Home > Prancing of a Papillon(5)

Prancing of a Papillon(5)
Author: Tara Lain

Jericho made sure his sigh was soft. That. That was what he longed for. Someone to love just because he wanted to. Someone to share things with, thoughts and stories and silly ideas. But before you could have a guy to share your life, you had to have a life worth sharing. It seemed like that’s what he was missing.

Em waved at Jericho, then said to Finn, “You didn’t tell him yet, did you?”

“Nope. He protested loudly, but I waited for you.”

“I’ll change real quick. Be right back.” He marched into the bedroom, which was the only part of the apartment other than the bathroom that wasn’t open. Batshit pranced along with him.

Jericho said, “She sure is a happy dog. I’m so glad you found her and got to take her from those horrible people.” Batshit, a super valuable show dog, had been a prisoner to some thieves who used her to attract wealthy older women, gain their trust, and then rob them blind. Batshit had escaped and found Finn, who in turn found Em.

“Meant to be.” He definitely had a shit-eating grin on his face—sort of like Batshit with a fresh piece of turkey bacon.

Em barged back into the room, dressed in sweats and looking delicious as he always did.

Finn pointed toward the open kitchen. “There’s wine poured for you.”

“Thank you.” He leaned over Finn’s chair and kissed his forehead, then walked to the kitchen and returned with a glass that matched theirs. He settled into the chair beside Finn, and Batshit took advantage of the new lap. He stroked her idly and took a drink of wine. “Ah, good to be home.” He looked at Jericho, grinned fiendishly, and asked, “So how was your day?”

Jericho waved his hands. “Enough! You’ve dangled this promise of a big idea in front of me long enough. I warn you, I’ll be tempted to put some of this useless muscle to work and wring it out of you.”

Batshit got excited by his waving arms, jumped off Em’s lap and barked at Jericho. Jericho laughed and patted his lap. She jumped up and circled into a comfy position.

Jericho pointed at her. “See. Even Bat wants to know.”

Finn chuckled. “Oh she knows.”

Jericho gave him the evil eye and Finn said, “Okay, you’ve suffered long enough. Here’s the deal.” He leaned forward. “You remember that when I found Bat I was told she was a champion show dog and, therefore, worth a lot of money?”

Jericho frowned. “I remember you told me that after I met you, but you’re not going to sell her, are you?” He wrapped a big, protective hand around her furry, little body.

“No, no, of course not. She’d take out a hit on me if I did.” He snorted. “I got a call from a woman at the local dog fancier’s group. Apparently, the Studlers used this group as a way of meeting rich women who own dogs, so they showed Batshit at all their events. She even won some big regional and national Papillon shows and—” He waved a hand. “—whatever. I don’t know anything much about it except what I’ve read since the woman called, but they’re dying to have Batshit—” He made a small bow. “Excuse me. Champion Rosewell’s Marisol of Treadwell back in their shows. The lady who called me went to a lot of trouble to find out what happened to Bat after the Studlers vanished.”

“Wow.” Jericho leaned down and made kissy sounds to Bat. “So you’re a famous girl, yes you are. We always knew you were a queen, didn’t we?”

Em leaned over and put a hand on Finn’s arm. “We decided, what the hell, it could be fun. So Finn’s going to attend one of this group’s events and take Batshit.”

Jericho grinned. “You mean like a doggy show?”

Em grinned back. “Yep.”

Jericho clapped his hands and hugged Bat who gave him a look and jumped down. “Oh my God, that sounds so fun. Bat, you’re going to show them all how it’s done. You’ll be the Queen of the Universe.”

“Down, boy!” Finn laughed. “Since I’ve got no idea what to expect, we’re not showing Bat. I mean, the woman told me Studler was her handler or something, but I’m not, and I sure can’t picture myself prancing around a ring with Batshit like those dudes at Westminster. Maybe I can find a trainer or handler or whatever they call them when we go.”

Jericho waved his hands. “You’ve got to show her. She’d be amazing. The very pinnacle. If you take her to a show, she’s going to want to be out there. You know she is. I mean, read up a little, and I’ll bet you can prance with the best of them.”

Em glanced at Finn and then got a funny smile on his face. “No, Jericho, why don’t you?”



Chapter Three



Jericho just stared at Em. “Me what?”

“Why don’t you read up or take some training classes, or whatever, and why don’t you show Batshit?”

Finn grabbed Em’s arm. “What a great idea.”

Jericho pulled his brows down so hard he could barely see over them. “You’re kidding.”

Em shook his head. “Not even.”

Jericho couldn’t even evaluate the mass of feelings swirling through him. Finally, he coughed out, “I- I couldn’t.”

Finn jumped on the bandwagon. “Why not? It’s summer. You’re not teaching. You’ve got Milly for your mom and Em will look in on her if you want.” He leaned back and chewed a fingertip for a second, then said, “My big idea was asking you to go with me as kind of a helper. But this is an even bigger idea.” He looked at Em. “You’re brilliant, sweetheart.”

Em said, “The woman said anyone can show the dog, right?”

Finn nodded. “Professional handlers are usually certified or something, but the lady said you don’t have to be. Just read the rules and show up.”

“But hell, you don’t have to sink as low as me!” They’re crazy. Jericho stared at Em and then Finn. “If you think you’d be funny in the ring, imagine me. I’d trip over my own feet.”

Finn raised his brows. “Truthfully, Jericho, for a big man, you’re actually quite graceful.”

“I am?”

Finn nodded and Em said, “Plus, from the beginning, you’ve been a natural with Bat. She loves being with you.”

“She trusts you. So do we.” Finn spread his hands like he’d just settled the matter.

It was impossible to describe how good that made him feel. Jericho glanced at Bat who chose that moment to do what he called her meerkat pose, sitting up, paws folded in front of her, with a beseeching expression on her face. He burst out laughing. “Oh come on. That’s not fair.”

Em and Finn laughed, but then Finn shrugged. “I’ve executed my big idea. I’m going to a dog show with Bat and I’d like you to come with us. The bigger idea is on you. I’m up to my eyeballs in cases. The whole political situation is making people mean and angry and they take it out on each other. If you think Batshit ought to be shown, then you figure out how to do it. Make it happen. If you don’t have time or don’t want to, that’s totally okay. It was your idea.”

Jericho tapped his front teeth. “Have time? Hmm. Let’s see. I was planning on spending my summer going on stupid blind dates with stupid men whose first question is, ‘I’ll bet you play football, right?’” He snorted. “But I might be able to squeeze something else in somewhere.”

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