Home > Tease Me Once

Tease Me Once
Author: W. Winters

Tease Me Once



Shame on You Series Book 1



W Winters





Also by W. Winters


Tease Me Once





1. Declan


2. Braelynn


3. Declan


4. Braelynn


5. Declan


6. Braelynn


7. Declan


8. Braelynn


9. Declan


10. Braelynn


11. Declan


12. Braelynn


13. Declan


14. Braelynn


15. Declan


16. Braelynn


17. Declan


18. Braelynn


19. Declan


20. Braelynn


21. Declan


22. Braelynn



Also by W. Winters


About Willow Winters



Copyright © 2021 by Willow Winters

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


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Cover Design by Lori Jackson Design



Also by W. Winters



Read Willow’s sexiest and most talked about romances in the Merciless World



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This Love Hurts Trilogy

This Love Hurts

But I Need You

And I Love You the Most



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An epic tale of both betrayal and all-consuming love...

Marcus, the villain.

Cody Walsh, the FBI agent who knows too much.

And Delilah, the lawyer caught in between.



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What I Would do for You (This Love Hurts Trilogy Collection)



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A Kiss to Tell (a standalone novel)

They lived on the same street and went to the same school, although he was a year ahead. Even so close, he was untouchable.

Sebastian was bad news and Chloe was the sad girl who didn’t belong.

Then one night changed everything.



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Possessive (a standalone novel)

It was never love with Daniel Cross and she never thought it would be. It was only lust from a distance. Unrequited love maybe.

He’s a man Addison could never have, for so many reasons.



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Merciless Saga







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Ruthless, crime family leader Carter Cross should’ve known Aria would ruin him the moment he saw her. Given to Carter to start a war; he was too eager to accept. But what he didn’t know was what Aria would do to him. He didn’t know that she would change everything.



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All He’ll Ever Be (Merciless Series Collection of all 4 novels)



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Irresistible Attraction Trilogy

A Single Glance

A Single Kiss

A Single Touch



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Bethany is looking for answers and to find them she needs one of the brothers of an infamous crime family, Jase Cross.

Even a sizzling love affair won’t stop her from getting what she needs.

But Bethany soon comes to realise Jase will be her downfall, and she’s determined to be his just the same.



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Irresistible Attraction (A Single Glance Trilogy Collection)



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Hard to Love Series

Hard to Love

Desperate to Touch

Tempted to Kiss

Easy to Fall



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Eight years ago she ran from him.

Laura should have known he'd come for her. Men like Seth King always get what they want.

Laura knows what Seth wants from her, and she knows it comes with a steep price.

However it’s a risk both of them will take.



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Not My Heart to Break (Hard to Love Series Collection)



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Tease Me Once

I’ll Kiss You Twice

Tease me once... I'll kiss you twice.

Declan Cross' story from the Merciless World.



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Spin off of the Merciless World



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Love the Way Duet

Kiss Me

Hold Me

Love Me



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With everything I've been through, and the unfortunate way we met, the last thing I thought I'd be focused on is the fact that I love the way you kiss me.



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Extended epilogues to the Merciless World Novels

A Kiss To Keep (more of Sebastian and Chloe)

Seductive (more of Daniel and Addison)

Effortless (more of Carter and Aria)

Never to End (more of Seth and Laura)



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Sexy, thrilling with a touch of dark Standalone Novels



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Broken (Standalone)

Kade is ruthless and cold hearted in the criminal world.

They gave Olivia to him. To break. To do as he’d like.

All because she was in the wrong place at the wrong time. But there are secrets that change everything. And once he has her, he’s never letting her go.



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Forget Me Not (Standalone novel)

She loved a boy a long time ago. He helped her escape and she left him behind. Regret followed her every day after.

Jay, the boy she used to know, came back, a man. With a grip strong enough to keep her close and a look in his eyes that warned her to never dare leave him again.

It’s dark and twisted.

But that doesn’t make it any less of what it is.

A love story. Our love story.



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It’s Our Secret (Standalone novel)

It was only a little lie. That’s how stories like these get started.

But with every lie Allison tells, Dean sees through it.

She didn't know what would happen. But with all the secrets and lies, she never thought she’d fall for him.



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