Home > The Long Con(18)

The Long Con(18)
Author: Lexxi James

Her lips parted with a sigh. “Are you?”






As Richard watched, her lips turned luscious and wanting.

What was it about her? Or rather, her gaze. Her eyes. She stared straight at him and said nothing, yet told him everything all at once.

With a single glance, she shared all her desire for him. But if he had any doubts, her flirting lips sucking back his finger swallowed the rest of his will. Having teased him with a taste of things to come, her tongue dragged against him as he freed his finger from her mouth.

Smiling, she whirled and pushed his tense body against the tree. Her fingers skated down his shirt to unburden his painfully protruding rod from his jeans. They kissed, foraging their way through every breath, skimming every turn of each other’s mouths as his pants and boxers slid to the ground. Her grip smoothed around his cock, and she ripped their kiss apart for an eyes-on verification.

“Damn.” She sighed, raising her eyebrows at his mountain of mayhem. Seeming half mesmerized, half giddy, she gazed down at him as her hands massaged him.

“I’ll be gentle, baby,” he said softly as he cupped her cheek, but apparently he’d misunderstood.

Her smile broadened to let out a light laugh. “Oh, that’s really not necessary. But I’m gonna need a test drive.”

“Then come here.” He pulled her closer, laying hot kisses down her the graceful line of her neck and making a move to shed her of a few garments here and there.

She pulled away. “And that’s not necessary either.”

His eyes shot open wide as she dropped to her knees. With a tight grip on his throbbing cock, she teased her tongue in a swirl up his shaft before sweeping an ice-cream lick across the top.

“Jesus, Jaclyn.” He cried out, collapsing back against the tree trunk as her lips electrified every nerve in his body. The heat of her mouth worked him in and out.

Fuck, this is . . . what? It’s . . . something else. Something completely unexpected.

Her lips tightened their slide up and down the slick sides of his shaft, driving a dizzying concoction of frayed feelings and raw emotions across his desperate mind. His fingers searched for satisfaction, comforted in slipping though her thick, tousled hair and caressing her deliciously bobbing head. Serendipity at its finest.

Fooling himself was easy.

She’s mine.

Of course she is.

She wants me.

Wants this.

He gripped her hair, and her captivating mouth captured him clear to her throat. Everything was so good.

Too good. Fuck.

There’s no way in hell she’s mine.

She’s Jaclyn Long, and I’m just another guy she’s taking by the horn.

He suddenly realized that no matter how this turned out, one thing was crystal clear.

She’ll destroy me.

His own thoughts haunted him. But with every delicious, wet, searing-hot slide of her tongue and press of her lips, it was obvious who was in control, and it sure as hell wasn’t him.

Braced against the tree and lulled by her lips, Richard accepted his newfound role as willing and whipped. She was a full meal of spontaneous sex, and he’d been absolutely starving. Waves of ecstasy crashed over him, shaking loose every bit of sanity from the shredded recesses of his mind.

All the planning and plotting had postured him for almost every contingency. All but one.


Jaclyn’s raw, wild nature would never be tamed, and firefighting wasn’t her nature. She’d sooner shower their lust with fucking kerosene than settle for a second-rate flame.

Her fingers skimmed the back of his thighs as the nirvana of her throat closed in. He prepared to pull out, but releasing her head ignited a new level of her provocative power trip. She grabbed the tight mounds of his ass, pressing her nails into his skin and coaxing him down her throat.

Richard erupted, shouting her name for all the outdoors to hear. His earthshattering climax calmed his breathing and cleared his mind, leaving him with only one thing to focus on.

As God is my witness, I’ll ruin her. Make her hate anyone’s touch but mine. The way she’s just ruined me.

Quid pro quo, baby.






Jaclyn had always known her strengths and weaknesses.

Her mouth? A standout asset. Those lips had never backed away from a tough negotiation.

But maybe, for the first time in her life, she wasn’t using them for a power play. Sure, she’d wanted to in the past, but never like this.

Impulsive. Insistent. Greedy.

So desperate to please Richard, she might as well tag “Master” before his name. She’d spent so much of the day with Mr. Tall, Smart, and Handsome, she couldn’t let it end without making a memory. And by the looks of him, he needed a little more than a thank-you peck on the cheek or a warm hug good-bye to remember her by.

Fuck that. It had to be something he’d never forget.

Another check for her assets column: making an impression.

Pretty much wherever she went, and whomever she saw, Jaclyn left her mark. Good or bad, it was indelible. Her father called it a weakness, always reminding her of the not-so-positive impacts people rarely forgot. She shrugged it off as a stepping-stone to greatness. And today, she qualified it as a standout strength.

Regardless of whatever label she chose to slap on it, today was one of the best of her life. So, for him, it had to be unforgettable too.

She was pretty sure that no matter what happened from here on out, Richard would never pass a field of bluebonnets without thinking of her. True, they only bloomed once a year, but their color would blaze across the countryside for a solid six weeks. That’s a month and a half of every year that his mind wouldn’t escape the thought of her tantalizing lips wrapped around his dick.

But that wasn’t the only reason.

Though her first impressions were legendary, it was her final one she worried about. Her relationships could be called three things—full throttle, fast, and forgettable. Leading her to a daunting conclusion about the fate for her and Richard.

It won’t last.

Her greatest weakness was men. Not attracting them. She was a Marilyn in all the right, curvaceous ways, so luring men was never difficult. The problem was keeping them. If Richard walked the well-worn path of all the men before him, sooner or later he’d stroll away.

She was addicted to work, and men got tired of waiting around. If a boyfriend needed her at the same time work did, work got her undivided attention, and a hottie with a nice cock hit the back burner. So she kept her eyes on the corporate prize, and invested in an impressive collection of superb vibrators.

Though Jaclyn had been proposed to several times, she’d brushed them all off. Only one suitor remained, diligently failing to take hint after painful hint. It was like that bad joke. If you were the last two people on the planet and the future of mankind was at stake . . .

Yeah, life as we know it would end with me, because I’d kill that son of a bitch.

The noncontender in question, Jim Baxter, was just slimy enough to cling like phlegm. And despite her best efforts to shake him off, his corporate holdings and financial status kept him in the running. He held every bullshit title, and represented things like fine lines and good breeding. Husband material? Definite pass. He checked every pretty little box but one. Because hell would freeze over before he’d get anywhere near hers.

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