Home > Breaking Cover (Life Lessons #2)(11)

Breaking Cover (Life Lessons #2)(11)
Author: Kaje Harper

“A Renaissance man,” Tony laughed. “You should see me in tights and a cod-piece.”

Mac kissed him again, more deeply. “I think I would pay to see that.”

“It’s free for you,” Tony breathed, pulling his head down.

Mac opened his mouth for Tony’s searching tongue and slid a hand into the short dark curls. This was good, this was what he needed. He tugged Tony up out of his seat and pulled him in tight, a hand on the small of his back.

“Oh, yeah,” Tony murmured against his mouth. “Dessert.”

Mac laughed softly and kissed him hard, and harder, filling that soft wet mouth, feeling Tony getting stiff against him.

“Do we have to do dishes first?” Mac asked eventually.

“Fuck the dishes.” Tony shoved his plate out from under as Mac pressed him back against the table.

“Not what I had in mind to fuck.” Mac unbuttoned Tony’s jeans and slid his hands down inside the denim in back to cup that firm ass. Tony moaned softly and pressed back into his hands. Mac dug his fingers in and used his wrists to work the fabric lower. Tony reached down and fumbled with his zipper, releasing himself and shoving his jeans toward the floor. Mac knelt to strip them off, and took advantage of the position to nuzzle in, filling his senses with the smell of Tony’s skin. His hands made quick work of the briefs underneath. Then Tony was bare and hard, the hot silk of his dick against Mac’s cheek. Mac turned his face to lick and kiss, running his tongue along the full shaft, tracing the pattern of the veins, drawing little sounds from his lover.

Tony’s fingers plunged into his hair again, tugging hard this time. Mac arched into the pull on his scalp and took Tony’s flared cock-head into his mouth. The slit already tasted wet and salty, and Tony moaned for him. Mac sucked deep and then pulled off.

“Turn around, babe,” Mac told him.

Tony turned, bracing his hands on the table. Mac spread Tony’s legs apart, kissing the inside of his thighs. He circled in with a wet mouth, biting, licking at that hot ass until his tongue touched its goal.

“Oh, God,” Tony moaned. “Oh, yeah, rim me.”

Mac breathed in the musky scent as he licked and stroked. His cock was like iron in his jeans, but he waited, giving Tony his hands and mouth and full attention, until Tony whimpered and shoved back against him. Mac replaced his mouth with a finger, stroking him open. No lube. The bathroom was only twenty feet away, but…

He fumbled for the butter on the table, stabbing his fingers into it. Tony gave a choked laugh. “We’re going to smell like cookies.”

“Cookies are good,” Mac growled, stroking the butter onto Tony then taking a lick. Unsalted. Good thing. He took a deeper lick, stabbing with his tongue. “I eat cookies.”

“Oh, ngh.” The rest of Tony’s comeback was lost in his panting breath. Mac slicked him up, fingers sliding in the creamy butter and plunging deep into Tony. He found Tony’s prostate and rubbed over it, enjoying the sounds the motion dragged from Tony’s mouth. Finally, finally, he yanked down his own zipper and shorts, and let himself free. A handful of butter slathered over his length lubed him up too, and then he pressed against Tony.

“Ready, babe?”

“Oh, yeah,” Tony moaned. “Now, please, hard.”

Mac held Tony’s hips firmly and pushed forward. Tight muscle resisted for a moment then gave way, and he sank into that wonderful, clinging heat. Tony whimpered at the penetration, but he quickly began shoving back, pumping rhythmically.

“Easy, easy, Tony,” Mac panted, trying to hold Tony still. “I’m not going to last if you do that.”

“I don’t care. I don’t care. Do me now.”

Mac stopped resisting and took up the rhythm, sliding deeper and deeper into Tony with each thrust. So good, so good! Heat flooded up and down his thighs, centered in his groin. No other man had ever felt like this. None of them took over his senses, his very breath, until he knew nothing but the heat around him, the skin under him, the sound of his lover’s voice. Mac sucked air in rough gasps and his blood drummed in his ears.

“Close, babe,” Tony moaned. “So close.”

Mac reached one butter-slicked hand around to close on Tony’s erect cock. With each slam of his hips, he drove Tony forward into his fist. Tony whimpered, faster and faster, shaking under him. Then he heard Tony groan, deep and hard, and felt the cum spilling hot and wet between his fingers. Mac stroked him a moment longer, reveling in the way Tony’s body arched and shook as he came. Then Mac let go of Tony’s cock and set both hands firmly on those narrow hips. He shoved himself in hard. Once, twice, and he exploded. At a distance, he heard his own voice chanting, “Oh God, oh God, Tony!” His knees trembled as he spilled himself deep inside his lover’s body. Tony pressed back firmly against him, taking all of him.

When his vision cleared and he could breathe again, they’d collapsed on the table, Tony under him, his sweaty back against Mac’s chest. Mac slid his elbows up to take a little of his weight off Tony. He didn’t think he could move farther yet. He kissed Tony’s shoulder through the damp T-shirt.

“Wow.” Tony sounded breathless. “Keeps getting better.”

“Yeah, me too.” Mac kissed him again and licked the salt sweat off Tony’s neck with the tip of his tongue. Slowly he pulled back and out, watching a slow drip of his cum slide down Tony’s thigh. It was so sweet, being able to come raw and deep, knowing that Tony was walking around with a little bit of Mac inside him all day. Mac straightened and turned Tony around. He pulled him into a tight hug, their bodies pressed together, slippery and sticky and wet. Mac kissed Tony under his ear. I love you. He wanted to say it, but his voice had gone missing. He kissed his man again slowly instead, mouth to mouth, warm and sweet.

Eventually, Tony looked over at the table. “That’s one stick of butter that’s not going back in the refrigerator.”

“Worth it,” Mac told him.

“You’re not the one who does the grocery shopping,” Tony teased, but when Mac opened his mouth to apologize, Tony stopped him with a kiss. “More than worth it,” he whispered.

“We need a shower.” Mac reached down to pull up his pants and was stopped by Tony’s hand on his arm.

“Anything you touch is going to have permanent grease stains,” Tony pointed out. “And as the one who also does most of the laundry lately, I don’t like that idea. Hobble over to the sink and wash up while I start the shower.”

Mac shuffled over to the kitchen sink with his pants down around his ankles and soaped up in the warm water. From the bathroom, he caught the sound of the shower starting and the hint of Tony singing cheerfully over the water. He smiled, drying his hands on the towel.

A long, slow, hot shower with Tony would be perfect. Knowing Tony, they might even get around to playtime in the water. He was full and content right now, soft and sated with loving. But Tony had a magic touch. He kind of thought that, in ten or fifteen minutes, there might be a reason to bring the regular lube along, for comparison. Mac pulled up his pants but didn’t bother to fasten them as he headed for the bathroom. Pants were definitely optional when Tony was around.



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