Home > Saving Liliana(9)

Saving Liliana(9)
Author: Elle James

“Yes, of course.” Liliana shook free of the fantasies flitting through her mind. Fantasies of love, marriage and children with thick brown hair and gorgeous blue eyes like their father’s. Pure fantasy. It wasn’t like that would ever happen. He wasn’t interested, and she didn’t have time.

Squaring her shoulders, she lifted her chin. “Yes, I promise to do the best I can to convince others we are a couple destined for the altar until the danger has passed.”

“You’ll have to come up with a ring,” Kyla said. “People always want to see the ring.”

“I think I can help you with that.” John Jacobs stood. “I have a ring in the safe we found when we were remodeling one of the guest bedrooms. It was covered in dust and pretty dirty, but it cleaned up beautifully. I had a jeweler verify it’s a real diamond.”

Liliana frowned. “I can’t take your ring.”

John waved her protest aside and hurried out of the room. He was back in less than three minutes with the ring, a simple band with a marquis diamond. “It’s not fancy, but it should do the trick.”

Dax took the ring from John.

Liliana pushed to her feet and raised her hands in protest. “I can’t. I’d feel awful if I lost or damaged it.”

“Don’t worry about it,” John said. “It didn’t cost me anything. And if it helps keep you safe, I’ll consider it having gone to a good cause.”

Liliana hesitated a moment longer. “Well, if you’re sure you don’t want to sell it, I’ll take care of it and return it to you as soon as the danger is passed.”

She held out her hand for the ring.

Instead of handing her the ring, Dax turned over her hand and slid the ring onto her left ring finger.

A ripple of awareness spread throughout her body, and heat settled low in her belly.

If Dax held her hand longer than necessary, Liliana wasn’t complaining.

Finally, he released her and took a step backward, his gaze locked with Liliana’s.

Liliana couldn’t look away.

Amanda clapped her hands. “Now, when the reporters ask about how you two got engaged, you can say he got down on one knee in front of all your friends.”

“Now that we have that settled,” Carter glanced at his watch, “we need to drive you to the airport. The pilot wanted to get to Riverton and back to Eagle Rock before midnight.”

Amanda pushed back from the table and stood. “I do need to get back. I have several appointments tomorrow I don’t want to miss.”

“When is Hank going to invest in a company jet of his own?” Moe asked.

Stone’s lips curved upward. “He’s in the process of acquiring an aircraft. He’s looking for pilots he can hire on as Brotherhood Protectors. In the meantime, he has access to aircraft that will get us around when we need it.”

“It’s too bad he can’t dedicate a plane to your campaign.” Amanda hugged Liliana. “I’d feel better knowing you weren’t on those long stretches of highway between towns.”

“I need to be closer to the ground,” Liliana said. “The people of Wyoming wouldn’t understand how I could afford to fly in a private jet and still want to represent them.”

She glanced at her own watch and pushed to her feet. “I’m ready to go when you are.”

Dax shook his head. “You’re not flying back tonight.”

Liliana’s eyebrows rose up her forehead. “No?”

“No,” he said. “We need to spend the evening coming up with our how-we-met story and getting to know more about each other. People will expect us to know a great deal about each other. I suggest we stick as close to the truth as possible to keep it simple and straight.”

Liliana nodded. “I’m supposed to be in Cody tomorrow afternoon to greet the people, and in Jackson the following day. Cheyenne’s on Friday and Douglas this weekend for the State Fair.” She cocked an eyebrow. “Are you sure you’re up to all of this? It’s a lot of hotels and interaction with people.”

Dax gave a single nod. “We can be on the road early tomorrow morning. Between tonight and tomorrow’s drive, we should have enough time to learn what we need to know about each other.”

Liliana nodded. “Sounds like a plan.”

“Do you want to sit in the bar, in the lobby or on the porch?” he asked.

“The porch.” Liliana figured it was darker out there. Dax wouldn’t be able to see when her cheeks turned red or when she stole glances in his direction.

He nodded. “I’ll grab a blanket and meet you out there.” Dax left the dining room.

Liliana’s gaze followed him, her heart fluttering as she observed his natural swagger.

Amanda leaned into her shoulder. “He’s hot, don’t you think?”

Heat rose up Liliana’s neck, spreading across her cheeks. “I didn’t notice,” she lied.

Amanda laughed. “Bullshit.”

When Dax disappeared around a corner, Liliana hugged Amanda. “You need to go.”

“And you need to give yourself permission to flirt.”

“He’s my bodyguard, not my boyfriend,” Liliana whispered.

Amanda shrugged. “Just saying. You’ve led a celibate life. It’s time to get laid and maybe fall in love.”

Carter stepped beside Amanda, slipped an arm around her shoulders and kissed her cheek. “Talking about me?”

Amanda grinned up at him. “Absolutely, my love.” She winked at Liliana. As she walked away, she said over her shoulder, “Think about it.”

Liliana stared at Amanda’s retreating figure.


No way. She didn’t know how.

Getting laid was out of the question. It would complicate everything.

And there was absolutely no room in her schedule or life for love.

Or was there?






Dax left the dining room and hurried to his room, where he grabbed the throw blanket off his bed. He spun and left the room seconds later, telling himself he needed to hurry because he didn’t want to let her out of his sight, and they didn’t have much time to get to know each other. Liliana would run the gauntlet of voters and reporters the following afternoon.

Truth was, he was in a hurry to get back to her because she drew him like a magnet. He also worried about leaving her alone for too long, afraid whoever was after her would have discovered where she’d gone.

He left the lodge through the lobby door, stepping out onto the wide back porch lined with rocking chairs and porch swings on either end. At first, he thought she might not have come out yet. When a shadowy silhouette detached itself from one of the brace posts, he knew it was her.

Her tall, lean figure and long straight hair were a dead giveaway. Making his way across the porch, he stopped beside her. “Are you sure it’s not too cold for you out here?”

“I’ll be fine with the blanket.” She tipped her head up, the moonlight glinting in her dark eyes. “Rocking chairs or porch swing?”

“Swing,” he said. “We’ll be able to share the blanket.”

She nodded, crossed to one of the porch swings and sat on one side, leaving enough room for Dax to drop down beside her.

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