Home > Keeping The Biker (Royal Bastards MC : Charleston, WV Book 4)(17)

Keeping The Biker (Royal Bastards MC : Charleston, WV Book 4)(17)
Author: Glenna Maynard

Taken By The Biker



Special Appearances


Hardy, AKA X courtesy of CM Genovese Anchorage Alaska chapter

Crucifix and Focus courtesy of BB Blaque NYC Rotten Apple chapter

Danyella Capones Ol' Lady courtesy of J. Lynn Lombard Los Angeles, CA chapter

Elrik Jameson and Sadie courtesy of Crimson Syn New Orleans, LA chapter

King and Ayesha courtesy of Elle Boon Santa Clarita chapter

Angel and Korrie courtesy of Kristine Allen Ankeny, IA chapter

Chrome and Cam courtesy of Shannon Youngblood Detroit, MI chapter

Rael courtesy of Nikki Landis Tonopah, NV chapter

Void and Toxin courtesy of KE Osborn Tampa, FL chapter

Royal Bastards MC Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/royalbastardsmc/

Links can be found in our Website: www.royalbastardsmc.com





Of course, this book wouldn’t be possible without my Royal Bastards MC family. It continues to blow my mind how well this series has taken off. I have loved working with all of you. Special thanks to Kristen and Crimson for all you two do to keep things running smoothly.

Sweet Ass Tina, you have grown to be such a great friend, I am so blessed to have you in my corner. Thank you for always being there and reading anything I send your way. You keep me motivated and on track.

Fabiola, your support is much appreciated lady.

Andi, my boo. I always look forward to our chats and your positivity. I am so excited about a certain project. We are getting closer!

Alice, you are a fantastic sprinting partner who always keeps me in line. PS, I love your TikToks.

To my friends who always check in on me, I adore you.

Jessica and Jennifer, your love of Alexa and Murder is one of the reasons I decided to continue their story. Thank you both. I hope you are happy you got your twins.

My rebels and devils of course, none of this would be possible without your continued support. You are the best readers an author could ask for.

My lovely family, you are always there for me. Thank you.



About Glenna


Glenna Maynard is a USA Today & Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author most known for her gritty Black Rebel Riders' MC saga.

She has a passion for writing antiheroes but occasionally takes a walk on the sweeter side. Bikers, Rockstars, the boy next door, Glenna writes them all.

When she isn't arguing with the voices in her head or drinking reader tears, she enjoys watching classic TV shows with her two children and longtime leading man. Her favorite books to read change with her mood, but she always enjoys a good historical romance.

Visit https://www.glennamaynard.com for more information.



Available Now


Black Rebel Riders’ MC

Grim The Beginning





Heart of A Rebel

A Rebel Love

A Rebel In The Roses

Blood of A Rebel

The Devil’s Rebel

Devils Rejects MC

Hades’ Flame

Boogeyman’s Dream

Reaper’s Till Death

Cupid’s Arrow

Uno’s Truth

Cocky’s Fight

Black Rebel Devils MC

Moonshine & Mistletoe

Guns & Roses

Sex & Cigarettes

BRRMC Roadhouse Tales

Devil Dick

Pecker Wrecker

Cock Blocker

Sassy Pants

Sons Of Destruction

Dark Paradise: The Apocalypse

The Cruel Love Series

Cruel Love Book 1

Cruel Love Book 2

Royal Bastards MC

The Biker’s Kiss

Lady & The Biker

Tempting The Biker

Keeping The Biker

The Biker’s Lucky Charm

Taken By The Biker

Stand Alone Titles

Fabricated Christmas

Beauty & The Biker

Snow White & The Biker

Born Sinner

Lil’ Red & The Big Bad Biker

Making Her Mine

Dirty Love

Dirty Truth

Don’t Let Me Go

Jameson’s Addiction

My Best Friend’s Girl

Calder & Maggie

Falling For The Bad Boy


Cowritten with Dawn Martens

You Wreck Me (Prospects)

You Break Me (Prospects)

You Kill Me (Prospects)

You Belong To Me (Prospects)

Sacking The Player



  Did you love Keeping The Biker? Then you should read You Wreck Me by Glenna Maynard and Dawn Martens!



  He's an outlaw biker not prince charming...

Wrecker The run was supposed to be a simple one. Pick up the girl and take her to the hideout until it was safe to return her home. There was one problem, she was my ex, the daughter of my club president. She hated me for what I did to her, but I still loved her and I intended on making her mine again. No matter what it costs me.

Harlee I had no choice but to call my father, Demon, president of the Blue Devils MC, when I realized someone was following me. I had walked away from him and his outlaw lifestyle five years ago along with the man who had wrecked my heart. When I looked up to see my protector on his motorcycle I wasn't expecting it to be Wrecker. He was the last man I ever wanted to lay eyes on again. I had warned him if I ever saw him again I would shoot off his d*ck and I meant it. This book is not intended for safe readers. It basically contains anything that will make you want to throw your e-reader so read it at your own risk.




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