Home > Frozen 2_ Forest of Shadows(4)

Frozen 2_ Forest of Shadows(4)
Author: Kamilla Benko

“Anna!” Elsa gasped as they ducked around a corner, where the fully saddled Havski and Fjøra, the swiftest horses in the stables, stood waiting for them. “What are you doing?”

Anna grinned. “Breaking you free!”

“But…” Elsa protested, sweeping a loose tendril of ice-blond hair off her forehead, “the villagers, they need my help—”

“I know!” Anna nodded. “But Kai and Gerda can handle their requests, and it’s important for you to ride out one last time before you set sail—just to make sure everything is in order. Don’t you agree? Besides,” she added, beaming even wider, “don’t you want to spend some time with me?”

Even though she’d been handling complaints all morning, Elsa still seemed regal and calm. The wind blew though an open door and buffeted her diaphanous blue split cape and coat, and tugged at the fishtail braid hanging over her left shoulder. For a moment, she looked like a timeless, valiant queen from one of Anna’s history books. But the next second, she flashed a grin at Anna, and it was like it had been before—when they were just two children sneaking out of their bedrooms for a nighttime adventure.

“I suppose I could let Kai and Gerda take care of things—just this once,” Elsa said.

Anna let out a whoop of joy. She swung up onto Havski’s back while Elsa took a moment to clamber on top of Fjøra, a beautiful horse with a black-and-white striped tail. Finally, after a few attempts, Elsa mounted. Together, they trotted out of the stables and left the courtyard, with Anna waving to Kristoff, who smiled from under a pile of kittens batting at his face.

The sisters crossed the Bridge of Arches and took in the wild, fresh autumn air. Behind them, nestled in the shadow of soaring mountains, the castle sparkled and shone with the decorative touches of Elsa’s ice magic. Anna kicked her horse into a canter, and Elsa did the same.

Arendelle was a kingdom of wilderness, of rugged coasts, deep blue waters, and towering ships. Lots and lots of ships. They came from everywhere, bringing people from all over the world who were happy to settle down in the picturesque kingdom—people who were happy to answer Anna’s invitation to share memories of their own countries so she could learn about their customs. Memories that could help Anna prepare Elsa for the grand tour…if only Elsa would let her. Because while ships brought people to the kingdom, they also left with people. The royal ship currently sat in the harbor, loaded with goods and waiting for Elsa to board.

As they rode past the expanding village and people waving excitedly at them, a delighted fizziness filled Anna’s body. This was the best part of opening the kingdom gates three years ago—all the new people and new ideas that had trickled in. Although the village was more populous than ever before, with more and more people having moved there, Arendelle would always be Anna’s heart and home. That was one thing that would never change.

As they moved beyond the houses and shops, the forest of Arendelle flourished around them, showing off in bright yellows, deep reds, and burnt oranges that reminded Anna of bonfires and melted caramels. A happy sigh slipped from Anna. The autumn leaves had just begun to turn and change, and the living things of the forest seemed to be settling into themselves, the same way Elsa had settled into being queen. Anna didn’t particularly like change. She always wanted things to stay the same. These days, Anna barely got to see Elsa, who was constantly cooped up in the council chambers poring over paperwork, or else leading important meetings that Anna also attended. But she was happy watching Elsa come into her own, even if it meant their relationship was evolving as a side effect of it.

The horses slowed, picking up an easy trot side by side. Wondering if now was the moment, Anna glanced over at Elsa. Her sister wore a far-off and pensive look on her face.

“What are you thinking about?” Anna asked.

“Oh.” Elsa looked up from her reins. “Nothing…just, you know, work.”

“Want to tell me?” Anna said, trying to keep her eagerness down to about a level eight, instead of her usual level ten. “You remember what Father always said, right?”

Elsa tilted her head. “What, that ‘burdens should be shared’?”

Something scraped in Anna, like a rough crumb caught in her throat. Because…well, her family’s burdens and secrets hadn’t been for everyone. Or at least, they hadn’t been for Anna. Her father had let a mountain troll bundle away Anna’s memories of Elsa’s ice magic, and he, her mother, and Elsa had all worked together to keep it a secret from Anna.

And it had stayed a very, very big secret, until Elsa’s coronation day, when Anna had pushed the new queen a little too far and Elsa had lost control of her temper—and her ice powers. Which, at the time, had seemed as terrible as the vast and eternal winter that had taken root in the kingdom, but in hindsight had been the best thing to ever happen to Anna. Not only had it marked the beginning of a new era with her sister, but Anna had also narrowly managed to avoid a very…hasty…marriage with a prince who had deceived her.

“Nope! Not that one!” Anna shook her head, wishing she could shake away the uncomfortable feeling. “The other saying—the one about ‘many hands make light work.’”

“Oh.” Elsa laughed. “He had a lot of sayings, didn’t he?”

Anna waited for Elsa to keep talking, but she seemed to have forgotten Anna was there again even though she was trotting alongside her.

“Hey, Elsa?” she tried again.


“Bet I can beat you to the clearing!”


But Anna had already kicked Havski back into a gallop. Havski surged forward, setting Anna’s heart free. Riding the gray horse was like riding an avalanche: fast, thrilling, and powerful. Adrenaline rushed through her, and without thinking, she let go of the reins.

“What are you doing?” Elsa shouted from behind her.

“Flying!” Anna shouted back. She flung out her arms. Cool wind flowed over her face, and it seemed to blow away that tight feeling that had settled on her chest since Elsa had announced she was leaving. Elsa yelled something, but the wind swept her words away.

“What?” Anna glanced over her shoulder.

“BRANCH!” Elsa yelled again.

Anna swung forward just in time to duck beneath a birch tree’s low-hanging branch. Giggling, she hugged Havski’s neck and the horse snorted in response, never missing a stride. And why should he? They’d grown up together, and for a long time, he’d been the closest thing Anna had had to a best friend. They’d dodged thicker branches and jumped across wider rivers together. Picking up the reins again, she kept them loose and let Havski settle into a breathless canter.

Gradually, his strides shortened and he transitioned into an easy trot before reaching a mossy clearing. There was a crunch and the sound of twigs snapping, and Anna twisted in her saddle just in time to see Elsa and Fjøra blunder into the clearing. A single scarlet leaf had snagged on Elsa’s hair, and it looked almost as though the forest had crowned her its autumn queen.

Anna grinned. “Isn’t this fun?”

Sweeping away loose strands of her blond hair, Elsa plucked the leaf off her head, looked at it, and began to laugh. “It is,” she agreed.

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