to stay quiet, on his next blow I cried out and flinched. He held me down relentlessly, then rearranged me on his lap until my legs were split wider. When his fifth smack landed, even though my panties remained on, his hand hit at the crotchless junction between my thighs. Instead of hurting me, his slap sent a sizzling shock that radiated outwards. It immediately flooded my core with searing heat. I cried out again, but this time, not due to pain or distress, but due to pleasure.

He continued on as I mewled in his arms, keening and panting with need. Each spank rocketed my desire upwards until I could feel something cresting within me, a powerful wave I couldn’t identify seeking to spill over. This new position meant his erection was like a hot brand against the softness of my belly, it’s hardness likely leaving yet another bruise, but I didn’t care. I’d become mindless, brainless with lust. All I knew was that I wanted more. I’d approached this summit before, and now, I ached to plummet over it.

So when he stopped and pushed me off of him, I gasped at his absence, feeling more disappointment that I might’ve believed possible. Scrambling to sit up on my mattress, I asked him, “Where are you going?”

But he didn’t stride off. Instead, he stood over me and said, “Give me your mouth.”

Confused, I blinked up at him, but before I could question his command, he unfastened his pants, pushed down his underwear, and pulled out the part of a man I’d never seen up close before. He was thick and long, the mushroom-shaped head flushed a darker color than the rest of him. I gaped at him, stunned. But before I could even get comfortable with looking at this mysterious piece of his anatomy, he repeated his order, stepping closer and seizing the back of my skull. He no longer sounded incensed, however, he sounded desperate. “Give me your mouth, farfalla.”

All at once, I grasped his meaning. Nervous now, I opened my mouth and he pushed his penis just inside of my lips. “Lick it. Lick the head of my cock.”

Tentatively, I flicked the tip of my tongue over his skin. It was such a strange experience. While he felt stiff as a board, the flesh overlaying that stiffness was velvety smooth. Curious, I pulled back enough to inspect it, seeing a drop of milky white liquid at the very end. He grunted as I released him from my mouth, but before he could yell at me, I took him in my hand and gently caressed his length.

He groaned loudly, and I felt so powerful in that moment. Like I was in control of him rather than the other way around. When I drew one finger along his tip, collecting that drop of liquid before sweeping my tongue over it for a taste, he pumped his hips into the air between us like he couldn’t help but initiate the motion. I registered the saltiness of him on my taste buds, and feeling braver now, leaned down so I could suck him further into my mouth.

Rubbing my tongue along the underside of him, I could delineate the veins that bulged there. He bobbed forward, and I felt him reach the back of my throat, making me cough. I backed off him to catch my breath, and when I glanced up at him, everything inside me went motionless. His eyes were melted black pools, his lips parted slightly, and all his concentration was on me. “Sit up,” he ordered. “I need to touch you.”

I obeyed, and without preamble, he stuck two fingers past the crotchless opening of my underwear and straight inside of me. I released a sound somewhere between a moan and a cry as he began to plunge those fingers in and out of me at a rhythm that felt wonderful. So, so good.

“Romeo,” I whimpered out, my tone a question though I wasn’t certain what I might be asking. He seemed to understand me, though, because he angled his thumb to brush against that bundle of nerves above my entrance, and white spots appeared in front of my eyes.

What was he doing to me?

“Wrap your hand around me,” he said next, and I didn’t even hesitate. I curled my palm along his length and matched his rhythm stroke for stroke. We were both groaning and keening, and I felt something fluttering at the center of me like a winged creature. Romeo grunted out, “Faster.” So, I moved up and down him at a speedier pace, and suddenly his length throbbed in my hand, pouring forth jets of white fluid as he muttered a string of curses as well as some incomprehensible word that might’ve been my name.

He dropped his head to my shoulder then, catching his breath. His hand remained inside of me, but with his release, he’d stopped moving. I waited for him to remove himself from me, but that wasn’t what happened. Instead, he kissed me, and his hand started to caress my folds again. The fire within me had banked, but he quickly had me right back to a roaring flame. Then, as I jerked my hips I felt that summit approach much more rapidly than the last time.

Romeo spoke against my mouth, and just like always, no matter how harsh his hands might be, his kisses stayed tender. “I’m going to make you come now, Lucia.” He moved more deeply inside of me, his fingers doing something that made a spark ignite. “Ready? Three.” He counted down like a rocket launch. Right now, it felt like a pretty apt description. “Two.” His thumb went from brushing against that bundle to rubbing it full-on, and a tide of something magnificent rose higher and higher. “One. Come, farfalla. Come, now.”

“Ohhh… ohhh… Uuuungh!” I screamed as a deep well of pleasure spiked, pulsing from his points of contact out toward my torso and beyond. It lasted for several moments, and by the time it diminished, all four of my limbs were limp and tingling.

As I came back to reality, I glanced up to see a languid smile relaxing the often taut lines of his features. “That is how no matter what, I know you’re mine.”

And right then, sated and blissed out, I couldn’t disagree.









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