Home > Beneath the Flames (Brie's Submission #25)(6)

Beneath the Flames (Brie's Submission #25)(6)
Author: Red Phoenix

Brie opened her eyes and smiled, knowing her fear was unfounded. The memories of a dead man could not have power over her life anymore.

“I am, Sir,” she answered with confidence.

Turning to Lea and Hunter, Brie declared, “There is no other place I would rather be than to be right here, right now.”



Adventures in Dining


Brie took extra care in dressing both children for dinner. Lea insisted that kids were welcome at the formal affair and that Nenove was looking forward to meeting them.

While tying the bow on Hope’s dress, Brie confessed to Sir, “I’m a tad nervous about dining with the Noshes.”

He chuckled as he buttoned the cuffs of his dress shirt. “Why is that, babygirl?”

“The entire time I’ve been at the Training Center, I’ve never met Nenove and I would really hate to make a bad impression now.”

“There is no chance of that.” Sir cupped her chin and looked into her eyes. “They are down-to-earth people. There is no reason for you to worry.”

After she finished dressing the children, Sir helped Brie into her gown and zipped up the back, kissing her bare shoulder when he was done.

Glancing in the mirror again, he adjusted his tie. “I, for one, am excited about tonight. An evening spent with the Noshes is a true gift.”

“Do you miss working with him?”

“I do,” he admitted. “Nosh keeps an intense schedule. Working with him proved to be the only opportunity I had of us running into each other.”

Brie frowned. “I’m sorry to hear that, Sir. I know how much you look up to him, not only as a Dominant, but as a mentor.”

Nodding, he told her, “He was instrumental in inspiring me to become the man I am today.” Looking at Brie, he stated matter-of-factly, “I would not have been worthy of collaring you as my submissive without his instruction.”

She smiled. “I’m sure that’s not true.”

Wrapping his arms around her, Sir replied, “Trust me, babygirl. His guidance helped me remain steadfast in my values and vision as a Dominant for all these years. It’s the reason I am confident in Lea’s choice of a partner. Master Nosh would not hold Hunter in high regard if he had not earned it.”

Brie’s smile grew wider. Hugging him back, she said, “I’m thrilled for Lea. I’ll never forget the joy I felt when you placed this collar around my neck.” She touched the dangling pearl lightly. “It changed my life.”

“Mine as well,” Sir agreed, tracing the metal collar with a finger. “It took great courage to offer your submission to me.”

“It took even greater courage for you to leave the Training Center behind.”

He leaned down to kiss her. “Best decision I ever made…”


Brie lingered behind, holding Hope’s hand as they walked into the dining room. She watched from afar as Hunter formally introduced Lea to Nosh’s wife. The woman had long, dark hair which was bound into a ponytail. She flashed a warm smile at Lea, and Brie was surprised to see her give Lea a big hug.

This was not the reserved woman Brie was expecting.

Once Lea and Hunter were seated, Sir guided Brie to the table while cradling Antony in one arm.

“Nenove, I am honored to introduce you to Brianna.”

The woman nodded to Sir respectfully before opening her arms wide to Brie. “What a pleasure to meet Sir Davis’s submissive! This moment has been a long time coming.”

“It has,” Brie agreed, returning the woman’s welcoming hug.

“Did you know I had a vision of you the night Sir Davis graduated from his training with my husband?”

Brie crinkled her brow and looked at Sir in surprise. “I did not know that.”

Sir snorted. “This is news to me, Nenove.”

Smiling at Sir, she explained, “I only told Ese’he about it.”

“I remember…” Master Nosh stated with a slight smile on his lips.

“And yet, you never told me,” Sir remarked, raising an eyebrow at Master Nosh.

He replied in a solemn tone, “Had you known the future, you may have strayed from your chosen path.”

“While that is possible…” Sir paused, glancing at Brie for a moment, “…I would not have believed you.”

“Because you would have deemed yourself unworthy of her,” Master Nosh asserted.

“Exactly. In fact, I felt that way the day I collared her.”

Brie was surprised when the head trainer’s low chuckle filled the air. “Then it is good I kept Nenove’s vision from you.”

“But it is good to see it fulfilled!” Nosh’s wife exclaimed, her brown eyes sparkling as she looked at Antony. “You have a fine, healthy son.” She then turned to Hope and knelt beside her. “And a strong daughter to be proud of.”

“Her name is Hope,” Brie informed her.

Nenove glanced up, looking pleased. “That is a powerful name.”

Smiling, she looked at their little girl and said, “Hope. The strong warrior with a gentle heart.”

Hope grinned, throwing her small arms around Nenove’s neck. The instant bond they seemed to share was heartwarming to Brie.

Standing up, Nenove then glanced at Antony and told Sir, “Your son is much like you.”

“I certainly hope not,” Sir muttered under his breath.

Brie brushed her son’s cheek lovingly. “Well, I do. Because he’s perfect like his daddy.”

Sir smirked, saying nothing as two servers came up to the table, one carrying a booster for Hope and a highchair.

While they seated the children, the host escorted a stylish woman to the table to join them. Judging by her elegant clothes and her understated confidence, Brie was certain the woman must be a model.

“Good evening. My name is Ivetta. It’s a pleasure to meet all of you.”

Lea, who was seated beside her, shook her hand warmly. “I have to confess that this is my favorite part about dinner. I love getting to meet new people. I’m Lea, and this is my boyfriend, Hunter.”

“Lovely to meet you both,” Ivetta replied, shaking their hands.

Lea then took the lead and formally introduced everyone to the new guest, explaining to her, “They are all friends of ours.”

Ivetta held out her hand to shake each of their hands, commenting, “Isn’t it wonderful to spend a cruise with your friends?”

“Have you come with anyone?” Brie asked her.

“Yes. Unfortunately, my friend couldn’t join me for dinner tonight. She spent too much time on the Lido Deck this afternoon and has a nice sunburn to show for it.”

“Oh no! That’s not a fun way to start the cruise,” Brie cried, feeling sympathy for the girl.

“Don’t worry, Nora is covered in aloe vera at this very moment and ordering in tonight. She claims she’s happy about it because she’ll have a nice tan by the time we reach Cabo San Lucas.”

While everyone at the table was laughing, the host escorted an elderly man to their table, filling the last seat.

“James, how lovely it is to see you again,” Ivetta gushed. “How long has it been?”

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