Home > Born a Queen (The Queens #3)(12)

Born a Queen (The Queens #3)(12)
Author: Nikita Slater

They looked at each other, both knowing what the other was thinking. Of course Mateo was going to say the wrong thing. He was an enforcer, a second-in-command. He was rough, he was brutal, he was in no way diplomatic. The boss made the negotiations. Mateo’s job was to keep the boss safe and make sure everyone abided by Sotza’s rules.

Miami was going to be a test of Mateo’s ability to change. If and when he finally got his hands on the city.

Neither of them said anything as Mateo unzipped the garment bag and examined the suit inside. He raised an eyebrow at it. "How much did you spend on this?"

It was easily one of the most expensive suits he would ever wear. Sotza, his employer, was always impeccably dressed in these things, but Mateo had never seen the point. He could work and fight much more easily wearing his own clothes.

"You don't want to know."

No, he didn't. Though Mateo was paid very well, with more money than he could possibly spend in a lifetime, he put most of it away. He sent half of it to his family in Caracas. The rest he squirreled away. For what, he didn't know. But he was the type of guy that figured eventually a path would open up to him and he would know what to do.

He dropped his towel, uncaring of Angela's presence, and began dressing. She rolled her eyes, made a clucking sound and turned to face the wall. He smirked at her back. For such a bad ass, she sure got all uppity about seeing a naked man. There was nothing between them or he wouldn't have dropped the towel in front of her. Angela was like a sister. They had each other's backs. She was his employee. Sometimes they acted like friends. But no more than that.

As he dressed in the fancy suit, he said, "Tell me about Savino."

"He's extremely wealthy. He has enough influence in Italy to sway elections. To choose candidates that’ll enable his business empire and then ensure their victories. Those that cross him have a tendency to disappear and the judicial system here doesn’t seem to get involved. Obviously, he's bought the police, which I suspect is how the son was able to track Raina."

Mateo had been afraid of that when she'd run from him at the clinic. Afraid that in her panic she would rush to leave the country and end up in the hands of a man who wanted her dead. Though her presence in the home of the father did not bode well, at least she'd had the sense to pull weight on her stepfather's name. That alone would keep her safe. For now.

"Turn around," Mateo growled. Angela obeyed and when she was facing him, he handed her the tie.

She stepped up to him and dragged it around his neck using her fingertips to press it up under the collar. With quick efficient motions she tied it for him, keeping her face from betraying what he knew she was thinking. A badass murderous motherfucker like Mateo needed help with his tie. He'd never been able to tie the fuckers, not even as a boy. Probably had something to do with his father passing away before he was five and then being raised by his mother and two sisters.

Mateo debated packing his things and preparing to check out of the hotel but decided to leave it for now. He didn't trust Raina not to throw another wrench into his plans. He wanted to leave Italy immediately, which likely meant that his contrary fiancé would want to stay for a while. Perhaps vacation in the home of one of the most dangerous men on the face of the planet. It would almost be amusing if it wasn't so terrifying.



Chapter Ten



Raina’s leg jiggled under the table as she swept the club with nervous glances. She tapped her phone again and looked at the time. 10:58 AM. He would be here in a few minutes.

That thought alone sent her heart rate soaring and a ripple of apprehension through her muscles. She had to force herself to sit still and not flee the building. This was for two reasons. She was honest enough to admit that she was deeply and hopelessly attracted to Mateo. She tried to keep it on the down low, tried to bury it so that she didn't have to think about it. She feared what Mateo would do if he knew. He was already relentless and determined. How much scarier would he be if he knew she returned his feelings?

The second reason she was nervous was more obvious. Mateo was one of the most terrifying men in the world. He had such an air of unleashed violence about him that anyone standing in his vicinity would immediately sense the danger.

And for good reason. He moved fast, like lightning. Or a big cat stalking its prey. Mateo was also patient and intelligent. He thought through everything he did before executing his plans. But when he executed, it was with speed and precision. Probably one of the reasons he was still alive. Raina had no doubt that Mateo had made enemies in his days.

Giovanni, who had been off to the side speaking in low tones to one of his men, joined her at the table and sat. "I took the liberty of ordering you a drink."

A frosted glass of orange juice was placed in front of her. Raina smirked. "Nonalcoholic?"

"I have had the opportunity to learn some things about you. Among those things is the terrible disease and surgery that you had to go through as a child. I now regret forcing alcohol on you last night, knowing now why you choose not to drink."

Raina shrugged. "It won't kill me to have a drink once in a while, I just have to be careful. I was lucky enough to get a second chance at life and it would be a stupid thing to risk that."

Giovanni nodded thoughtfully, internalizing her statement. It was good, she wanted him to realize how much life and freedom meant to her. He seemed determined that they should be allies. Now if he would stop pushing his murderous son on her, she would be much more comfortable in his presence.

Before they could speak again, they heard a commotion in the hall leading to the front door of the club. Giovanni snapped his fingers at his man and pointed. He left to go check.

"Mateo," Raina guessed.

"Indeed." Giovanni picked up his drink and calmly took a sip, his dark eyes on the door where Mateo would soon emerge.

Giovanni's man came striding back to their table. His shoulders were rigid, his eyes were down, his hands were clasped. Interesting. Raina didn't have a ton of experience with mafia men, but she found it noteworthy that the minions of the big guys acted differently. Sotza's men feared and respected him, but the way they spoke around him, it was more relaxed, as though there was a certain kind of equality. Giovanni’s men, on the other hand, took their deference to him to the extreme.

Giovanni's men made it clear that there was no equality. They didn't speak their minds around him, they didn't share thoughts that weren't in complete agreement with Giovanni and they were clearly meant to be seen instead of heard unless Giovanni needed something from them.

"Speak," Giovanni said to his man with a wave of his hand.

"They refuse to give up their weapons," the man grunted.

Giovanni thought about it for a couple of seconds, turning the problem over in his mind. He turned to Raina. "What do you think, my dear? Do you believe that Gutierrez and his people will shoot up my club?"

Raina blew out a breath and thought about it. This question, her answer, it was a big responsibility. Did she tell Giovanni that Mateo would mean him no harm? What if she was wrong? She had seen Mateo's reflexes, had fought with him physically, she knew at least some of what he was capable of and she suspected there was so much more. Or did she tell Giovanni that his men should disarm Mateo's?

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