Home > Christmas Grump(12)

Christmas Grump(12)
Author: MINK

“Grinchy’s always hated everyone. Even Ruby, and everyone loves Ruby. But you—it’s like she’s known you all her life.”

I keep petting the little Grinch, but only because it makes Merry happy. I find there are a lot of things I’ll do if it means Merry will smile.

“You know, Sebastian. You’ve never told me why you came to town to do all these things.”

“Doesn’t matter.” I pull my hand back, only to be met with an angry raow from the cat.

“I think it does matter. I mean, why would you just pick some random town to show up in? Then buy a big house for just you and your butler guy. And then hire someone to help you do these things that are …. Well, they aren’t exactly nice, are they? I don’t get it.”

“You don’t need to get it, Merry. All I need you to do is exactly what I tell you, to the letter.”

She gives me a sideways glance. “I think you like it when I don’t follow your orders to the letter,” she whispers.

I try not to smirk as I recall yet again the way she squirmed on my lap as I disciplined her. Damn, she needed that, but I think I needed it more.

“All you need to know is that this town and I—we have a history. One that I intend to rewrite. Tomorrow, we’ll set to work on my holiday ball. You’ll get to write all the invitations you can manage. The entire town.”

“A holiday ball?” Her eyes light up. “At your house? But you don’t even have a tree.” She glances at hers. “You need one in your house. I should’ve mentioned it to your butler guy, but you dragged me away before I even had a chance to meet him.”

She’s right. But I don’t care if Raymond missed out on her greeting. What I got from Merry was far more important than niceties with the help. My hand tingles as I remember what she felt like, her skin screaming for more pain and pleasure. Slipping my hand into my pocket, I feel her panties, rubbing them between my thumb and forefinger.

“I don’t need Christmas foolishness in my house,” I grumble and grudgingly return to petting the cat.

“What?” She shakes her head. “You want to throw a Christmas ball but not decorate your house?”

I shrug.

She seems to deflate a little.

Dammit. I sigh. “Fine, you can decorate however you see fit.”

“Yes!” she cries, sending the needy little furball scurrying away.


“Come on.” I get to my feet and help her up. “We have a Rudolph to repair.”

“Right.” She smiles up at me, and I get that warm feeling again. The one in my chest. The one that tells me I should kiss her. I glance at her mouth. God, I want to, I really do. But then she’ll know. Somehow, I just know if I kiss her, she’ll see the real me, and I simply can’t have that.

She waits another beat, then gives herself a small nod. “Let me just get my supplies.” She digs through a drawer in her tiny kitchen.

I’m still thinking about her lips, about how she’d taste and the sounds she’d make if I sank my tongue into her mouth.

“Okay, I have what I need.” She waves around a glue gun like she’s a gangster from the twenties.

Need. That’s a serious word. One that encompasses so much in a single syllable. It’s huge yet succinct. Especially when I’m realizing more and more that Merry might be the one person in this entire world I’ve ever truly needed.









I really know I’m in trouble now. I’ve been sensing it was coming all day, but this is going to be the icing on the cake. I’d been working with Sebastian all morning, trying to get everything rolling to turn his home into a winter wonderland. But then Ruby happened.

My phone started blowing up, and I’d rushed out of Sebastian’s house. I didn’t have much of a choice. When your best friend texts you that she needs you right now, you drop everything and get there as quickly as possible. That’s exactly what I’d done when the message came through from Ruby.

Plus, Sebastian gave me this new fancy SUV to use, so I should use it. I’ve never been a person that gets excited over a vehicle, but the whole ceiling of the Land Rover is a window. It’s the largest sunroof I’ve ever seen. You can see the snow falling from above. The whole vehicle is magical. It’s perfect.

Or it was until I backed into Knox’s mailbox in my attempt to escape his home after getting Ruby. I’m not sure what the damages are. I didn’t stop to check in my haste. We didn’t make it very far before her man, Knox, was all over us, stealing her right back. They’d had a small misunderstanding he needed to work out. They’re meant for one another.

My heart melted seeing the way he chased after her. He’s so in love with her. I mean, the man got pink Christmas lights on his house for her! Nothing says love like shiny pink lights. Knox would really do anything to make her happy. A wave of sadness tries to rush through me, but I fight it back. I’m truly happy for her, but I can’t help but want what she has for myself.

Now Ruby’s gone, and I’m sitting on Main Street trying to figure out if I should pop over to the bakery for some treats before heading back to Sebastian’s big house.

My phone starts ringing again through the vehicle. ‘Mr. GrumpyPants’ shows up across the screen on the dashboard. I don’t know how my phone is hooked up to the car, but Sebastian must have done it at some point. It doesn’t really surprise me that he’s made sure he could get in touch with me. He always wants full access.

He’d shown me the car this morning after I woke up in his bed.

Still not sure how that one happened. I remember repairing Rudolph's nose in front of the fireplace in Sebastian's office while I hummed to Christmas music on my phone. Sebastian sat at his desk and watched me the whole time. At least that’s what it felt like he was doing.

Anytime I’d glance his way, he’d start clicking on his computer until I went back to Rudolph. Grinchy was laid out across his desk snoozing away. When Sebastian insisted I pack a bag to stay the night, saying I had a lot of work to catch up on, I insisted that Grinchy come with us. Even though she’s low key trying to steal his attention, I didn’t want to leave her home alone again.

At first I thought him telling me to pack a bag was strange—especially since I just had him drive me to my place—but I think it might be best if I do stay with him for a bit. There’s a lot to be done for the upcoming ball. It’s easier with me just being there. I can see to every detail of the decorating. I mean, I’ve been at it all day and still have barely made a dent in my to-do list.

I want this party to go off perfectly. I have this hope that maybe this ball will show Sebastian how lovely the people of Reindeer Valley are when he welcomes them into his home. That maybe he will have a change of heart about this whole thing.

Gosh, this SUV drives like a dream. Even in the snow! I’m beginning to think I’m a spoiled employee.

The phone stops ringing only to start once again. I’m about to answer it when the sound of the locks click a second before the door swings open. Sebastian stands outside of the SUV with a deadly look on his face. I swallow. I’ve seen him pissy before, but right now he’s livid. I should probably be a little afraid, but I find that I’m the total opposite: I’m completely and utterly aroused. The rush of heat that goes straight between my thighs is ridiculous.

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