Home > Adapt Or Be Crushed(8)

Adapt Or Be Crushed(8)
Author: Sarah Noffke

“I love that I keep getting that question,” Sophia muttered with no real joy in her voice.

“I love that you speak the language of sarcasm,” Liv replied. “But seriously. The look. Looks like your soul has been scarred.”

“Marked,” Sophia corrected. “And ten points for the guess. Yes. That’s why I’m here. Your boss is sending me on a scavenger hunt.”

Apparently used to the people she loved getting their souls marked or bit by demons, Liv didn’t act too shocked or concerned. Sophia loved that about her—and much, much more.

Instead, Liv rubbed her hands together and looked excited as she pushed off the wall. “Oh, a good scavenger hunt. That’s so Papa’s way.”

“Yes, he and Mama Jamba refuse to give direct answers when they’ve got all the time in the world for us to figure things out on our own.”

Liv cleared her throat and slipped into her Papa Creola voice. “Why tell you when you can risk your life to find the answers for yourself?”

“We should murder that man,” Sophia said, earning a look of surprise from Liv. She quickly added, “Sorry, it’s the mark on my soul. It’s making me extra irritable lately.”

Liv nodded and understood at once. “Same thing happened to me when a talking toad cursed me. Worst two weeks ever. Clark nearly didn’t survive.”

Sophia laughed. “How is House business?” She nodded in the direction of the downstairs where the Chamber of the Tree was located and the Royals met.

“Boring. They love to hear themselves talk, especially Bianca. Lorenzo seems humbled since you punched him in the face. However, I’m still keeping an eye on the guy.”

“Good,” Sophia stated with relief.

“Plato wants our help with something soon,” Liv began. “You might have noticed that he moved the Great Library.”

“How could I have missed that?” Sophia joked.

“Yeah, it created a huge chasm in the folds of time and space according to Grumpy Pants, also known as Papa Creola,” Liv related. “However, it had to be done and we’re patching things up. Anyway, once the renovation is complete, Plato wants us to fetch the new librarian. You game?”

“Fetch?” Sophia asked dryly.

“Well, it will involve getting our hands dirty,” Liv confessed. “We’ll probably get a little sweaty.”

Sophia groaned. “I don’t like to sweat.”

“Me either.”

Still, Sophia grinned. “Yeah, as soon as I remove this mark on my soul, I’ll have time. When do you think?”

Liv shrugged. “When the paint dries. I’ll let you know. Sounds like you’ve got more pressing issues.”

“I have to find the source that the Door of Reflection was created from. Any ideas on that one?”

“Unlike Papa, I’d tell you if I knew,” Liv answered. “Alas, I do not and can’t help.”

Sophia nodded. “Well, I figure the information is in the library so I’m off to research.”

“Don’t get lost.” Liv strode in the opposite direction after offering her sister a smile.

It was good advice, since the potential of getting lost in the House of Fourteen’s library was an actual concern and had happened to many a wise magician—never to be seen again.



Chapter Eleven



The library in the House of Fourteen, although not nearly as big as the Great Library, was still magnificent. It was several stories tall and never the same on any given day. That was because it contained almost exclusively magical books that in many ways were alive. There was no librarian that Sophia was aware of. Instead, the reader was supposed to stay focused on what they were looking for and be “led” to the right section and book.

If one didn’t focus properly, then they would be lost. And if the browser didn’t know the right clues to look for, then they might never find the right book. That was because magic was inherently tricky in both a complex and mischievous way.

Reese, Sophia’s oldest sister, used to say that magic had a personality all its own. “You have to be clever to understand magic. And you have to have a sense of humor to appreciate it.”

The books in the House of Fourteen’s library reflected this personality.

Sophia let out a deep breath and enjoyed the familiar smell of the many volumes sitting on shelves when she entered the large library. This was her favorite place in the House of Fourteen. She’d spent many an occasion playing hide-and-seek with Liv, hiding in strange places that only Liv could find. For instance, Sophia once hid as a book on a shelf and another time she was inside a painting. Her magic when she was young was very creative. Now she had to reserve it for more practical things—like staying alive.

Knowing that the library picked up on her thoughts the moment she entered, Sophia directed them intently, thinking of the book she needed.

I need to find the source of the Door of Reflection, she thought.

When nothing happened, Sophia deflated. It wasn’t that she expected the library to rearrange itself right in front of her or illuminate a path to the book she needed. Well, that happened on occasion, but she thought something would happen. Usually a sign was presented. It was always different.

However, for nothing to happen at all was troubling. Sophia suddenly worried if the curse interfered with her ability to focus or work with the library in the House of Fourteen.

Sophia wondered what her options were as she glanced around, starting to feel desperate. That’s when she noticed a familiar figure who she shouldn’t have been surprised to find with his nose in a book. And he was exactly the right person to help her with her current dilemma. But first she was going to sneak up on her unsuspecting brother and scare him half to death—because that’s how she rolled.



Chapter Twelve



Sneaking up on Clark wasn’t difficult since he was completely engrossed in the book he was reading. He had it pressed up close to his face and scanned the words intently as he mouthed them.

Sophia reached out from behind him and grabbed his shoulders. “Boo.”

He jumped forward, then whipped around and held the book like it was a makeshift weapon.

Unable to control herself, she doubled over laughing at the frightened expression on Clark’s red face.

He relaxed at the sight of her, and his eyes went from scared to annoyed. “Soph, that was a trick that Liv would have pulled on me. I didn’t expect something like that from you.”

She continued to giggle. “I know. I just saw Liv, so I guess she inspired me.”

His chest rose and fell as he sought to catch his breath. Then he tilted his head with a sudden worried expression. “What’s wrong? Are you okay?”

She nodded at once, wanting to put his fears at ease. Those who knew her best could obviously see the mark on her soul. “I’m fine, but that’s why I’m here. I’m looking for something that could help me. Maybe you can assist.”

His brow wrinkled more. “What is it?”

Sophia didn’t want to tell Clark that she’d been cursed. He was a worrier and wouldn’t take it as easily as Liv. “I’m looking for a book that tells me where to find the source that the Door of Reflection was taken from. You don’t happen to know the answer offhand, do you?”

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