Home > Last Known Contact(8)

Last Known Contact(8)
Author: Phillipa Nefri Clark

On the desk, Jack kept several photographs. His wedding to Meredith. Ellie and Michael as baby and child, five years apart. And one always at the front. For some reason it was face down, so Ellie picked it up. Her own face smiled back, along with her mother’s. Gabrielle Bannerman, Gabi, as she insisted everyone call her, including her own children. Long gone from their lives, at least by distance.

Gabi’s free spirit never accepted her serious husband’s precise way of life, despite their great love. Ellie knew she’d tried. The arguments got worse and one day she left. Jack gifted her a yacht—Wind Drifter—and she travelled for years, turning her passion for sketching into an income, drifting from remote beach to distant island, only appearing for birthdays and the occasional surprise visit.

Jack always kept this photo here, despite complaints from Meredith. It was a rare moment when Gabi and Ellie were in the same place and sharing a secret which made them laugh. Ellie kissed her mother’s image and replaced it in the position she knew it belonged.

A chill crept through Ellie and she glanced through the door again. There was nobody there, nothing but shadows. It must be a security guard around, probably checking the other end of the floor, but then, why not show himself?

She opened the door. “Hello? It’s just Ellie.”

With no response, she collected her bag from the desk, pushed the chair in, and locked the door behind herself. This whole thing was playing games with her mind.

Downstairs, there was still no sign of security, but a quick look at the monitor display behind the counter showed one of the guards heading into a bathroom, and another leaving a staff kitchen with a plate of food.

The streets were busy enough and Ellie walked home, needing the fresh air to clear her mind. At the corner of her street she was overcome by unease. A scan of the road showed nothing to make her believe she was being followed, not that she knew what to look for. Annoyed at her jumpiness, she stalked to her building.



A grey sedan drew away from the curb down the road from Ellie’s apartment block. It slowed as it passed the entry, where the concierge was closing the door after Ellie.






Dark Plans



“Where were you last night? I’d planned something special.” Meredith stood in the kitchen, hands on her hips which were draped with an almost see-through slip over a bikini.

Dennis couldn’t take his eyes off her. Makeup perfect, hair dyed into the fashion of silver-before-your-time and curling around her pretty face in soft waves, she was hot. Beneath what passed for fabric, her body had curves he ached to press himself against.

“Are you quite okay?” her voice softened with amusement. “See something you like?”

“Coffee for a start.” Dennis enjoyed the flash of annoyance Meredith shot him. “We’ve got plenty of time, Merry, but need to play it right.”

“I don’t see why. Jack is gone. And you’re single now.”

“Hardly. It takes more than moving half my belongings out of an apartment to be single.”

Meredith began making coffee, biting her bottom lip as she turned away.

“Okay. Go on, say it.” Dennis crossed his arms and leaned his hip against the counter.

“You know, Jack and I weren’t exactly right for each other, but he was a smart man. He believed in going after what you want.”


“Why should we wait? What does it matter if the world knows we want to be together?”

“For God’s sake. Look, Jack only disappeared a few days ago so how is it going to look if suddenly we’re an item? Paul Dekeles already blames me for it and Ellie is going to believe him unless we play things out carefully.”

“Don’t you…” Meredith sniffed, her shoulders drooping. “I thought you’d want to be with me.”

He looked skyward for a moment, then sidled up to Meredith, reaching around her with his arms. “Forever, baby. Not just for a fling.”

She relaxed and leaned back against him.

“Got to do this right. There are complications. Things to take care of. We can’t afford to be in the firing line for any reason. I shouldn’t be in the guest house even.”

“Then move out. Find a hotel or something. But sooner or later they’ll find his body, so you need to sever ties with your wife. Okay?”

What do you know?

Had Jack shared the contents of his note with Meredith? Surely not, or she’d be telling the police everything, if only to accelerate her claim on his estate. Unless it was pure coincidence and she’d paid someone to take care of her husband. His arms loosened.

“Dennis? You didn’t answer.”

“Right. Yeah, sure. Of course.” He released her and picked up both coffee cups. “Wanna sit by the pool?”

“Sure.” Meredith went ahead. As she sashayed in front of Dennis it was all he could do to walk in a straight line without spilling coffee. So sexy.

The pool reminded Dennis of an island lagoon. Rocks with a waterfall circulated the salt water. The floor was sand coloured and the water crystal clear. It was a pleasant place to unwind. A great place to host parties. Who to invite? The new-look board of directors he’d handpick?

“I swear, Dennis, you’ve got to get your hearing checked. May I please have my coffee?” Meredith held her hand out from the lounger she’d sunk onto.

“Miles away. Here.” He perched sideways on the next lounger, feet on the ground so he could look at her. “I’ve got to go to work soon. Help the police. Stuff like that. And I need to speak to Ellie—”


Dennis reached for Meredith’s hand. “She’s going to have to do her job as Jack’s daughter and the head of the Foundation. Whether she wants to or not, Bannerman Wealth Group needs to make a statement about Jack and I’m going to write it. She can tidy it up and get it out there.”

“I guess.”

“And this includes you. So, start thinking about being the distressed wife, the frightened woman whose husband just up and disappeared. Might need to get you in front of the media with tears and confusion. Can you do that, baby?”

Meredith crossed one long leg over another. “I’ll find my mourning clothes.”

“I wouldn’t go that far. But dark sunglasses and some nice white handkerchiefs. I’ll brief you beforehand.”

Once she nodded, Dennis stretched out on the lounger, eyes on the pool. The splashing of the waterfall created small waves. Add a yacht and it could be a day on the sea. Soon.



“Didn’t expect you to be here so early, Detective.” Paul nodded as Ben lifted the coffee pot in the open plan police station. “Was going to leave this with the sergeant.”

“What do you have for me?” Ben plonked a cup in front of Paul, then dropped into his seat on the opposite side of the desk.

Paul pushed a USB across to Ben. “Anything I could think of. The board meeting, particularly afterwards and you can quite clearly see how tense things were. Followed Jack’s trail back to his office for a short bit, then off down the elevator. And him driving out.”

Ben took the USB. “Thanks. I’ll get this looked at. Was there anything odd you noticed?”

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