Home > Katie's Cornish Kitchen(11)

Katie's Cornish Kitchen(11)
Author: Rosie Chambers

‘It’s … well … it’s very … pointy? But you know what? I’m not sure Perrinby is ready for such an exhibition of innovative creativity. Why don’t you leave it in the kitchen until the party’s over? I take it, then, that you’re hoping that the object of your affections is intending to grace us with his presence this evening?’

Talia’s whole face lit up. ‘I hope so. And good karma dictates that as I helped him to blow up the Valentine’s night balloons for the pub’s Romance & Risotto night last month, then tonight could just be the night when he asks me out on a date. Things have a way of turning out right in the end.’

And Talia trotted off to the kitchen where, to Katie’s relief, she removed her phallic-shaped hat and tied on her brand-new apron, an item of supreme good taste in rich cream linen with the words Agatha’s Beachside Café embroidered on the front with peppermint-coloured thread. Katie didn’t have the heart to tell Talia that, actually, sometimes things didn’t work out in the end, so she crossed her fingers and sent up a missive to whoever was in charge of Talia’s astrological chart that day to ask if they could weave a little magic in the romance department.

‘Who’s the object of her affections?’ Katie asked Oscar, aware she sounded like a fully paid-up member of Jay’s village gossip network.

‘Ryan Murray – his parents own the Hope & Anchor. Talia’s had her eye on him for the last few months ever since her horoscope told that her that one true love could be found among the hops and barley of ancient times, or something like that.’

‘Well, if you want my opinion, he’s crazy if he doesn’t ask her out.’

‘Oh, but the poor boy’s terrified,’ interjected Jay, a smirk on his face as he fed a morsel of apple cake to an appreciative Dotty.

‘Terrified? Why?’

‘Doh! Her mother runs the bridal boutique.’


Oscar and Jay stood watching Katie, identical expressions on their faces as they waited for the penny to drop.

‘Oh, so he thinks that if he asks her out for a coffee, he’ll end up kidnapped, dressed up in a morning suit and cravat, and frogmarched down the aisle before he has the chance to say, “hold your horses”? That’s crazy!’

‘Wait until I tell you about Talia’s sister, darling. The very first guy Melanie took home to meet Zoe, our very own intrepid wedding dress designer and all-round bride whisperer, is living proof that Ryan’s fear is no flight of fancy, but founded on fact. The poor man didn’t stand a chance – the couple were married three months later and he’s now the proud father of twin boys, a particularly energetic Jack Russell, and a bright-orange campervan. Now do you understand why Ryan’s more of a let’s-just-be-friends kind of a person? Anyone who so much as sets foot in Confetti Carousel is doomed! There’s some kind of weird aura about the place. Maybe it’s all the astrology stuff Talia’s got going on, or it could be the crazy hat collection, I don’t know, but you can’t blame Ryan for giving it a wide berth. So, Katie, you are hereby warned … unless of course you’re looking to get hitched in the next couple of months?’

Jay had meant it as a joke, but the mention of weddings caused a spasm of pain to slice right through her chest and drill deep into her heart and she knew her reaction showed on her face.

‘Ooops sorry,’ said Jay, his hand flying to his mouth in horror, yet his eyes sparkled with interest. ‘Have I hit a bit of a nerve, perchance?’

‘No, not at all. Now, let’s crack open the fizz, shall we?’ she said, turning her back on Jay and reaching for a bottle of sparkling wine she had sourced directly from the Cornish vineyard that grew the grapes.

Oscar had remained silent during Jay’s monologue against matrimony, but he’d been watching Katie closely and decided to come to her rescue before his friend engaged his razor-sharp interrogation techniques any further.

‘Okay, troops, it’s exactly six o’clock. Positions please – let’s make this launch party the best bash Perrinby has ever seen!’



Chapter 7

Famous last words.

It was as far from the best party Perrinby had ever seen as you could get. A total of seven people turned up and that included Oscar, Jay and Talia. After an awkward hour of forced jollity during which Katie’s desire to grab the antibacterial spray became almost overwhelming, they admitted defeat and Jay took Dotty home, ostensibly for her late-night walk around the village green, but Katie knew he was going to knock on a few doors to find out why no one had turned up – she could almost hear the village grapevine humming.

‘I’m so sorry, Katie, I don’t know what to say,’ murmured Oscar as he closed the door behind Jay.

‘I’m going to kill Ryan when I see him,’ declared Talia, removing her apron and hanging it on the back of the kitchen door. ‘He promised faithfully that he’d come across with a few of his mates after the match finished.’

‘It’s okay, guys, it’s not your fault,’ said Katie, her light tone fooling no one. ‘I’m not sure what I’m going to do with these two huge pans of soup, though, not to mention a mountain of cupcakes as tall as Everest.’

Silence reverberated around the little café that seemed to have lost all its earlier positivity and taken on the forlorn air of a wallflower left on the sidelines at a high school dance. The anxiety demons began to tighten their strings around Katie’s throat, but she fought valiantly not to give in to their lure, determined to maintain a cheerful façade after everything Oscar, Jay and Talia had done to help make the café’s launch a success. It wasn’t their fault it hadn’t worked out.

But what if it was a taste of things to come? What if, when the café opened to the public the next day, she had no customers? At this rate, she wouldn’t need three months to convince herself that coming to Cornwall was a fool’s errand. Perhaps she shouldn’t even bother opening? Quit whilst she was ahead?

‘You know, I read your horoscope this morning, too, Katie,’ mused Talia, jumping up to sit on the marble counter, swinging her legs as she flicked her long butterscotch-coloured hair behind her ears and looking a lot younger than her eighteen years.

Oh no, thought Katie, here we go.

‘You’re a Leo, right?

‘I am, although I’m not sure I actually believe in—’

‘So, your horoscope said, “Out of adversity springs good fortune” and you know what?’


‘That’s exactly what’s going to happen!’

Katie stared at Talia who was beaming at her and Oscar as though she’d just stumbled across the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. It seemed that nothing could shake her belief in the ability of the stars to predict the day’s destiny. Katie wondered if there was anything that would disturb her sunny demeanour – and she was reminded of a phrase Agatha used whenever she saw the hordes of backpackers begin their trek up Adeng Mountain – hope springs eternal in the young.

Ryan might have rained on Talia’s parade that night, but she hadn’t sunk into a maelstrom of self-pity like Katie had when Dominic had done the same thing. She had simply got on with her life with a smile on her face and a song in her heart, certain of the fact that when Venus was in the seventh house Ryan would come running. If anyone believed in the power of positivity it was Talia, and Katie realised she had the perfect employee for her café.

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