Home > Witch Of The Federation VI(10)

Witch Of The Federation VI(10)
Author: Michael Anderle

“And it avoids all the ‘fiddly bitchy bits’ that are likely to break and are expensive to replace,” the AI hastened to explain.

The man blushed red from collar to crown. He’d forgotten how many things his boss paid attention to at one time. “BURT,” he began, “when I said that…”

“You were right,” the AI concluded for him. “No offense was meant and none was taken. I was very careful to consider the practicalities in my redesign.”

“I… It wasn’t directed at you,” Aaron explained. “Any modifications you want us to attempt, we will gladly do so.”

“Truly?” he asked, and the engineer nodded.

“Truly. It would be a privilege.”

“You flatter me.” BURT hesitated but couldn’t help asking. “Do you know how long it will take?”

The question and his tentative tones startled Aaron into laughter. Before he’d caught his breath, though, the AI spoke again.

“Captain Emil, my daughter is returning and Stephanie is aboard.”

“Thank you, BURT.” Emil’s response was crisp and clear and Aaron wondered if he had already known of the ship’s approach, but the captain’s next words made it clear. “We don’t… Ah, there she is. Tell me, how do you get more out of the long-range scanners than I do?”

“Your crew is still acquainting with them and they are tasked with searching for more than only one small ship.”

“The Knight is not a small ship,” the man corrected him.

“My apologies, Captain. You are correct.” BURT did not mention that, beside the Tempestarii, the Knight might as well have been a gnat. Captain Emil still missed his ship.

Leaving the man to his preparations, BURT returned his attention to Aaron. “Shall we begin?”



“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Lars asked as they approached the pod.

“Sure, I’m sure,” Stephanie told him. “Don’t you remember the first time you ever saw the Tempestarii?”

He thought about that for a moment and nodded. “Yeah, she does inspire a certain amount of awe.”

“And loyalty,” the Knight interjected. “Don’t forget the loyalty.”

She shrugged. “Besides, this is the last chance for a long time that she’ll get to see the Tempestarii from the outside. We can’t deny her that.”

“There are such things as recordings,” he grumbled as the lid opened and a young woman scrambled out uncertainly.

He stepped forward to offer her a helping hand. She scowled at it but caught the look on his face and took it.

“Thanks,” she said and used his grasp and the side of the pod to steady herself. Worry creased her brow when she caught sight of the Witch and the rest of the team standing behind her. “Did something go wrong?”

“No,” Stephanie told her and drew her full attention. “We merely thought you’d like to see the Tempestarii from the outside.”

The woman’s eyes lit up. “That would be great. No one’s told me how big the ship is that I’ll be working on. All I know is that it will ‘stretch and expand’ my specialized knowledge.” She frowned. “You’ll have to forgive me if I doubt that.”

Her words made Stephanie smile. “Why don’t you take a look at her and make up your own mind?”

“That sounds good,” the woman agreed and her brow furrowed. “I’m not very good with faces or names and I know we’ve met before because you look kinda familiar.”

The shy way she asked it made the Witch smile. She placed a hand on her shoulder as she turned to the door. “I hate to say it, but your memory’s not to blame. I kinda came on board late so we didn’t get to meet.”

“But I’d swear I know you.”

“Do you ever watch the news?” Frog asked and she shook her head.

“Not much. Sometimes, I’ll catch a newscast about the Witch, but tha— Oh, I’m so sorry.” She pulled away and blushed a deep red. “I didn’t…uh…”

Stephanie smiled. “You didn’t recognize me. It’s okay. I kinda like that.” She pressed the button to summon the elevator. “Come on. Captain Rawlins won’t wait all day.”

“Captain Rawlins won’t wait at all,” a voice informed them from the ceiling. “She says the Tempestarii shouldn’t be kept waiting and that her newest engineer is required for briefing as soon as docking is complete.”

“Was that…the ship?” the woman asked and gaped at the ceiling.

“You’d better believe it,” the Knight informed her. “Now get your ass out to the observation deck and take a look at my sister.”

“She swears?” the woman asked softly.

“She sure as shit does,” the Knight confirmed, “but not today. Today, I’m watching my mouth because my father doesn’t like it when I use bad language.”

“Your…father?” the woman stopped halfway across the walkway.

“It’s a long story,” Frog told her and looped an arm around her shoulder, “and you’ll miss the view.”

She let him steer her to the observation portal and looked where he directed.

“Oh—” Her jaw dropped and she stared at the glittering bulk that was the Tempestarii. “Is that…” Reflexively, she stepped back to admire the vessel. “I get to work on that?”

“That is my sister,” the Knight reproved.

“I… Yes. Sorry, Knight.” The woman couldn’t take her eyes off the Tempestarii. “Is that a—”

She paused as the door behind them opened but she didn’t turn.

Stephanie glanced around as the captain strode in and came to stand at a different viewport. It was funny to see that the woman was more interested in watching the engineer’s face as the Knight approached her sister ship.

They all stood in reverence as they closed the distance and the Tempestarii started to loom. While she looked impressive at a distance, she appeared even more so this close to her. As the Knight started to slow but not stop, the engineer glanced around.

“Are we… We’re not…” She turned to the viewing port to make sure. “We’re docking inside her?”

Captain Rawlins nodded. “We are.”


“That never gets old,” Stephanie murmured from the captain’s other side.

Rawlins glanced at her and caught her gaze with her one good eye before she turned to leave. For one heart-stopping moment, Stephanie had the distinct impression that the captain had winked but it had happened so fast she couldn’t be sure.



Chapter Four



Todd stepped out of his quarters and frowned at two of Captain Smith’s Marines who lounged against the wall opposite. When he glanced down the corridor, he saw another two who leaned on the opposite side at the end of the block of rooms that had been assigned to the team.

To any casual passer-by, the men were catching up before going their separate ways. He knew differently, though. These asshats had stood outside ever since they’d relieved the asshats that had preceded them.

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