Home > Faraway Wanderers (Word of Honor)(11)

Faraway Wanderers (Word of Honor)(11)
Author: Priest

Gu Xiangnai was a very clever person. When he bent over, he slashed across the knife, kicked him across the leg and kicked the other person's leg. The man went forward wrongly, Gu Xiang split his hands and caught his veins, and seized the sword. The palm patted him to Baihui Point and sent him to meet the King of Yan.
Zhou Zishu also popped a stone, a person in the middle of his shoulder and a large hole on the side, the person was fluttering forward, and suddenly suffered this, he felt only paralyzed, and could no longer move, then fell to the ground according to inertia, Gu Xiang Then he heard the plagued caller sigh half-true and half-false: "It's not good, the formation has dispersed, and it's anxious to break in, it's really careless."
When Gu Xiang heard the words, she immediately stepped on a very delicate lotus step. The masked man who flew over was struck by her strength, and the subconscious turned into a trick, but she just passed the sideways flaw to Gu Xiang's hand, and resolved it smoothly. Two.
When the bodies were not long on the ground, they piled up side by side. When the rest saw something bad, they winked at each other and quit. Zhou Zishu frowned, and these people were in trouble. Although he agreed to escort, The teenager went to the Zhao family in Taihu Lake, and was unwilling to deal with these pursuits along the way. It really made them run away, I'm afraid they still had to deal with it on the way.
It is not a good thing to want these people to secretly count on others, to kill people, and to hide their heads and tails.
Gu Xiang just felt a flower in front of him, and a figure flashed, and the man who was sitting on the incense case suddenly fell like a fluffy catkins, and suddenly fell in front of the temple door. A man in black was caught off guard by his side, and now he wanted to hit him with his shoulder However, when he heard "click", his entire shoulder was unloaded. Zhou Zishu grabbed his neck and twisted his neck with his finger, and picked up the knife that was falling aside with his toes.
A ghostly smile floated on the yellow-skinned face--
Gu Xiang just felt that he hadn't had time to react, and the masked people who rushed to the door all turned into corpses, couldn't help blinking, and he was astonished—I thought it would be like to see this person speak like a pie. The arrogant doorman came from, but unexpectedly, he was so neat and vicious that some people were not sure what he was.
Zhou Zishu was not as prestigious as she imagined. His legs were still at Microsoft. He had n’t stopped since he landed. When he stopped killing someone, he could n’t stand, and he did n’t want to be seen by Gu Xiang. A few steps later, looking at his body, he was just embarrassingly looking for a way to support him.
Suddenly, he stretched out his hands behind his back and steadily supported him. Zhou Zishu was so excited that he didn't know when the person was approaching. Han Mao suddenly stood up. Fortunately, the person just helped him and did nothing. .
Gu Xiang's eyes lit up and he shouted, "Master!"
Zhou Zishu was slightly relieved, then turned around after standing. The man who helped him was the man in the gray coat at the restaurant. He took a closer look and was only two-eight-nine years old. He was pretty handsome, but his eyes were staring at the people. It always makes people less comfortable.
Right now, he was staring at Zhou Zishu, his eyes seemed to be under Zhou Zishu's face, and he was very rude.
Zhou Zishu coughed dryly: "Thank you ..."
"Wen, Wen Kexing," said the man in gray, then his face seemed to have a little doubt, and his eyes fell on Zhou Zishu's neck and hands, and the doubt seemed a little heavier.
Although I don't know what this person is looking at, Zhou Zishu is calm. His own craftsmanship is clear and easily recognized by others. He was already in a different place ten years ago, so he calmly said, "Oh, thank you Brother Wen. "
The gray-clad man looked at it for a long time and didn't know what he was looking at. After a short while, he looked away and nodded, "No need."
After speaking, he walked into the ruined temple, Gu Xiang hastily rushed a few corpses to the side, paved him a clean place with thatch, and then the Wen Kexing looked again. After giving Zhou Zishu a glance, it was not enough, and he explained specifically: "I didn't mean it."
Zhou Zishu knew where Gu Xiang ’s unflattering strength was the teacher, and sat down to adjust his breath.
It was more than an hour before he opened his eyes, but when he saw the Wen Kexing leaning against the wall, his leg was leaning, and he was still looking at himself with his head tilted, he couldn't help but say, "What is on my face Nothing works, so this brother Wen studied for a long time? "
Wen Kexing said expressionlessly, "Have you been easy?"
Zhou Zishu's heart was tight, but his face indifferently asked: "What?"
Wen Kexing ignored it, and only said to himself: "Strange ... It's strange, I can't see that you're easy-going. If you haven't touched your hands, hey ..."
He stretched his hands and rubbed his chin, quite puzzlingly, "I have never seen anyone in these years, but at first glance I saw the sphenoid bone of your back, clearly it should be a beauty."
Zhou Zishudeng was speechless.
Wen Kexing nodded and said to himself: "I don't think anyone has ever done anything wrong, you must be easy."
Zhou Zishu continued to be speechless.
Wen Kexing perseveredly stared at his face, looked at it for a long time, and then gave up his head like a back and tilted back: "But I can't see the flaws, these rivers and lakes small tricks, how much skill can I show? No flaws? I'm afraid they haven't been born yet? Impossible is impossible ... "
Gu Xiang said rudely, "Master, the last time you pointed at the back of a pig butcher, you concluded that it was a beauty."
Wen Kexing whispered quietly: "Although the man is a butcher, he can only be called a beauty with only those eyes that are radiant and hopeful. Whatever happened to the butcher no matter where he came from? What do you know, Children do not know the beauty and ugliness. "
Gu Xiang sighed: "Shuiguang ? ?, Gu Pansheng? Isn't it a yawn and didn't shed clean tears? Not to mention the wide nose, wide mouth, fat head and big ears ..."
Wen Kexing said categorically: "Axiang, your eyes are not good."
Zhou Zishu had slowly crawled up and went to check on the situation of the young Zhang Chengling.
The author has something to say:
Brother Wen came out ==
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