Home > My Unexpected Surprise (The Greene Family #5)(12)

My Unexpected Surprise (The Greene Family #5)(12)
Author: Piper Rayne

I unsuccessfully try to stop my lips from tipping into a devilish grin and start to turn around.

“Close your eyes!” she yelps.

I stop where I am. “I can’t close my eyes and fix this for you.”

“I’ll guide you.” There’s desperation in her tone.

“I’ve already fallen on the floor today. If I bang my shin too, I’m gonna be pissed.” I close my eyes and turn around. “Direct me over to you.”

“Thank you. Okay, walk forward.”

I take a couple of steps as if I’m on some weird new reality show where they’re going to make me do stupid shit for a woman. I keep my hands by my side because there’s no way I’m doing the Frankenstein walk.

“A little to your left,” she says.

I step to the side and my right leg bangs into something hard. “Allie…”

“Sorry, sorry. I thought I could do it. A little more to your left.”

“No shit.”

Giving up all hope that she’ll guide me where I need to go, I extend my hands in front of me, feeling the exam table, the paper crinkling under my palm.

“Two more steps.”

My shoe sticks to the linoleum, causing me to lose my footing, and I reach forward to grab anything to stop me before I fall headfirst. My hands land on soft flesh, and I pop my eyes open to find myself holding Allie’s bra-covered tits.


“Shit. I’m sorry.”

She stares down at where my hands are still attached. “You can stop touching them now.”

Damn, they’re bigger and fleshier than before and my dick erects to half-mast to show his praise. I let my hands drop. “Can we work out some deal that lets me motorboat them?”

She slaps my arm with her free hand, and I chuckle. She’s holding her shirt out from her hair that looks like a bird’s nest. “Help me, please.”

“Okay, okay. Hold tight.”

I go around to the back of her to see what’s going on. Her hair is wrapped around one of the buttons on her shirt.

“Now you’ve seen me naked and felt me up.” There’s displeasure in her voice, so I try to make a joke of what just happened.

“I’m a little offended you didn’t get turned on with my hands on your tits.”

“Why would I be turned on?”

“Aren’t they sensitive?” I really wish I could stop being so inquisitive about her sex drive. Maybe it’s because I know that I won’t get to sleep with anyone until after these babies are born and we’ve settled into whatever family arrangement we decide on. Even then, if she’s living with me, having sex with someone else would feel like a shitty thing to do. I’m not exactly looking forward to being celibate for the better part of a year.

“A little. They’re heavy.”

I suck in my groan while I try to unwrap her hair and she laughs.

“Sorry,” she says.

“Stop apologizing. That said, if you ever need me to take the edge off one night, I’m your guy.”

“We can’t cross that line again, Fisher.” Her tone is serious, but at the same time, she steps back closer to me. Her ass in danger of having my hard dick pressed into it.

I swallow. “Actually, maybe we need to talk about that.”

If she doesn’t use me to get off, will she go to someone else? Anger slices through me when I imagine her riding some guy with her swollen belly extended in front of her, her tits in his hands and my babies inside her. Just the thought feels like a punch to the gut.

“How is the shirt thing going?” She raises her hands to her hair to check for herself.

“Almost done. Relax.” I get one button free, but I see that there’s another one to contend with. “Are you planning on dating?”

“Do you honestly think I’d find someone who wants to have sex with a woman carrying twins?” She blows out a breath. “I’ve already reconciled myself to the fact that it’s dildos and vibrators until after I finish breastfeeding. It’ll be a sad, sad day when I can’t reach between my legs anymore.”

My dick hardens further, and I inch back, not wanting to offend her. “Good, because I don’t want some guy’s johnson that close to my babies.”

I free the shirt and she must feel the relief on her scalp because she turns around to face me—surely to give me her dramatic expression of annoyance—but my gaze falls to her tits in her lace bra that she’s trying to cover with one arm across them.

“What? You know I’m protective.” I place my hand on her stomach and she tracks my movement with her eyes.

“I know, but really, you don’t have to worry about it.”

I put my other hand on her stomach, stepping closer because of how turned on I am. “Maybe we can come to an arrangement since we’re both stuck being celibate for a while. Maybe we should take advantage of this no-condom-necessary situation we’ve found ourselves in.” I inch closer, totally thinking with my dick.

Allie loves nipple play and I’m sure I could get her as turned on as me if she let me near them again.

“That’s asking for trouble. We both know that.” Her voice is husky and lacking conviction, so I opt to tell her exactly what’s on my mind.

I take my hands off her and lock eyes with her. “Allie, I really wanna fuck you.”

She tilts her head up, her gorgeous eyes staring at mine. She’s wavering. I see it in the way her shoulders have fallen and how her mouth is slightly parted. “Do you have to tell me everything on your mind?”

If she only knew half the shit I was holding in. “Yes, when it can only benefit us.”

There’s a knock on the door and I pull her toward me, covering her with my body.

“Not yet,” Allie says, but Stella must not have heard because she opens the door anyway.

Instead of looking at us, she’s turned and talking to Ethel and Dori about patient privacy—which means it’s my grandmother and her friend who see Allie in only her panties, pressed up against me. Dori nudges Ethel’s arm and they smile.

“Oh, we forgot Midge is in the car,” Dori says and the two walk down the hall.

Stella shakes her head and looks up. “So sorry, I’ll be back in a couple minutes.”

She slams the door, but the damage is done. My grandma and her delusional friend think Allie and I are on our way to being a couple. Two of the worst people to find me in this compromising situation.



After the exam with Allie, I stop at Jed’s to help move a couch, then I go home to shower and get ready for my dinner with Allie.

I hear noise downstairs when I step out of the shower.

“Who the hell’s here?” I yell from the top of the stairs, about a second from grabbing my gun.

“There’s no reason to swear,” my dad’s voice booms from below.

I wrap a towel around myself and head down the stairs to find my dad putting groceries in the fridge. “Funny thing, I’m old enough to buy my own groceries now, Dad.”

He doesn’t even grant me a glance, placing a carton of eggs in the fridge. “Then do it. Especially now.”

The fridge door shuts, and I wait for the real reason he’s here.

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