Home > Inked Playboy(6)

Inked Playboy(6)
Author: Alex Wolf

Shit. Shit!

I shouldn’t have slept with her. I can’t fall for her. I just can’t right now.

The only problem is, it might be too late to stop.



I finally managed to get myself up and looking presentable then checked out of the hotel. I’m supposed to meet Wells Covington and Dexter for lunch.

When I show up, only Wells is there, tapping his Rolex that probably cost a million bucks.

“Yeah, yeah, asshole, it was a long night.”

“Indeed it was.” He grins as he peruses the menu, not bothering to look up at me. “Mimosas for lunch?”

“Read my mind.” So much for never drinking again. It’s the only thing that can cure this headache right now, though. I don’t usually drink so much all at once. Only at weddings, and after big fights, and sometimes when I go out with potential business associates. Fuck, I may have a problem. I need to slow down a little. It hasn’t affected business yet, and I don’t want it to. I don’t want this to turn into an every day thing.

The waitress walks up, and I order a mimosa and tell her I need a little more time.

After she walks off, I say, “Where’s Dex?”

“Not gonna make it.”

“Really? That fucker.”

“He was worse off than you. Abigail had to help him into an Uber.” Wells leans back, seemingly amused. It’s how he always seems, actually. Like he’s just an observer in the world, looking for something interesting to happen or figure out why something works or doesn’t.

“It was a hell of a reception.”

“Yeah, no fireworks from Donavan this time. So I’m giving the win to Decker.”

I laugh and pain shoots into my head the second I do it. “You really do get off on conflict, don’t you?”

“That’s how great stories are made.” His gaze hardens. “You’re lining up meetings with Anderson and Gallegos.”

It’s a statement. He doesn’t even bother to ask it as a question. I shouldn’t be surprised he knows this, considering he’s a wealthy hedge fund manager, but it does feel a little like betrayal. They’re two capital firms looking to invest in my business. “Yes, I am.”

“Didn’t even bother with a phone call?” He tsks me.

“Look, man.”

“It’s okay.”

I hold up a hand. “No, I should’ve called or something, it’s just awkward for me.”

“Business is awkward? You seem to be doing very well.”

I sometimes forget Wells doesn’t think like normal human beings. Everything he sees is a math equation and emotions and feelings are never part of that. I’m a good investment and he didn’t get a chance to throw money at me. Theoretically, he should’ve been the first person I asked. I have to be careful how to word this, and I’m still partially intoxicated from last night.

“I don’t like mixing money and friendship. It has nothing to do with how you do business, I promise.”

His eyes stop hovering over the menu and he looks up. I feel bad, like I may have hurt his feelings, if he has any. He’d never tell me if he did.

“Interesting.” That’s all he says, like I’m some kind of science experiment he’s trying to figure out.

“I’ve just seen too much shit happen, even in families where one person loans the other money. It changes the whole dynamic of the relationship. You and Dex are my best friends. What if I fuck up one quarter? Everything goes down the drain, our entire relationship, over a bad fucking quarter of business? I don’t want that.”

He breathes a small sigh of relief. “Okay, that kind of makes sense.” He says it like he had never even considered that might be the reason. “We’re good then.”

“That’s it?” I raise my brows.

“Yeah, of course. Unless there’s another reason?” He leans in.

I shake my head. “No, that’s definitely it. It’s not complicated and has nothing to do with business.”

He shrugs. “Okay.” His lips curl up in a sly grin. “What exactly happened to you last night?”

I look away, and fuck, I’m sure I just gave myself away. This dude reads people for a living, predicts the behaviors of entire companies.

“Went to a hotel.”


What an asshole. He’s grinning like he already has it all figured out. I know he does.

I trace a circle around the rim of my mimosa, unable to look at him. “Please don’t say anything. They’ll hate me.”

“Your secret is safe. No worries.”

If there’s one thing about Wells, he knows how to keep a secret. He’s the cockiest person I’ve ever met, but he’s also loyal.


“No problem, let’s eat.” He waves the waitress back over.

I definitely need some food, and brunch sounds amazing right about now. But one other thing sounds more amazing; the fact I put that meeting in Harlow’s phone. Now, she either has to call to cancel, or show up. She’s too anal to blow it off.

Either way, whether she calls or shows up, I win.



Chapter Four



Harlow Collins



I look around my empty office suite; it’s perfect for me, but not so much for local clients. Dexter is coming by for a meeting. There’s a small waiting area with some modern artwork on the walls and window views of downtown Chicago. Everything else is the bare minimum because I schedule mostly virtual meetings. I have one office that looks like a normal conference room with video equipment set up for conference calls.

Damn it, Dex! He’s going to give me shit about working up here all alone, no employees. I don’t like people. Surely, he’ll understand.

I don’t have a receptionist. I can’t afford one and I have virtual employees who handle everything for me. It won’t be a good look, but the numbers I’m doing for him speak for themselves.

Despite my rushing around like a neurotic mess, one thing lingers in the back of my mind. Okay, it’s front and center, and it must leave my brain now.

Cole Miller.

Ugh! Why did the sex have to be so good? Maybe I just remember it being phenomenal because it was drunk sex. Regardless, whatever we have going on absolutely cannot happen. My cousins would murder me. They’d probably murder Cole too. In fact, he’d probably take the dirt nap before me. They’re like big brothers and they’ve been territorial over me since I was a child. Anytime a boy even looked in my direction they were up in his face, immediately.

I didn’t mind most of the time because boys, and then men, never interested me all that much. Nobody really interests me much, to be honest. Most people are boring.

Wait, do you like Cole Miller?

No! He’s a cocky, smug bastard.

I pace over to the small refrigerator and pull out a bottled water and damn near strangle it trying to get the cap off. I’m breathing hard just at the thought of that asshole and the way he tossed me around, pinned me down. What am I going to do about this situation? Maybe it’ll all be forgotten. Maybe we’ll just never see each other again.

Right. Wishful thinking. He and Dex are always together.

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