Home > Phoenix Rising : Issue #1(10)

Phoenix Rising : Issue #1(10)
Author: S. R. Watson

“Sure, you do,” she replies in doubt.

“Joan and Sherlock are consultants for the NYPD. She used to be his sober companion, but now she helps him solve all these cool murders.” She gives me that same puzzled look she did outside. I need to rein in my sharing.

“So I guess you do watch the show, but it isn’t one of your recordings on the DVR,” she says, still scrolling.


“Yeah, the guys would probably laugh me out of the house, so it’s a secret,” I lie. I do watch the show, but I don’t record it here. “Besides, if I happen to miss an episode, I can catch it on Hulu. That saves space on the DVR for someone else to record something.”

“True,” she answers as she ponders that explanation. “Well, did you see the last episode because I’m about to watch the latest one?”

“Sure did. Go for it.” She starts the show, and I enjoy trying to guess who the murderer is before she does. It is always the most unlikely suspect. I can’t help but sneak glances at her. She is beautiful, even with the shit she has caked on her face. Her laughter is infectious. The guys walk in near the ending of the show, and Asher gives me a look. No words need to be spoken. He is silently warning me off his sister.

When the credits begin to roll, I excuse myself to go work on the lyrics for “Come Undone,” and Asher follows me. I somehow knew he would. “You’re not trying to push up on Harlow, are you?” Yup. Straight to the point.

“No, man. Just trying to make her feel welcome. You guys are the ones who left her sitting by herself while you went canoeing.” Reverse tactic—a skill unmatched.

“She didn’t want to go. Look, you’re right. Just checking. She’s not like most women. I have to look out for her.”


“Of course. And I can tell she’s different.” I pat him on the shoulder and slide the headphones on to signal the end of our conversation. The truth is, I’m not so sure. I can’t say for certain he has nothing to worry about. She is a gazelle right in the midst of a lion’s den, so I’m not sure he can protect her from the inevitable. Women are plentiful, yet they don’t hold a candle to this one. Harlow has an aura of light that attracts even the worst of demons. I feel the pull, and I know that this is all temporary. I have shit I need to be focusing on, like these lyrics. I turn the track up to “Come Undone” and get lost in the transitions. In no time at all, it all flows seamlessly. I finish the song in about an hour. Before it’s even shared, I know this one will be special.



Asher informs us later that Harlow’s friend and her friend’s cousin are coming into town in the morning and want them to stay here. The guys are a little too quick to agree. This has been a woman-free zone for a reason. I think the idea is asking for trouble, but I’m not going to be the one to reject the idea. Not me of all people. Harlow already took the biggest room, so I’m not sharing the room I’m sleeping in. Asher agrees to share with Killian and open his room to this Sasha chick while Irelyn shares with Harlow. Let’s see how this fiasco plays out.





I was the first one up and ready to go this morning. Asher is taking me to pick up Irelyn in a few minutes, and I can hardly wait. You’d swear we haven’t seen each other in a few years rather than a few days. I’ve eaten breakfast, made breakfast for the house, including Phoenix’s egg white omelet, and now I’m pacing. Asher calls me from downstairs, and I’m already halfway to him before he can tell me he made his room ready for Sasha. My gut turns with the mention of her name, but she will not ruin the visit. I’m curious to see what the guys think of her snooty ass. Surely, Phoenix wouldn’t be interested. He is a bit of a diva himself. He’s used to receiving attention and being chased, not the other way around, so no worries there. What the hell am I saying? I’m not worried either way.

“So you’re pretty excited about seeing your friend, Irelyn, huh? Didn’t you see her like a few days ago before you left?” I know Asher is teasing me.

“That is ages in girl time, smarty. Seriously though, she needed to come down to register for classes that start in a couple of weeks. She could have done it online, but she wanted to take this time to tour the campus with me.”

“Is she a journalism major, too?” I’m not sure if he’s truly interested or just making conversation.


“Yes, but her focus is different from mine. She wants to report the news—boring,” I joke.

“What about Sasha?”

“Oh, no. She attends UCLA and is an English major. Irelyn and I both know she really just wants to meet some jock and get married so she can be taken care of. She is only attending college for her mother’s sake and to find a suitor that fits the bill.” Asher laughs at my description of Sasha, but it’s the truth. She is a snooty gold digger. I fill him in on how Irelyn and I met when I first started at the community college, and how she refuses to let me be an introvert. We have been like two peas in a pod ever since.

“I like her already then,” Asher says. “I think you need to get out even more, so I’m glad she’s decided to come down. You guys should do something tonight. The guys and I are planning to grill this afternoon for your guests, but maybe you can find something to get into later. I’m not sure there will be much to do on a Tuesday, but you can see.”

“Maybe. I’ll check with the girls and find out what they want to do.” He knows I’m not much of a partier. Other than Irelyn, I prefer my own company. She knows this too, so she doesn’t push. I have my suspicions that she would go out more; if I did, so I hope when we start at the university, she doesn’t let me hold her back.


When the girls get to the car, I hug Irelyn and halfheartedly do the same to Sasha. The half top has her girls runneth over, and her jeans look painted on, they’re so tight. Stilettos complete her look. Yup…same old Sasha. She always dresses to impress or, shall I say, to snag a man. Irelyn, on the other hand, is outfitted in a simple sundress and sandals. I introduce them to Asher, and I notice his gaze lasts a little longer on Sasha. I can’t deny that she is gorgeous. She has thick curly brunette hair and green eyes. Her olive skin tone is flawless, courtesy of her Mediterranean roots. As I said, she is beautiful, but her attitude is shitty. I haven’t seen her in months, so maybe she has matured some.

Irelyn and I gossip and talk about our favorite television shows the whole way back to the lake house as though Asher isn’t in the truck. When we finally park, I’m guessing he is ready to be back with the guys. He announces our arrival when we walk into the house and heads back out to grab Sasha’s and Irelyn’s luggage. The reactions are all the same. The guys are welcoming, but they zero in on Sasha like fresh meat. Phoenix is the last to join us in the living room. He gives the girls a simple chin tilt and mumbles hello, before taking a seat on the sofa and turning on the TV.


“I’ll start the grill,” Killian announces. “Asher and I have already purchased some meat this morning if someone wants to season it.”

“I’ll do it,” Ren volunteers.

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