Home > Crave Thy Neighbor (Roommate Romps #3)(9)

Crave Thy Neighbor (Roommate Romps #3)(9)
Author: Teagan Hunter

I don’t say anything.

I’m not sure what Dean’s version of win-win is, but mine doesn’t include moving my son and myself in with a guy I just met.

“Plus, you’ll be living in my building. Which, if you ask me, is the biggest advantage of all this,” River adds with a megawatt grin.

I narrow my eyes at her, frustrated as hell.

To her credit, she doesn’t shrink away.

“While I appreciate both of you trying to find me a place to stay, I don’t think Nolan appreciates you offering up his apartment to a stranger.”

Nolan clears his throat and shifts beside me again, appearing as uncomfortable with the idea as I am.

I wonder if it’s for the same reasons as me.

“Actually, it’s not a bad idea.”

My jaw drops.

I didn’t hear him right.

There is no way I heard him right.


He shrugs. “Dean’s right. I do need a roommate to help cover the rent. I have savings I’ve been digging into until I could find someone, and, well, savings ain’t savings if I’m spending it, right?”

“You’re serious?”

He tips his head. “Why are you surprised by that?”

“Because we don’t know each other.”

His brow rises just the slightest bit. “I highly doubt you’re going to murder me in my sleep.”

“What if you murder me in my sleep?”

“Nah.” He shakes his head. “Don’t want the hassle.”

“Not you don’t want to murder me, just you don’t want the hassle?”

River raises her hand. “I, too, have a problem with that statement, Nolan.”

He chuckles, then points to Dean. “I’ve been best friends with this idiot for the last two-plus decades. If I haven’t murdered him yet, you’re safe.”

“I can’t even be upset by that statement.” Dean lifts his beer to his lips, taking a swig. “So, we’re all set? Maya can move in?”

Nolan nods. “If she wants it, she can have the room.”

“I have a son.”

“Yeah, I heard. I also heard he got some pretty sweet tickets to a hockey game from his dad who is shitty at sex.”

River snickers, and Dean almost spits his beer out.

I ignore them, narrowing my eyes at Nolan.

“Where would he sleep?”

“I imagine the other bedroom I have.”

My brows crush together. “You have a three-bedroom apartment?”

Another nod. “I do.”


“You’re asking a lot of questions…”

“Just trying to get to know my potential roommate.” I give him a saccharine smile.

His lips quirk upward. “Because it was the only thing available when the owner of my previous place died. Dean put in a good word with his building manager, and she got me into the first available unit.”

“What the hell, Dean?” I glare at him. “Why didn’t you put in a good word for me with Lucy?”

“Because you weren’t homeless then!”

“If it makes you feel any better, I would have put in a good word for you. I’d much rather have you living there than Nolan.” River smiles at him, lifting her glass to her lips. “No offense, Nolan.”

“That is highly offensive,” he argues.

She shrugs, swallowing a drink of her bourbon.

“I also take offense to that,” Dean tells her. “You’re implying your best friend is somehow better than my best friend.”

They continue to argue, moving their attention to fighting over whose best friend deserves the apartment more like we aren’t sitting here and hearing every word.

I mean, I’m not listening. I’m too busy freaking out.

I can’t believe this is happening.

A few hours ago I thought I’d end up having to go to my ex-husband for help, and now here’s a random, sexy-as-sin stranger offering to fix all my problems.

Okay, fine.

He’s not random.

He’s Dean’s best friend.

But I don’t know him. Sam doesn’t really know him either.

It’s only temporary…

Neither River nor Dean would get me into a sticky situation. They wouldn’t have brought it up if they didn’t both trust Nolan one hundred percent.

In all honesty, he doesn’t give me any creeper vibes.

Well, at least as far as I can tell since I’ve only known him less than two hours.

What the hell am I thinking? I can’t live with a stranger! Am I this desperate?

I hate that the answer is yes.

I am that desperate.

I need a place to stay, and right now, with four rejections already, it’s looking like I’m not going to be getting into any of the six places I’ve applied for.

But I’m still not sure…

There’s a tap against my leg, and I glance up at Nolan.

“I meant what I said.”

“Nolan…” I roll my tongue across my suddenly dry lips. He’s looking at me like he’s never been more serious about anything else before.

“Thought it was Romeo,” he says in a hushed whisper, so soft I can hardly hear him.

“You know Romeo dies in the end, right?”

“Is that a threat?”

“Nah. Don’t want the hassle.”

He fights a grin, appreciating my callback. “There’s no pressure to say yes, but the offer stands until I can find someone else.”

I give him a simple nod.

For one of the first times in my life, I’m speechless…because I’m thinking of saying yes.









Scotch has never betrayed me in my life, but I think it’s what’s to blame for my actions a few nights ago. It had to have lowered my sense of awareness of the words that came out of my mouth.

I told a woman she could move in with me.

A woman I don’t really know.

A woman who has a kid.

I admit, some of it was because I felt guilty about being part of the reason she’s about to be without a place to live.

Also, I felt bad for her.

I might be closed off in many ways, but it doesn’t mean I don’t have a heart somewhere in my icy chest. Since I was raised by one, the block of frigidness is a lot less thick when it comes to single parents.

I couldn’t sit there knowing I have two perfectly good rooms that aren’t being used while River’s best friend is suffering.

Well, one of them is being used to house my book collection.

But I can clean it up and the kid can use it in the meantime.


Fuck. I never in my wildest dreams thought I’d have a kid living with me.

They aren’t really my forte.

They’re too loud. Too messy. Full of too much attitude half the time. How Dean deals with the little shits all day long is beyond me.

Shit. Maybe Maya should take the library instead of her son…

But I guess I shouldn’t worry about it until Maya accepts my offer.

When we parted ways Friday night, we exchanged numbers just in case. It’s now Monday, and I haven’t heard anything from her.

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