Home > Just One Spark (The Kingston Family #4)(13)

Just One Spark (The Kingston Family #4)(13)
Author: Carly Phillips

She looked gorgeous and utterly fuckable.

His cock was hard as a rock, but between his black clothing and the jacket, nobody would notice if he stayed that way all night.

Aware of his brother and Sasha in a huddle of their own, Dash stepped toward her, grasping her hands in his, taking note of her new long, squared metallic-coated nails. He’d been drawn to her before, all facets of her looks and personality, but this woman was his walking wet dream.

“Holy shit, Cass.” He stared into her eyes, the green color sparkling against the black backdrop of her outfit.

“You like?”

“I want to throw you over my shoulder, haul you to the nearest bed, and fuck you senseless.” He blinked, surprised he’d let those words come out.

She grinned, shocking him. “I’ll take that as the best kind of compliment.”

“As you should.”

She patted the lapel of his jacket. “Looking pretty hot yourself.”

Apparently while he’d been worried about Cassidy, she’d been taking confidence pills. In truth, all she’d had to do was look in a mirror to know she’d make the right impression tonight and torture him in the process.

“Everyone ready?” Xander asked.

The limousines had been waiting outside for an hour, and since they were ninety minutes from the city, preparation had begun early so they could leave the Hamptons and arrive with plenty of time to spare, even if they hit traffic.

Dash glanced at Cassidy. “Are you set?”

She nodded but he noted her white knuckles as she gripped a small Balenciaga handbag.

He leaned in, his lips near her ear. “Don’t worry. I’ve got you.” He whispered the promise.

The only time she would be alone was during the setup and his performance, and he’d make sure she was settled with Xander before heading backstage.

Before and after, he was all hers.

* * *

Utterly fuckable. Cassidy could live with that. Just like she’d been navigating the different way Dash had been treating her this past week. She wasn’t stupid and knew his most sensual touches and kisses hadn’t been for show. They’d been behind closed doors and she’d allowed each one. If his goal had been to breach her physical walls, it had worked. She went to sleep each night with the memory of his taste on her lips and his touch causing her body to tingle.

But if he’d been hoping to tear down the emotional barriers she’d put up after he’d walked out on her last time, he was doomed to disappointment. She’d already had Adam dump her because he didn’t like the long-distance relationship her job had forced them to be in. She told herself he hadn’t hurt her, and because they’d been busy dealing with Sasha’s stalker and current movie, she’d been able to bury her emotions and focus on other things. But the fact remained, the man she’d been in a serious relationship with had dumped her over a text message.

Then Dash had swept into her life, and for a few short days, he’d taken over. He’d been with her at the hospital when she’d been injured after being mistaken for Sasha by the man stalking her, and he’d seemed worried about her afterwards. And when she and Sasha needed help, Dash had been there, leading to their night in bed. They’d absolutely had a connection. One she’d never felt before. And like Adam, Dash had left her alone. Without warning, disappearing from her life in any meaningful way.

Suffice it to say, Cassidy was wary of men in general and Dash specifically. She’d been hurt more by him than Adam, and that was enough of a warning not to let him in again.

But that didn’t mean she wouldn’t appreciate being his girlfriend in public, and if he wanted to sleep with her during the course of this charade, why not enjoy that, too? Something she’d decided between her glam experience and walking out to see the approval in Dash’s expressive eyes. As long as she kept her heart locked up tight during their temporary affair, she’d be fine. Because clearly that’s where this was headed.

For the ride to and from the city, Cassidy had booked a deluxe limousine for her, Dash, Xander and Sasha, but when she stepped outside to find two vehicles waiting, she stopped in her tracks.

“I don’t understand.” She reached for her small bag to retrieve her phone and call the company when Dash placed a hand over hers.

“I changed the reservation.” He inclined his head at his brother. “We’ll see you there.”

Xander grinned, Sasha laughed, and they headed for their own vehicle.

“Why did you book two cars?” Cassidy asked.

“So we could be alone.” He placed a hand on her lower back, and a current of electricity buzzed along her spine as he led her to where the driver stood, back door open.

She slid into the seat and Dash joined her.

When the door slammed shut, he turned to face her. “I appreciate you doing this for me. Especially tonight. I know it’s not easy, but I’m not going to abandon you to the wolves.”

“I’m honestly okay. I can’t say I’m looking forward to the red carpet walk, but once that’s over, my nerves will calm down.”

His hand covered hers, and he smoothed his fingers over her knuckles. “You’ll wow them.”

She rolled her eyes. “They’re there to see you.”

“Well, they’re getting us.” He leaned back and relaxed, and she followed suit.

The trip to the city was quiet, and they didn’t encounter more traffic than expected. The sun had already dipped low on the horizon when the limousine neared the venue. Cassidy’s stomach was in knots. The wait for their car to reach its ultimate destination felt endless.

Dash held on to her hand. The pad of his thumb soothing in a rhythmic motion over her skin was meant to calm her, but nothing would. Not until she’d made this long walk without tripping or making a fool of herself in front of television cameras.

“Ready?” Dash asked as their car door was opened for them.

She nodded. “As I’ll ever be,” she muttered.

He stepped out and held out his hand, helping her as she tried to delicately exit the limousine. Her heart pounded in her chest as they approached the red carpet, and suddenly she was bombarded by flashing lights and questions being called out.

Dash grasped her palm firmly in his as they made the long walk, stopping occasionally for posed shots, and he took full advantage of the media, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her close. She did her best to fake it, cozying up to him, placing her hand on his chest, and smiling the whole time.

The MTV host, a beautiful woman, also glammed up, stopped them to talk. “Dash, you’ve never walked the carpet with a woman on your arm before.”

“That’s because I’ve never found one worth it before.” He turned to Cassidy and treated her to a smile filled with genuine warmth. Not the one she’d come to think of as his stage grin.

Warning herself to remember this was for show, she looked at him with adoration, but she was still taken off guard when he braced his hands on her waist and pulled her close. He pressed his lips to hers in what she’d call a fun kiss, one definitely done to make a point to those watching. But the way he looked at her made it hard to remember they weren’t a real couple.

“So you’re Cassidy Forrester, Axel Forrester’s sister,” the woman said.

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