Home > The Lesbian Billionaires Club(8)

The Lesbian Billionaires Club(8)
Author: K.C. Luck

“Big debut,” he says sounding proud. “Over at The Golden Rail. Maybe you’ve heard of it?”

Not from Chicago, I haven't, but I will likely own it before the night is over. “No, I'm afraid not.” Johnny fishes a card from his back pocket and hands it to me. I glance at the thing long enough to know the gold lettering on black reveals The Golden Rail to be a gentleman's club. I am shocked my investigator did not learn this and pass it along. Then, Johnny’s word ‘debut' rings in my head, and I think of another piece of information in the woman's file. Financial trouble. “No,” is all I manage to say as anger threatens to overwhelm me. This bastard is somehow using her situation to force her to work for him. As an escort or worse.

“No?” Johnny echoes. “What the fuck does that mean?”

Before I answer that it means Claire will never work at his place, she turns and opens her car door. I watch in astonishment as she slips behind the wheel, preparing to go before she and I are finished with what was so passionately started. In my universe, people don’t leave unless I want them to and especially not like this. Still, we are operating under special circumstances, so I bite my tongue to keep from stopping her. If I make a demand now, Johnny will no doubt catch on. He seems wary enough without me asserting myself further. “I have to go and get ready,” Claire says without looking at either of us and starting the car. As if my body is operating outside my control, I can’t stop myself from putting a hand on the car door. I am simply unable to let her escape again. Seeing it, she looks into my face, and her eyes are full of regret. Nothing could come closer to breaking my heart, and I want to confess everything, but then she gives me a small smile. It is so beautiful I catch my breath. “It was nice to meet you,” she says softly, so only I hear it. “I hope we talk again sometime.”

“We will,” I promise and let her close the door with a heart full of misgivings. Johnny and I both watch her leave the parking lot, and he stupidly slides closer to me. I smell the thick musk of cheap aftershave on him, and my disgust grows exponentially. In a minute, with one phone call, I'm going to ruin his life, and he has no idea. The man exploits women. I have no issue with women working as escorts or performing for sexual entertainment, as long as doing so is their choice. The Golden Rail does not appear to be that sort of establishment. Johnny is about to have his world turned upside down, and not in a good way.

Without bothering to say a word to him, I move toward my SUV when I hear him clear his throat. “Have we met before?” he asks.

I pause at my car door, not bothering to look back at him. “No.”

“Are you sure? Because you look really familiar.”

This is the last thing I want so I shrug as nonchalantly as I can muster while putting on a smile to turn and look at him. “I get that a lot.”

Johnny nods. “Yeah, me too,” he agrees. “People say I look like some underwear model from Italy. Can’t remember his name.” It pains me to keep my smile in place. When I figure out how Claire even became acquainted with this slug, I will crush whoever allowed it to happen

“I should be going,” I say and start to turn again, but he's not done with the conversation apparently.

“You should come tonight,” he says. “To The Golden Rail. It’s a guy club, but we let some dykes in too. Butches like you do okay in there.” I take a deep breath and hold it to remain calm, resolving to hear him out. “I can set up a private room for you, assuming you got cash.” I think of the three thousand dollars in my wallet and figure I have it covered. “It won’t be with Claire obviously,” he continues. “She’s too new for private dances. I like to break my girls in slow.”

My hands clench into fists. If this fucker is not away from me in the next few minutes, I will kill him. I am sure of it. Still, I know I will accept his invitation, although my choice will be Claire. It will be her first and last night working at The Golden Rail and no one will see her but me. The idea of it makes a pulse of excitement start between my legs. “It has to be Claire,” I say softly, but the look in his eyes lets me know the real me is starting to show through. The one which will soon be destroying everything about him as easily as if he were an ugly bug on the sidewalk.

“Uhhh…” he says taking a step back. I cannot help but take a step forward. The cat and mouse between us is too lovely to resist. “It will cost you three times the usual rate. And she’s a rookie, so don’t expect much of a dance.” He licks his lips again, and I am almost nauseated at the sight. “Or whatever,” he stammers. “And no refunds.”

I nod, accepting his terms. “I understand. Just make sure everything is ready.” Usually, I would reach into my wallet and hand him a couple of hundred-dollar bills to smooth over the transaction, but again, I don't want to give him any reason to recognize me. “I'll bring all the cash I can get my hands on,” I tell him, and at this, he smiles. Clearly, he thinks he has the upper hand again.

“Nine o’clock sharp,” he says, reaching out to shake my hand. I am disgusted but return the gesture of goodwill. What he doesn’t know is I will be ensuring The Golden Rail is packed full of my people, to guarantee Claire is safe until I arrive. I am leaving nothing to chance anymore, not with her.

“See you then,” I agree dropping his hand and restraining myself from wiping it on my pant leg to remove the feel of him.

“You won’t regret this,” Johnny answers while I unlock my vehicle. Of that, I have no doubt.






The Golden Rail is what I expect. Higher-end maybe, but a strip club no matter what Johnny and his partners call it. To go with the name, there is a lot of black and gold décor. No windows, or if there are, they are blackened and heavily disguised with gold-colored drapes. The lights are dim with the focus centered on the large rectangular stage in the middle of the room. A signature pole adorns one end of the entertainment platform. I apparently arrived in time for a new act as the woman, who is really quite beautiful and voluptuous, wears a scanty black and white maid’s uniform, complete with a feather duster and stiletto heels. Now I know why the place is popular. They cater to fantasy. So many lonely men who frequent these places would love to be a billionaire and fuck the maid. For the record, I have not. The staff is off limits as I steer away from mixing too much business with too much pleasure.

I scan the room knowing most of the lonely men who are here tonight are my employees. I retain a small army of employees, always on standby, to perform a range of jobs for me. Those selected for tonight get a treat to go along with their pay, if this is to their taste, of course. Regardless, they will act the part and keep tabs on anything happening at the club tonight. Tomorrow, The Golden Rail will shut down, at least temporarily. I purchased the business loan from the bank just an hour ago. Not easy as my request was submitted after banking hours, but my people are very persuasive. Moving mountains when I want something behooves them.

Before I’ve been here three minutes, Johnny makes his way toward me. A smirk tells me he did not think I would show but is glad I have as he no doubt intends to charge me an outrageous price. “Welcome to my establishment,” he says with a mock bow. “Come right this way. I have a space set aside just for you.”

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