Home > Wet (Diamondback MC Book 4)(5)

Wet (Diamondback MC Book 4)(5)
Author: Tory Baker

“Well, that’s stated. Anyone object?” Shovel asks. None of the brothers say a word, and I hold no grudge because of it. “Alright, it happens now. It’s a clean slate afterwards. Tomorrow is a new fuckin’ day.”

I stand up, moving away from the table, preparing for what’s to come. Shovel doesn’t disappoint, punching me in the gut. Razor manages to hit me in the same place. I don’t double over in pain though; that would only be for pussies. I square my shoulders, prepared for Dice as he hits me in the lower back right in the kidney. Bullet is no better, and I’ll be pissing blood tomorrow, there’s no doubt about it. Rage grabs a bat from the corner, getting me in the gut. It’s Crank who has me staggering back. The fucker loves to play dirty, which is why he kicked the back of my knee in.

“Fuckin’ hate having to do this, man, especially knowing you finally got a woman who is settling your ass down,” Ruger says as he walks towards me. He does me a not so solid favor. Swear he, Shovel, and Razor are a force to be reckoned with, and who knows what else is left. Ruger hits me in the stomach. I flex my muscles there, preparing myself, but still the wind gets knocked out. Standing is hard as fuck, but I do it knowing Doc has his turn next. My face so far has been unscathed, but by the way Monroe’s dad is looking at me, it won’t be for long.

“I respect the hell out of you for telling me like it is man to man, and even though you’re about to be hurt and my daughter will talk my ear off for a year about it, probably be pissed as shit too. I’d rather she be with a man like you than some other pencil dick sick fuck at the hospital.” His fist meets my jaw, then my chin, and the final blow is to my nose. That last one has me sinking to my knees. It’s my brothers who lift me up afterwards, helping me to my room, until I fall flat on my back, groaning in pain.

“Thanks, Doc,” I grunt when he puts two pain pills in my hand and a bottle of water in the other. The fire burning through my whole body hurts like a motherfucker, but those two pills will have me seeing nothing but darkness soon enough.

“We’re even. I’m not telling Monroe tonight. She’ll find out tomorrow morning, and I imagine we’ll both have some hell to pay, so sleep while you can. I’m not sure if you’ve been in an argument with her yet, but damn, that girl. If she weren’t a nurse, I’d have pegged her for a lawyer.” I toss the pills back. He shuts the door behind him, and I fall asleep with a smile on my face. It’s all fuckin’ worth it when my woman is the prize at the end.









“Hello,” I say into the phone when I see it’s Sadie calling.

“You could have told me about you and Cannon. I thought we were friends.” She doesn’t even say hi.

“That’s because I know how the club works. You tell an Ol’ Lady, her Ol’ Man knows, and then nothing is kept away from the president or the brothers. How do you know anyway?” I’ve just poured a cup of coffee, sleeping the night away without having to worry about a shift.

“Ruger told me, and if I suspect what I think I do, you might want to get to the club soon. Cannon’s going to need you to be his nurse.” Sadie’s voice sounds ominous.

“Please don’t tell me what I think happened last night did, and nobody freaking told me.” I set the carafe of coffee back in the machine with more force than necessary.

“Afraid so. Ruger’s on his way over to check on him. It’s the first chance I’ve had without him breathing down my neck to call you.”

“I’m sorry for not confiding in you.” I’m remorseful about that, there’s no two ways about it.

“Oh, doll, I get it. I mean, sure, I’m still new to this whole MC world, but I promise I wouldn’t have said anything. It’s a girls’ world. These men are just lucky to live in it.” And this is the reason why Sadie and I are friends. She completely gets it.

“Yeah, but still. I imagine that’s the reason my dad never came home last night. He never could look me in the eye and lie. It was easier for him to stay there than deal with the wrath named Monroe,” I snort.

“Oh, fuck. See, I didn’t even think of that. I’m such a newb still.” She blows out a puff of air.

“It’s okay. I love the club, but some of their traditions are plain dumb. I’m going to be kicking ass and taking names in about fifteen minutes. If you’re looking for a show, you may want to head to the clubhouse.” I’m already marching my way to the bathroom that’s attached to my bedroom, needing to brush my teeth, throw on some clothes, including my Doc Marten combat boots. I think I’ll even wear the red ones. I reserve those for special occasions. Today seems like one of those times.

“Shit, I always miss out on the good stuff. I promised Henley we’d go swimming today. Ruger is even going with us. But don’t worry, I’ll chew his ass out and have him sleeping on the couch for having a turn at Cannon.” I love her ride or die mentality.

“I hope you girls have a great time, not so much Ruger. Don’t worry about kicking him to the couch. You’ll only be denying yourself.” I’m proud of myself for not gagging at that thought.

“Shit, you’re right. Well, you can get him back another day. I kind of need him today. Henley is a wild thing when it comes to the river. Keep me posted on what happens, and if you need a drink tonight, you know where to find me.”

“Thanks, girl. Give Henley a hug from me. Love you,” I tell her.

“Always. Love you!” Her voice is the epitome of happiness, and she deserves it. I hang up my phone and slide into a white shirt, frayed denim shorts that were once upon a time jeans, and lace-up my boots. It’s time I go knock some skulls together in the form of a verbal lashing.









“We got company,” Ruger states, but then I see him slither out the side door. Cocksucker that he is, running away because he knows Monroe will light into him too if given a chance. The other brothers are around the main room, playin’ pool, watching television, but now their eyes are on Monroe. I’m sitting on a barstool, feeling much better than I did last night and drinking a beer. It might be ten o’clock in the morning, but fuck, after last night, it’s well worth it.

“Oh, my.” I watch when her eyes land on me, tears welling up around those beautiful eyes that show the very depth of her soul. I’d get up to meet her, but my body is protesting the thought alone. I nod my head. She darts around all the men, not giving them so much as a hello until she’s right in front of me.

“I’m okay, Monroe. Breathe for me, trouble.” Her hands are hesitant.

“But I don’t know where to touch you.” I help her along the way, until our hands are entwined and I’m pullin’ her closer.

“You can touch me anywhere, including giving me a kiss.” I smile through the pain.

“If you think I’m kissing you, you’re out of your mind. I told you I’d do this with you, not to mention there isn’t a single man in this club I’m happy with right now. They’re lucky I’m not laying into them next.” Her fierce protective side is shining through.

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