Home > Say When(6)

Say When(6)
Author: Micalea Smeltzer

Tracing my finger over a whorl in the wood top I try to be present and not grab for my phone like I so desperately want to.

Stop hiding, Emilia.

The barstool beside me is pulled back by a large hand, the legs scraping against the polished floor.

The man sits down, his eyes scanning me all the way from my toes to the tippy top of my head and back again. A shiver goes down my spine and not the good kind. I instantly feel uncomfortable and I don’t know whether it’s my intuition or the entire situation that has me on edge, but I pray he’s normal and I can enjoy my meal in peace.

He signals for the bartender and orders some fancy sounding beer. A wedding ring glints on his left finger and I blow out a relieved breath. He’s married. Harmless.

The bartender returns with his drink, setting it in front of him and shoots me a smile. “Your pizza is almost ready.”

“Thanks,” I mumble, making myself as small as I can because I’d swear the man beside me is edging closer. He has his legs spread way more than necessary and if I was more brazen I’d shove his leg back with mine.

He asks the man if he wants to order any food and the man merely shakes his head in response.

As soon as the bartender walks away, I see the stranger beside me angle his head in my direction. If I turn to my right I’m met with a wall, which means I can’t easily ignore him.

Married, I remind myself. He’s married, he’ll be fine.

“You look nervous.”

I whip my head in his direction. “Nervous?” I repeat.

He laughs, a cocky smile overtaking his face. “You don’t need to be nervous.” His eyes do that lazy rake over me again that makes me feel dirty despite how thoroughly I scrubbed my body tonight.

I ignore him, finally caving into the desire to look at my phone. Unfortunately, there’s no missed call or even a text I can respond to.

“I haven’t seen you hanging out here before,” he continues despite my obvious desire not to talk to him.

“Just moved,” I mumble.

“Huh?” He leans in closer, snapping a piece of gum.

“I just moved here,” I repeat a little louder this time.

“Hmm.” He takes a sip of beer, gum still in his mouth. I’m not beer connoisseur, if that’s even a thing, but I don’t understand how minty gum flavored beer can taste good. “From where?”

I bite my lip, feeling more uncomfortable. “A few hours from here,” I hedge.

He cocks his head in my direction. “A little jumpy, aren’t you? It was just a question.” Am I overreacting? It is just a question? His body language and tone are giving me weird vibes that I don’t feel comfortable with. “I’ve lived here for a few years now. I could give you a tour around the city tonight.”

It doesn’t come out like a question, more like a suggestion, and I feel even more uneasy. “Uh, that’s thoughtful but it’s not that difficult to get around. I have a navigation system.”

“With a navigation system you have to put in where you want to go. If you’re new to a place you don’t know the best local spots.”

“I can Google them.” The words come out short and clipped between my clenched teeth. I didn’t even realize it, but my hands have folded into fists, my nails digging into my palms.

He opens his mouth with another retort when suddenly there’s a wall wedging between us.

No, not a wall, but another man.

The scent of woods and something vaguely eucalyptus fills my lungs.

The wall lowers in front of me, green eyes giving me a pleading look.

Trust me they seem to say and for some reason in that second of time I do. He presses a chaste kiss to my cheek, closer to my ear than lips.

“Babe, there you are, I thought you went to the bathroom. Our table is ready.”

“O-Oh. Okay.”

He turns to the creep beside me and thrusts out his hand. “Thanks for looking after my girl.”

With those parting words he gently jerks his head, indicating I should get up.

Grabbing my drink and bag, I do, and the stranger puts his hand on my upper back. I appreciate him not trying to take advantage of the situation and become another creep by resting his hand lower.

“I ordered a pizza,” I whisper to the man as he leads me away, winding me toward a table for two in a secluded corner. “I need to pay for that. And my drink. And tip the bartender.”

“Don’t worry about it.” His voice is a low deep rumble. “I’ll take care of it.” He pulls out the chair for me, but I stand there blinking at him. He nods at the seat. “Sit.”

I do as I’m told for some strange reason, his voice commanding me.

He sits down across from me, unbuttoning the top of his shirt, his neck red with what I think is irritation.

“I’m sorry you had to deal with that,” he grumbles, a muscle in his jaw pulsing. “Men like that give us all a bad name.”

“It’s okay,” I reply automatically even though it’s not.

“It’s not,” he echoes my thoughts. “I went to the bathroom and I saw your face on my way back and you looked…”

“Scared?” I finish for him.

“Yeah,” he sighs, rubbing his hand over his face. “I had to do something and that’s what popped in my head.”

“Thank you,” I blurt, realizing I haven’t thanked him for saving me. “Thank you for that, but I-I should be going. I’m sure you’re waiting for someone.” I push the chair back to stand.

“I’m alone,” he says, and I pause my movements. “You’re welcome to stay here and eat in peace.”

“A-Are you sure?” For the love all that is holy Emilia if you don’t stop stuttering like an incompetent fool…

“It’s fine. I won’t even talk if you don’t want me to.”

I crack a smile at that. “Thank you again for saving me.”

He grunts, rubbing his lips together. “You shouldn’t have to thank me for being a decent human being.” He signals a passing waiter. “Would you mind bringing the pizza she ordered at the bar to our table?”

“I’ll go check on that,” he says, heading off in the direction he was going before.

“I’m really sorry about this.” My flight or fight senses start kicking in again.

“Don’t apologize for some dumb ass guy who either can’t tell or doesn’t care when someone’s uncomfortable and doesn’t want to talk to them.”

I open my mouth but promptly close it when I realize another apology was trying to slip through.

“I don’t normally do this kind of thing,” I admit.

He arches a dark brow. “Sit with a stranger? I figured as much.”

I press my lips together, stifling the urge to laugh. “No, go out on my own. I wanted to test my boundaries, I guess.” And look how that turned out.

He exhales heavily. “I hope you won’t let that man stop you in the future. Not all guys are like that.”

He eases back in his chair, looking around. It affords me a moment to study my savior. He’s tall and broad, and even though he’s wearing a dress shirt it’s clear he spends a decent amount of time in the gym. His angular jaw is dotted with five o’clock shadow. His hair, brown with hints of blond, is brushed back from his forehead giving him an almost dapper look. I have the sudden and ridiculous desire to run my fingers through it and muse the strands. My stomach flutters with the realization that he’s one of the sexiest men I’ve ever laid eyes on. But it’s obvious from his poise to the laugh lines around his eyes and mouth to the way he carries himself that he’s a good bit older than me.

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