Home > Dark Wolf (Claimed by Wolves #3)(10)

Dark Wolf (Claimed by Wolves #3)(10)
Author: Callie Rose

But it does. I like it. I like it so, so much.

“I’m… I’m close,” I gasp. As dirty talk goes, it’s nowhere near as good as his. But I want him to keep talking, want him to keep murmuring filthy things into my ear in that gravelly voice.

“I know you are. I can feel it. You’re so fucking wet.” He groans softly as he grinds against me, sliding his cock through my slippery folds. He’s right. I’m so wet that I’m coating his shaft every time he moves against me. “Come for me, Sable. Let me feel you come, and then I’ll fill you up.”

I clutch at his hair, working my hips in tandem with his. I may be new to sex, but I know what feels good. And with these men who feel like they’re a part of me? My mates, who I can trust with everything I am? I never feel shy or awkward or embarrassed. I just feel treasured. Wanted. Safe.

So I don’t hold back. I don’t worry about whether I’m doing this “right.”

I just give Dare exactly what he asked for.

Closing my eyes, I lock my legs around his waist and roll my hips against his, chasing the incredible feelings surging through my veins. He lets out a choked grunt as he feels me grinding against his cock, and when the pleasure peaks inside me and I cry out, he bites down on my earlobe.

The fresh shock of sensation heightens every feeling rushing through me, and a ragged cry falls from my lips as I come hard, clinging to his hair so hard it’s a miracle I don’t yank half of it out.

If I’m hurting him, he doesn’t seem to care at all though. He thrusts against me in short, choppy strokes, riding out the waves of my orgasm until I’m panting and gasping. When the blinding pleasure finally recedes a little, I feel his cock pulse against me, and I realize how close he just came to finishing too.

The thought of that—of him losing control, not even managing to get inside me first, or his cum spattering my stomach—makes me whimper softly. Turning my head toward his, I find his lips and capture them in a deep kiss, sliding my tongue into his mouth in a possessive, hungry gesture.

His fingers are digging into my thighs so deeply that I’m sure I’ll have bruises there as well as on my neck, but I don’t care.

I don’t care about anything right now except one thought.

I need more.

My core is throbbing with the aftershocks of my release, my heart beating harder as my body tries to recover. But every pulse of Dare’s thick cock against my skin is a promise of something. Of pleasure yet to come.

And I want it.

So fucking bad.

Breaking our kiss, Dare rests his forehead against mine, breathing hard. “Are you ready for me? You want me to fill you up?”

“Yes.” It’s barely a whisper.

He growls in response, a ravenous noise that rumbles up from deep in his throat. “You want me to fuck you against this tree? Right here? Right now?”


“Then put me inside you.”

My breath hitches a little again. Unwinding my fingers from his hair, I wrap one arm around his neck and reach down with the other. My hand slides between us, and I find the slick hardness of his cock. I wrap my fingers around it, sliding them up and down as I gaze into his eyes, which are so close to mine that they’re barely in focus.

“Fuck,” he mutters roughly, and I can’t help the satisfied grin that tugs at my lips. My earlier fantasy plays through my mind again, and I consider trying to make him come like this—he’s still close, I can feel it.

But when he comes, I want it to be inside me.

So I angle his length slightly, and Dare lifts me a little to position our bodies perfectly together. The broad head of his cock notches at my entrance, and as soon as I release him, his hips surge forward.

He slams into me in one hard, long stroke, pinning me against the tree as he impales me on his length. I gasp at the sudden overload of sensations as the bark behind me digs into my skin and my core clenches around the sudden intrusion.

“Too hard?” he rasps, his hips freezing.

“No.” I wrap my other arm around his neck too, holding on to him as I try to catch my breath. “Perfect.”

He draws his head back a fraction of an inch, just enough to get a better look at my face without opening up any space between our bodies. His rugged features are full of nothing but warmth and desire as he stares down at me, all the heartbreaking rage from earlier wiped away.

“I fucking love you, moonlight,” he murmurs.

My heart seems to expand in my chest, and I nod slightly. “I love you too.”

As if those words were the only thing in the world he needed to hear, Dare draws out of me and slides back in, dropping his lips to mine as he does. We kiss as hard and deep as we fuck, our teeth clashing together as his thrusts grow faster.

I was right. He was already close to coming. I can feel it in the tension that gathers in his shoulders, the harsh way he breathes as he drives into me.

There’s something almost… violent about coming together like this, something animalistic and rough. I’ll be bruised later, my neck and thighs marked by him and my back scratched by the bark of the tree. He’ll probably have marks on his back from where my fingernails dig little crescent-shaped divots into his skin too.

But everything about it, even the slight pain, feels so damn good.

If we were trying to purge our demons earlier, they’re gone now—at least, for the moment. All that’s left is me and Dare and the consuming love that burns between us, driving us to cling to each other, to grope and kiss and grind against each other as if we’re trying to force our bodies closer than is physically possible. As if we’re trying to crawl inside each other’s skin.

The intensity of my need for him is almost frightening, but instead of shrinking away from it, I give myself over to it, sliding my tongue over his as I drink up his hot kisses.

“Fuck. Oh God, Sable. Fuck!”

Dare wrenches his lips away from mine on a grunt. His hips stutter and jerk as he thrusts in two more times and then circles them against me, pressing me harder to the tree as his cock pulses in my channel. I squeeze around him, wanting him to feel every bit of me as he comes, wanting to draw out every last drop of his release.

As my muscles clench tightly around his length, a second orgasm catches me by surprise, spreading outward from my core. I let out a little squeak, my toes curling as my arms tighten around his neck, clinging to him as the unexpected pleasure nearly bowls me over—not that I could go anywhere, pinned between his large body and the tree.

He chuckles, his breath warming my skin as his cock slowly stops throbbing inside me. “I don’t think I’ve heard you make that noise before.”

I grin, my body going lax in his arms as my muscles unclench. “I don’t think I ever have.”

He nips at my neck, and I know his teeth are grazing over the spot where he gave me a hickey earlier. “Good. I want more of your firsts, moonlight. I want more of you.”

“I want more of you too.”

The words fall from my lips automatically, so full of truth that I don’t even have to think before I speak them. My fingertips ghost over his broad shoulders before trailing up the back of his neck and delving into his hair.

I’m not ready to let go. I’m not ready for this moment to be over yet.

I barely notice the rough bark digging into my back as my legs wrap tightly around his waist. My head feels light in the wake of my orgasms, and we breathe against each other as we recover.

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